similar to: shutdown listener

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "shutdown listener"

2006 Dec 27
Multiple DocRoots
I''m wondering if it''s possible to setup mongrel to have multiple document roots? The use case I''m trying to solve is one where I have a library of shared CSS/JS/Images and would like multiple rails application to use them. I have written a proxy controller and added some routes to serve the static files and it works reasonably well, but is extremely slow, because
2006 Jun 21
mongrel lock ups
Thread #<Thread:0xb7ac9dd4 sleep> is too old, killing. Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch #<Mongrel::StopServer: Timed out thread.> I''m getting lockups I''ve seen this too: Shutdown waited 1 for 9 requests, could take 10 seconds.^MThread #<Thread:0xb7815fa8 sleep> is too old, killing. Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch #<Mongrel::StopServer: Timed out
2006 Nov 16
OSX requires sudo for using ports < 1024
I assume some of you have run into this error before when trying to run mongrel on port 80 (or another port < 1024) in OSX: $ mongrel_rails start -p 80 ** Starting Mongrel listening at /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.14/lib/mongrel/tcphack.rb:12:in `initialize_without_backlog'': Permission denied - bind(2) (Errno::EACCES) from
2006 Sep 06
Error on Windows and FreeBSD
First off Windows, because actually what I appear to be getting is a Rails error which only occurs when I use Mongrel, using Webrick I do not get this error. I start Mongrel using: mongrel_rails start I have mongrel, win32-services and mongrel-service gems installed even through Im not using mongrel as a service at the moment. The whole application works apart from one action. The error I get
2006 Aug 30
Mongrel service never starts
I''m on a Win2K server environnement running ruby 1.8.5 and mongrel I''ve followed the tutorial and everything went fine until I start the service... Here is the output I''m getting : C:\ruby\bin??>mongrel_rails service::start -N inventaire One moment, start pending One moment, stopped One moment, stopped One moment, stopped One moment, stopped One moment, stopped
2008 Mar 28
Upgrading from older version - how?
Hi there, We''ve been using previous version of bdrb (drb based one) for a while and it was running relatively OK. We recently attempted to upgrade to the new version to keep up / use supported version but we ended up reverting to the older version. Here are the things that moved us to revert : 1) With the workers we never manage to pass this error: '''' You have a nil
2006 Jul 18
backgroundrb - Connection closed
Hello, maybe someone can help with backgroundrb. I''ve written an application, which makes use of backgroundrb. Everything works fine on my development machine, but it crashes on my production server. Something seems to be wrong with backgroundrb, but I don''t know the cause. All I get is the error message attached below, which is extracted from the production.log. I
2007 Jan 17
mongrel memory usage ballooning and process stomping
Hi, I have mongrel 0.3.14, with ruby 1.8.5, rails 1.1.6 and mongrel cluster 0.2.1, on debian sage 3.1 with apache 2.0, and fastthread 0.6.1. I am load balancing 3 mongrel processes using the random port trick. When I start mongrel the processes have about 60MB, but after some hour of usage the memory ballons upto more than 180MB and the site becomes terribly slow. Forcing me to restart mongrel
2008 May 05
Deploying to a staging server using Capistrano: how to start up BackgrounDRb?
Hi. I am using BackgrounDRb to process thumbnails and upload to S3 - things are hunky-dory in development (thumbs are generated, these are uploaded to S3, the metadata is saved to trhe DB, and I get a nice status page updated by periodic calls via ask_status), but when I tried to deploy to our staging server and stop/start BackgrounDRb via Capistrano, things blew up - well, not exactly,
2006 Nov 07
Best Distro for Mongrel
Hello all, I''ve gone through a lot of extra effort trying to get Mongrel to place nice with Ubuntu. Since I''m at my wit''s end trying to get it to work on this distro, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a distribution that makes it easy to set up. Any thoughts? Thanks, Will --------------------------------- Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+
2007 Feb 15
Multiple Processes Spawned from mongrel_rails start ?
Hello, I have mongrel 1.0.1, rails 1.2.2 ruby 1.8.5 running on Centos 4.4. When I execute the mongrel_rails start -d I see that 3 processes are spawned. See below: [root at ccc aaa]# mongrel_rails start -d [root at ccc aaa]# ps -def |grep mong root 2743 1 9 07:14 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/mongrel_rails start -d root 2744 2743 0 07:14 ? 00:00:00
2006 Dec 27
file upload
I ma trying to get this upload working,, ....after starting from the command line, mongrel_rails start -d -p 3001 -S config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf I get this eror in the browser, NameError uninitialized constant UploadProgressRailsController RAILS_ROOT: /usr/opt/tomcat/workspace/upload/config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace
2007 Jan 12
Forking a process in Rails is messing up mongrel
I''m trying to run an external Ruby script from my Rails app. To do this i''m using this function def fork_with_new_connection(config, my_class = ActiveRecord::Base) pid = fork do begin my_class.establish_connection(config) yield ensure my_class.remove_connection end end Process.detach(pid) end Then, within my controller I do this:
2007 Feb 07
Hi list: I started to make a quick GemPlugin command [ssl::start] that sets up an stunnel before calling the normal [start] command. so $ mongrel_rails ssl:start will do everything that start normally does and configure/setup an stunnel. The question... Obviously this plugin will require stunnel to be installed. What do you think is the best move: 1) nothing, just require that people
2008 May 30
Mongrel error since updating to OSX 10.5.3
Howdy, I''m getting an error message when trying to run one of my rails apps, which seems to have started after updating to 10.5.3. mattdaw-2:v1.5_patch mdaw$ mongrel_rails start ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with development environment... /usr/local/ruby-patched/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../ lib/mongrel/tcphack.rb:12:in
2006 Dec 18
mongrel_cluster: selective restarts
Hi list, I have tried to reach Bradley (author of mongrel_cluster) by mail, but have not gotten a response. So I''ll try trough this channel: I have ''developed''[1] a small extension to mongrel_cluster that allows selective restart of any one listener in a configuration that contains more than one listener by using a command like mongrel_rails
2006 Aug 24
mongrel logging on win32 platform and win32 service
Hi All I am using version and since there is no logging support for win32 application. I was wondering if it was possible to get any kind of logging at all. I have tried to these two options 1. Stream redirection using "mongrel_rails start -c C:/myspace/snapshot -p 4111 -t 70 -e production -P log/ > C:\temp\mongrel-1.log" The console print the output stream
2007 Feb 23
Problems getting mongrel service working
Hello list! I have mongrel service 0.1.0 working on my current production machine. Upgrading to a new server and also moving to mongrel service 0.3.1 has not worked yet. I am hoping someone will have an idea as to why. I have mongrel installed properly (I think): C:\rails\igacc>gem list --local *** LOCAL GEMS *** ... mongrel (1.0.1) A small fast HTTP library and server that runs
2006 Dec 07
Cluster restart leaving orphaned processes?
First off, a big thank you to Zed and the development team for mongrel and mongrel cluster. I''ve deployed it for two apps (through an apache 2.2 proxy) and it''s amazing how much snappier everything is. Previously we were using lighttpd and lighttpd-fastcgi proxying through apache 2.0, which was turning into a hassle for lots of reasons, most notably the ruby fcgi
2006 Nov 27
win32 problems
I''m setting up a Rails app for a client that uses Windows. I''m getting this error: c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.18/lib/mongrel/rails.rb: 32: uninitial ized constant Mongrel::HttpHandler (NameError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:21:in `re quire'' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.18/bin/