Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches similar to: "before-after control-impact analysis with R"
2016 Apr 26
From NUM to INT
Ok. I`m trying to run a Poisson glmm with an observation-level random
intercept. But I`m getting the following error for the 'Baci' variable:
'Error: (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in
pwrssUpdate'. I guess this message is because the baci variable is not a
an integer, and cannot be transformed into an integer as R has a threshold
2x10^9 even in
2016 Apr 26
From NUM to INT
Dear all:
I converted the columns (Baci, Meti, Fungii, Protozoai) into integers
(using excel) and then imported the data (.txt) into R. Interestingly, the
other three variables were loaded as INT, but the 'Baci' one continued as
I imported the data using the following command line:
X <- read.delim(file.choose(),
header = TRUE,
dec =
2016 Apr 26
From NUM to INT
-- Bert
On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Andr? Luis Neves <andrluis at ualberta.ca> wrote:
> Ok. I`m trying to run a Poisson glmm with an observation-level random
> intercept. But I`m getting the following error for the 'Baci' variable:
> 'Error: (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in
> pwrssUpdate'. I guess this message
2016 Apr 26
From NUM to INT
Can you explain why you need them as 'integer', A floating point
representation can hold a value upto ~4.5e15 as an "integer" keeping the
precision that you might need.
Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru
What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
Tell me what you want to do, not how you want to do it.
On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Andr? Luis Neves <andrluis at
2012 Jun 13
Tukey Kramer with ANOVA (glm)
I am performing a BACI analysis with ANOVA using the following glm:
fit1<-glm(log(Cucs_m+1)~(BA*Otter)+BA+Otter+ID+Primary, data=b1)
The summary(aov(fit1)) shows significance in the interaction; however, now I
would like to determine what combinations of BA and Otter are significantly
different (each factor has two levels). ID and PRIMARY substrates are
categorical and included in
2017 May 03
Cálculo de splines racionales no uniformes o NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline)
Hola a todos,
Llevo unos días buscando en Internet alguna librería de R que me permita el cálculo de NURBS a partir de ficheros de texto con coordenadas X Y Z de puntos. No he encontrado nada que me convenza y finalmente, hoy, he empezado a trabajar este asunto en MATLAB (la última vez que había usado este programa fue en 1999).
¿Alguno de vosotros ha trabajado en R? ¿Podríais hacerme alguna
2011 Feb 14
MCMC glmm
Hi to all the people,
I'm working with abundance data of some species, but containing too zero
values, and the factors are the ones typical in a BACI experiment
(Before-and-After-Control-Impact). Thus, these are two fixed factors. As the
data does not holds the normality and homogeneity of variances assumptions
of clasiccal ANOVA, I'm trying to fit a zero-altered model using the MCMC
2005 Mar 10
Help with lme Random Factor
I need help creating a code for a multiple BACI design (Before-After
Control-Impact) ANOVA. I'm new to R and basically need to run a complex
mixed model ANOVA that treats location as a random factor.
Data are from a fire experiment, run 2001-2004 (2 years pre, 2 years
post). Response is bird abundance. 4 Treatments had 3 replicates each
(forest stands): 1. Control, 2. Prescribed fire
2008 Aug 17
before-after control-impact analysis with R
Hello everybody,
In am trying to analyse a BACI experiment and I really want to do it
with R (which I find really exciting). So, before moving on I though it
would be a good idea to repeat some known experiments which are quite
similar to my own. I tried to reproduce 2 published examples but without
much success. The first one in particular is a published dataset
analysed with SAS by
2016 Apr 26
From NUM to INT
Please respond to the list. It will be obvious why in a second.
That's not my threshhold! -- it's R's. Your numeric integers cannot be
exactly represented as integers in R. Period. Maybe there are special
packages for extended arithmetic that can do this. but someone else
would have to help you there. See here for a discussion that might be
2005 Mar 01
[www.tuttinudi.it] Linsey
Amo le curve femminili, senza avere una particolare predilezione per questo o quel tipo di curva. Per intenderci, il seno mi piace sia che sia piccolo, sia che sia grande. La sensazione al tatto poi ? sempre diversa e foriera di una straordinaria variet? di emozioni. Di quelli piccoli ? bello disegnare il profilo con un dito (solitamente s'inturgidisce subito... mhhh) di quelli grandi mi piace