similar to: Text file encoding

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Text file encoding"

2004 Feb 09
nedit syntax highlighting patterns for R?
I tried to install the syntax pattern file, R-5.1.pats (obtained from in version 5.3 of nedit, but it gives the following errors. Does anyone have a more up-to-date copy? euclid: ~/nedit % nedit -import R-5.1.pats NEdit: language mode must be specified in highlight pattern: <== NEdit: style name required in style specification: Note:darkRed:Italic <== NEdit: expecting
2002 Oct 10
NEdit Highligth patterns for R
Hi I've just submitted to the NEdit development team a R highligth patterns for NEdit ( NEdit is a text editor for LINUX which I use to write small R functions. In my opinion is a very good tool for small scripts, maybe for huge projects is not the best. I'm attaching the R-5.1.pats file so you can try it. As usual contributions and comments are welcome. Regards EJ
2012 Aug 06
bibtex::read.bib -- extracting bibentry keys
I have two versions of a bibtex database which have gotten badly out of sync. I need to find find all the entries in bib2 which are not contained in bib1, according to their bibtex keys. But I can't figure out how to extract a list of the bibentry keys in these databases. A minor question: Is there someway to prevent read.bib from ignoring entries that do not contain all required fields?
2013 Jan 22
file.system() in packages
Hello. R-devel, r61697. I am having difficulty interpreting section 1.4 "Writing package vignettes" of the R-exts manual. Specifically, I want to use system.file() in some of my packages to locate a bib file, uncertainty.bib, which is part of the emulator package. I only want to maintain a single .bib file. R-exts says: "All other files needed to re-make the vignette PDFs (such
2011 Dec 16
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
Back in 2010 I raised this issue, and there was some discussion, The goal, then, as now is to have a way to produce a bibtex-clean .bib file (i.e., not requiring manual editing except in unusual circumstances) reflecting installed packages for use in writing where one often needs/wants to cite all packages used in a given
2004 Apr 22
[Bug 851] some X11 prgs generate ``BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)'' in X_GetProperty when using X11 forwarding Summary: some X11 prgs generate ``BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)'' in X_GetProperty when using X11 forwarding Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 3.8.1p1 Platform: All OS/Version: Solaris Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2
2007 Mar 03
My current directory is lost in a bash shell
This one puzzles me a lot: [thba at vink layout]$ nc script/xw_functions.ample NEdit: getcwd() fails: No such file or directory NEdit: getcwd() fails: No such file or directory [thba at vink layout]$ ll script/xw_functions.ample -rw-rw-r-- 1 thba thba 16829 Oct 25 16:59 script/xw_functions.ample [thba at vink layout]$ pwd /home/thba/workarea/colibri/design/ana/layout [thba at vink layout]$
2009 Sep 08
makefile for sweave
Hello, I have the following makefile. The problem is that the bibliography doesn t work. Any help would be appreciated! I really don t don t what to do..:-( # The sources of the report (tex, Rnw and other files (e.g. bib, idx)) TEX_CMPS = Report problem RNW_CMPS = prop1 prop2 ExeExps OTHER = Report.bib # The name of the report to produce all: Report.pdf code: $(RNW_CMPS:=.R) clean: rm
2007 Apr 25
Help on 'find.BIB' function
Hello everyone, I am trying to use the 'find.BIB' function to construct a balanced incomplete block design. When I ran the example given in the help file (find.BIB(10,30,4)), I obtained the following error message: Error in optBlock(~., withinData = factor(1:trt), blocksize = rep(k, b)) : object ".Random.seed" not found I investigated what the optBlock
2010 Nov 03
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
== Summary == * Problem: BibTeX entries extracted from R packages via citation() require too much manual editing to be of general use. * Proposal: Date: fields should be made mandatory in package DESCRIPTION files, perhaps beginning with warnings from R CMD check * Proposal: Package authors should be encouraged to use a (new) Contributors: field in the DESCRIPTION file rather than packing all
2008 Jan 11
Samba 3.0.28 with VFS-Module "GPFS"
Hi Rob, on your Info for Version 3.0.25 you pointed out the VFS-Module GPFS for using features of the underlaying GPFS-Filesystem. Also the man-pages-3/vfs_gpfs.8.html points to that module, but I can't find it anywhere. We are using a GPFS 3.2 3-Node Samba Cluster (3.0.24/28) on Dell HW. We would be very glad if it is posible to get - Quota Recognition for our users (we use "max
2001 Dec 03
Summary on R script editor
Thanks for the advice, folks! Shravan Vasishth <vasishth at> Try pico. There's no substitute for/comparison with emacs, though, IMHO. but just to be sure: you don't have to have ESS to use (x)emacs for editing R scripts. Sven Garbade <garbade at> ESS can be installed via rpm on Mandrake. baron at (Jonathan
2014 Mar 14
Problems building package vignette: Sweave requires multiple passes to build document.
