similar to: FW: Dell basic Server SR# 898596786 SVTG: 3CJM1P1 <<#2039741-9051508#>>

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "FW: Dell basic Server SR# 898596786 SVTG: 3CJM1P1 <<#2039741-9051508#>>"

2013 Oct 20
cannot load such file -- unicode (LoadError)
I''m new to RoR and working on a migration of project developed by another team. I''m using Rails version (3.2.13) and my bundle install works successfully. However while running "rails server", I get the error below. Any suggestions are most appreciated. Thanks! -------------- rails server output --------------
2005 Jun 04
the test result is quite different,why?
data: > a$call lm(formula = clcrmrte ~ factor(year) + clprbarr + clprbcon + clprbpri + clavgsen + clpolpc, data = cri) > bptest(a,st=F) Breusch-Pagan test data: a BP = 34.4936, df = 10, p-value = 0.0001523 > bptest(a,st=T) studentized Breusch-Pagan test data: a BP = 10.9297, df = 10, p-value = 0.363 >
2012 Sep 18
Contradictory results between different heteroskedasticity tests
Hi all, I'm getting contradictory results from bptest and ncvTest on a model calculated by GLS as: olslm = lm(log(rr)~log(aloi)*reg*inv, data) varlm = lm(I(residuals(olslm)^2)~log(aloi)*reg*inv, data) glslm = lm(log(rr)~log(aloi)*reg*inv, data, weights=1/fitted(varlm)) Testing both olslm and glslm with both ncvTest and bptest gives: > ncvTest(olslm) Non-constant Variance Score Test
2009 Sep 18
some irritation with heteroskedasticity testing
Dear all, Trying to test for heteroskedasticity I tried several test from the car package respectively lmtest. Now that they produce rather different results i am somewhat clueless how to deal with it. Here is what I did: 1. I plotted fitted.values vs residuals and somewhat intuitively believe, it isn't really increasing... 2. further I ran the following tests bptest (studentized
2009 Jun 08
OT: Grandstream, call pickup, ...
Maybe it's just me, but I get the impression that Grandstream is quite uncooperative. We (and others) have asked them multiple times to make the call- pickup code ("**") configurable but either they don't understand the request or they're unwilling to do anything about it. Unfortunately their
2009 Oct 16
Breusch-pagan and white test - check homoscedasticity
Hi r-programmers, I performe Breusch-Pagan tests (bptest in package lmtest) to check the homoscedasticity of the residuals from a linear model and I carry out carry out White's test via bptest (formula, ~ x * z + I(x^2) + I(z^2)) include all regressors and the squares/cross-products in the auxiliary regression. But what can I do if I want find coefficient and p-values of variables x, z, x*z,
2006 Jun 01
"Battery constant" value for APC UPS
Hi all, Thought I'd forward this on, as the apcsmart driver doesn't appear to have any support for this (admittedly obscure) setting and it doesn't seem to be listed at Hope someone finds it useful. Later, Russ -- Russell Odom Fast, cheap, good: pick two. -------- Original Message --------
2001 Dec 01
Nothing more than solitaire...
