similar to: CentOS to reside near a NTFS system

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "CentOS to reside near a NTFS system"

2009 Jul 03
R on flash
Hi! Is there some R version for flashdisk, pendrive etc ? -- Regards, Raphael Saldanha [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Feb 19
CentOS6: ntfs-3g and writing utf-8 filenames
Hello there, I know this has been widely discussed over the net, but I still can't find a way to write a file whose name contains accented characters in ntfs-3g partitions that are automatically mounted on my CentOS6 system. Whatever my locale is POSIX, en_US or en_US.utf8, I always get a: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character error when I attempt to create a directory or a
2002 Jul 19
mbr to flash
Dear Mr Anvin, we use SYSLINUX for our industrial embedded devices and it works very good. You can see them at (EDSP and TRZB) if you want. Questions 1: I didnt find out how to put the DOS mbr, delivered with SYSLINUX, to my bootdevice. What is the right command? Question 2: When I want to use PXELINUX with a BIOS that does not support Network boot via PXE is it possible to
2013 Jan 09
E17 on CentOS6?
Hello there, does anyone have experience setting up Enlightenment E17 on a CentOS6 system? I know that the RPM's are available from: but don't have a single clue about how to switch from my GNOME desktop to it once installed. Regards, -- wwp -------------- next part -------------- A
2017 Aug 06
centos7: looking for libwebpdemux
Hello there, I'm looking for, possibly 0.4.x. I had it installed on my CentOS6, from EPEL, but now on CentOS7, EPEL doesn't provide it at all. Anybody knows about it? Maybe a rpm rebuild would do it? Regards, -- wwp -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 836 bytes Desc:
2016 Nov 22
New laptop recomendation
On 11/22/2016 12:41 PM, wwp wrote: > Latitude OK, I run CentOS6/7 on that. which Latitude? they've probably made 100 different laptops over the last couple decades branded 'Latitude'. I bet my wife's new Latitude 15 5000 would be problematic, it uses USB C/Thunderport for its docking station which has 2 additional video adapters in it. She's even having some issues
2016 Apr 30
Bonding wired and wireless ifaces
Hello all, I'm wondering if there's any interest in trying to bond em1 and eth0 (respectively wired and wireless interfaces here), and if any, how to do it in CentOS6. I've found this, which could possibly help (but I'm failing yet): Both are dealing w/ ifenslave. Any experience or point of
2011 Aug 29
External vfat devices show uppercase filenames, how to change defaults for GNOME desktop?
Hello there! I've recently switched from Fedora 11 to CentOS6. Now my SD cards (automatically mounted on plug) contents is displayed as UPPERCASE filenames. I well see in mount's man that vfat's shortname option can be set to either lower, win95, winnt, mixed. OK, that's for entries in /etc/fstab or when mounting manually. I'd like to change the defaults for devices that
2015 Jan 14
Red Hat Developer Toolset 3 for CentOS6?
On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 1:28 AM, wwp <subscript at> wrote: > Hello Dave, > > > On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:18:18 -0700 Dave Johansen <davejohansen at> > wrote: > > > Unfortunately, this is only for RHEL/CentOS 7 > > Really? It installs and works fine on my CentOS6, more over, on the > Cern pages, it says "for Scientific Linux CERN
2017 Aug 10
Acroread9 crash in CentOS7
Hello Ian, On Thu, 10 Aug 2017 02:59:36 +0000 Ian Mortimer <i.mortimer at> wrote: > On Tue, 2017-08-08 at 23:13 +0200, wwp wrote: > > > I'm getting a crash with acroread on my CentOS7 > > (AdobeReader_enu-9.5.5-1.i486). > > I install the official rpms from > >, > > tried 9.5.5, and former v9, v8,
2020 Feb 01
ntfs support
On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 1:31 AM wwp <subscript at> wrote: > > Definitely, ntfs-3g is from the EPEL repo: > # yum info ntfs-3g > Installed Packages > Name : ntfs-3g > Arch : x86_64 > .... but is it available in x86 32 bit ? me, I've never trusted ntfs on linux, and would rather have a windows machine mount and serve it over SMB or whatever.
2018 Aug 29
bash completion in C7
Hello there, while bash completion was working great to me in CentOS6, since I'm using C7 I spend my day stuck on completion not working the way it should. The bad situations I'm facing are: - it doesn't expand *foo whereas there are *foo-named files in current dir, for instance: # rm *foo will show nothing whereas there's a file barfoo in curdir. - completion takes 10
2012 Apr 16
bridge connection and two linux servers
I need to set up following network architecture : Internet ^ +-----------------+ | +------------------+ | Centos6-1 | | | Centos6-2 | | +---- eth0 + ----+ | | | (br0)| | | | | +---- eth1 +----------------+
2020 Feb 01
ntfs support
I should think this is quite a basic question but what I have tried so far hasn't worked. I have centos altarch 7 and I want to mount an ntfs volume. (I am beginning to suspect it is not available for 32 bit so I will need to get the source and compile?) ?These commands I have tried: yum --enablerepo=extras install epel-release yum --enablerepo=extras yum install epel-release I have
2015 Jul 18
[LLVMdev] CMake does not propagate flags to build
'-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -fPIC -fPIE' -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.1 -- Check for working C compiler: /home/engshare/third-party2/gcc/4.8.1/centos6-native/cc6c9dc/bin/gcc -- Check for working C compiler: /home/engshare/third-party2/gcc/4.8.1/centos6-native/cc6c9dc/bin/gcc -- works --
2015 Jan 14
Red Hat Developer Toolset 3 for CentOS6?
Unfortunately, this is only for RHEL/CentOS 7, but it can also be found at: On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 1:39 AM, wwp <subscript at> wrote: > > On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:18:27 +0100 wwp <subscript at> wrote: > > > I could find the 1.1 and 2 repos gently provided by Tru Huynh, but quid > > of
2015 Feb 27
Cyrus 2.4 and Centos6
Hi Folks, I'd like to install cyrus-imapd 2.4 in CentOS6. Found rpm cyrus 2.4 for CentOS6 on rpmseek. cyrus-imapd-2.4.17-30.1.x86_64.rpm But there are conflicts with postfix 2.6.6. Can I ignore this conflicts or is there a suitable version of ppstfix available? Thx Timothy
2015 Jul 20
[LLVMdev] CMake does not propagate flags to build
Hey Pete, I also tried CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE with the same effect. On Mon, Jul 20, 2015, at 09:34 AM, Pete Cooper wrote: > Hi Adrian > > I’m not sure if the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS is used in LLVM. We have our own > flags for different configurations. I don’t remember if our ones inherit > from CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or override it completely. Anyway, they are: > - CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG
2013 Jan 22
Centos 6.3 - which repos to use?
I've just installed v6.3 as a desktop (from Centos-6.3-i386-LiveCD.iso) and to get the hang of the Centos approach and then hope to move on to a server. I've been using linux *buntu for 5 years. Hope i don't sound like a nit but i've got a little confused with the repos. Hoping someone would be kind enough just to clarify. This installation is for stability whilst installing the
2013 Jul 02
rpmbuild environment CentOS5 vs CentOS6
On CentOS5 I was used to create a simple spec file where at the end I'll declare files and directories I wan't to package: --< Snip >-- %files %dir /opt/myapp %dir /opt/myapp/bin %dir /opt/myapp/etc /opt/myapp/bin/exec01 /opt/myapp/etc/myapp.conf ---- I'll copy the file in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS and run "rpmbuild -bb myapp.spec". On CentOS6 rpm-build package no longer