Dear R-devel, Question: How can I get Sweave to recognize that the \thebibliography section is already created and generate the vignette pdf with a single pass? Or is there a way to let R CMD build know that Sweave needs to be run twice? If (1) is not possible, any suggestions how to auto-generate a crude generic bibtex .bib file from my existing document? Background: I maintain
2018 Jul 17
Compilar libro con paquete bookdown (PDF)
Buenas, foreros y foreras; No sé si esto es pregunta para hacer acá, lo preguntaría en stackoverfow, si no fuese que el inglés me intimida. Quiero usar el packete `bookdown` para escribir un libro, pero resulta que la salida tiene que ser PDF y no lo consigo. Siguiendo las instrucciones de acá: llego a compilar sin ningún problema en formato
2008 Feb 29
Running LaTeX dvi previewer on MacOS X
Several people have given great advice on how to successfully use X11 on Mac to so we can use the dvi previewer to view latex() output from Hmisc. Now after a version upgrade of X11 and X11sdk we are getting lots of crashes. I noticed a Mac dvi previewer with an executable stored as /Applications/TeX/ Can we bypass X11 problems and point Hmisc to this
2004 Jul 06
R & DataMining
Dear R-user, I wish to know if someone is using R as concern Datamining or KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) and if already exists a R package specialized in this kind of analysis. I found this contributes on the R web site: [20] Diego Kuonen. Introduction au data mining avec R : vers la reconqu??te du `knowledge discovery in databases' par les statisticiens. Bulletin of the Swiss
2004 Feb 26
Sweave and Xemacs on Windows2000?
Hallo! Trying to configure Xemacs to work with .snw files on windows 2000. Tried to do it how it is described in the FAQ for Sweaves. When starting xemacs with and Snw file *ESS* buffer contains hundrets of lines and the few last ones. (ess-loop-timeout . 500000) (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . ^) (inferior-ess-secondary-prompt . ^) (comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields . t)
2004 Dec 20
Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
Hi, has anyonne experienced problems between the LaTeX beamer class and Sweave? The following code does not work properly: ################################# \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ngerman} \begin{document} \frame{ \frametitle{test} test <<>>= 1+1 @ } \end{document} ################################# Below is the
2008 Oct 23
Automating citations in Sweave
Dear all, Is there an elegant way to add citations of packages when using Sweave? Ideally I'd like a function which creates a Bibtex-file with the packagenames as keys. The idea is to use \cite{packagename} or \cite{R} in LaTeX. I know you can get the Bibtex entry with toBibtex(citation("packagename")). But after updating R or a package one needs to update the bib-file too. When
2012 Aug 08
sweave problem with special danish characters
Dear all, I use Sweave to create my reports. my pdf output contains only NA's whenever my text contains special Danish characters like ø, ø and å. I have upgraded R from 2.13 to 2.15 and the scripts worked fine under R 2.13. Sweave("Test.Rnw", encoding = "utf8") texi2dvi("Test.tex", pdf = TRUE) %"Test.Rnw" \documentclass{article} \usepackage