I've tried lots and lots of stuff, fiddling with the various configuration options again and again. Solitaire works most of the time. Notepad doesn't let me enter text. Calc displays the numbers in the wrong place, but otherwise works. Street Atlas USA 8.0 barfs completely. Not even close, in spite of being in the database. Agent does not exhibit proper internal windowing behavior,
2004 Jul 21
Testing autocorrelation & heteroskedasticity of residuals in ts
Hi, I'm dealing with time series. I usually use stl() to estimate trend, stagionality and residuals. I test for normality of residuals using shapiro.test(), but I can't test for autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Is there a way to perform Durbin-Watson test and Breusch-Pagan test (or other simalar tests) for time series? I find dwtest() and bptest() in the package lmtest, but it
2011 Jan 20
Regression Testing
I'm new to R and some what new to the world of stats. I got frustrated with excel and found R. Enough of that already. I'm trying to test and correct for Heteroskedasticity I have data in a csv file that I load and store in a dataframe. > ds <- read.csv("book2.csv") > df <- data.frame(ds) I then preform a OLS regression: > lmfit <- lm(df$y~df$x) To
2010 Sep 24
Hi I'm very new to R but have plenty of experience with statistics and other packages like SPSS, SAS etc. I have a dataset of around 20 columns and 200 rows. I'm trying to fit a very simple linear model between two variables. Having done so, I want to test the model for heteroscedasticity using the Breusch-Pagan test. Apparently this is easy in R by simply doing bptest(modelCH,
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
Ok I made Jarque-Bera test to the residuals (merv.reg$residual) library(tseries) jarque.bera.test(merv.reg$residual) X-squared = 1772.369, df = 2, p-value = < 2.2e-16 And I reject the null hypotesis (H0: merv.reg$residual are normally distributed) So I know that: 1 - merv.reg$residual aren't independently distributed (Box-Ljung test) 2 - merv.reg$residual aren't indentically
2004 Jan 13
How can I test if a not independently and not identically distributed time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
I'm analizing the Argentina stock market (merv) I download the data from yahoo library(tseries) Argentina <- get.hist.quote(instrument="^MERV","1996-10-08","2003-11-03", quote="Close") merv <- na.remove(log(Argentina)) I made the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to analyse if merv have unit root: adf.test(merv,k=13) Dickey-Fuller = -1.4645,
2004 Nov 29
systemfit - SUR
Hello to everyone, I have 2 problems and would be very pleased if anyone can help me: 1) When I use the package "systemfit" for SUR regressions, I get two different variance-covariance matrices when I firstly do the SUR regression ("The covariance matrix of the residuals used for estimation") and secondly do the OLS regressions. In the manual for "systemfit" on page
1999 Mar 16
testparm error in HPUX10.20 w/ smb 2.0.0
Hello and thanks in advance for any tips or help. I just finished loading the binaries and installing samba 2.0.0 for HPUX10.20 using SAM. This is my second installation of samba on this machine. I reused my old smb.conf file with little or no changes. (ok I had to retype it from an older version because my machine died and HP10.20 can't recover 10.0x version multiple tape backups, but I
2010 Dec 27
Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation of residuals
Hello everyone, I'm working on a current linear model Y = a0 + a1* X1 + ... + a7*X7 + residuals. And I know that this model presents both heteroskedasticity (tried Breusch-Pagan test and White test) and residuals autocorrelation (using Durbin Watson test). Ultimately, this model being meant to be used for predictions, I would like to be able to remove this heteroskedasticity and residuals
2009 May 12
R^2 extraction and autocorrelation/heterokedasticity on TSLS regression
Hi,   I'm actually I’m performing a TSLS linear multiple regression on annually data which go from 1971 to 1997. After performing the TSLS regression, I tried to extract the R squared value using “output$r.squared” function and to perform autocorrelation (Durbin Watson and Breush Godfrey) and heterokedasticity tests (Breush-pagan and Goldfeld Quandt)  but I have errors messages. More
2011 Jan 18
[OT] As service network suggestion
Greetings, I tried to throw this idea open in the ILUG-BOM group. some discussion took place. I was wondering if Centos can have such support network that can take care of all the "Centos support for money".discussions/decisions. Thanks for current and further indulgence. With warm regards and season's greetings, Rajagopal Mumbai, India PS: I understand Some central European
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if a not independently and not identicallydistributed time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
I'm analizing the Argentina stock market (merv) I download the data from yahoo library(tseries) Argentina <- get.hist.quote(instrument="^MERV","1996-10-08","2003-11-03", quote="Close") merv <- na.remove(log(Argentina)) I made the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to analyse if merv have unit root: adf.test(merv,k=13) Dickey-Fuller = -1.4645,
2016 Apr 04
Test for Homoscedesticity in R Without BP Test
On Mon, 4 Apr 2016, varin sacha via R-help wrote: > Hi Deepak, > > In econometrics there is another test very often used : the white test. > The white test is based on the comparison of the estimated variances of > residuals when the model is estimated by OLS under the assumption of > homoscedasticity and when the model is estimated by OLS under the > assumption of