similar to: PHP Markdown 1.0.1g & Extra 1.1.3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "PHP Markdown 1.0.1g & Extra 1.1.3"

2007 May 21
PHP Markdown 1.0.2b8 & Extra 1.1.3b1
Bug fixes for PHP Markdown & Extra, available as beta version for now. You can download them from these URLs. <> <> One noticeable change in these releases is that PHP Markdown now outputs numeric character references for escaped characters (like
2006 Dec 29
PHP Markdown 1.0.1e & Extra 1.1.1
This is a mostly a bug-fix release. You can download it from here: <> PHP Markdown 1.0.1e * Added support for internationalized domain names for email addresses in automatic link. Improved the speed at which email addresses are converted to entities. Thanks to Milian Wolff for his optimisations. * Made deterministic the conversion to
2006 May 19
Object-Oriented PHP Markdown/SmartyPants
This is something that I've been asked for many times. So today I'm announcing that all future versions of PHP Markdown and PHP SmartyPants will be encapsulated in a parser class. This has two major benefits: 1. It should make extensions to the syntax easier to create and maintain as it is now possible to now extend the parser by replacing (overriding) only the relevant
2006 Dec 02
PHP Markdown 1.0.1d
I decided 1.0.1d would be about fixing bugs. PHP Markdown 1.0.1d is simply version 1.0.2b7 with a couple more bug fixes and some features disabled. I disabled support for [this] as a synonym for [this][] because it's still labeled as experimental and because it's nowhere to be found in the documentation yet. The `markdown="1"` hack added to 1.0.2b7 has been disabled
2006 Jun 28
PHP SmartyPants Typographer 1.0b2
As I stated before, I had in the work a utility to control spaces around punctuation and at some other places. Now, I've integrated it, with a few extra quote goodies, within PHP SmartyPants, as an extension just like PHP Markdown Extra extends PHP Markdown. And so appeared SmartyPants Typographer (announcement on my weblog)
2007 Aug 30
Markdown, SmartyPants and Wordpress?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'm redesigning my site and considering moving from Movable Type to WP, but many of my entries are in Markdown. I really, really like Markdown and SmartyPants. I've not used Textile much, but Markdown feels more natural to me; also, I love SmartyPants because I'm a stickler for curly quotes. I understand there's a Markdown
2009 Oct 22
Order of Markdown and SmartyPants filters (was: Re: Markdown Support in Drupal6.14?)
2009/10/20 Lou Quillio <public at> > On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 3:20 PM, AJG Baeumel > <ajgb at> wrote: > > Why is Marksmarty no longersupported in Drupal 6.14? > > It's been a while since I've worked with Drupal, but I remember that > MarkSmarty was really just a hybrid convenience filter. It's better to > apply
2006 May 03
SmartyPants 1.6 multiply remarks
Michel Fortin <> wrote on 2/13/06 at 6:13 PM: > > 4 x 2 -> 4 &times; 2 in EducateExtras, too. > > Which is a great idea. But I'm not sure about how it works currently. > All goes well in these two cases: > > 800x600 > 5 x 5 > > But maybe it's not a so good idea that it also replace the x with a >
2007 Aug 04
PHP Markdown 1.0.1h & Extra 1.1.4
This update to PHP Markdown fix a bug that slipped in the WordPress interface with the last update. It also introduce a new "feature": you can now instruct the parser to ignore HTML tags and/or entities in the input. You can do this by instantiating yourself the parser and setting the `no_markup` or `no_entities` properties to true: $parser = new Markdown_Parser;
2013 Jan 21
PHP Markdown Lib 1.3 (Beta 4)
This is basically a pre-announcement. I'll make the announcement more official by posting it on my blog when it goes out of beta. There's a new branch to PHP Markdown. It contains the two exact same parsers found in PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra, but without all the cruft. In other words: is packaged to be used as a library, and only as a library. The two parsers classes are in the
2013 Apr 11
PHP Markdown Lib 1.3
This is the first release of PHP Markdown Lib. This package requires PHP version 4.3 or later and is designed to work with PSR-0 autoloading and, optionally, with Composer. You can download it from the PHP Markdown website: <> You can also read the official announcement here: <> Also note new
2007 Jan 16
Markdown for Wordpress?
Does anyone know which version of Markdown is best for Wordpress? I see online that there are a few and was wondering which one people prefer. Also, is there any chance John Gruber will write an official Markdown plugin for Wordpress, given how popular it's becoming? -------------------------------------------------------- robdumas at
2007 Aug 31
PHP Markdown 1.0.1i & Extra 1.1.5
Earlier this week I talked about an updated version of PHP Markdown which can parse the whole TextMate manual in about 1.5 seconds (iBook G4 1.2 Ghz). Here it is. I've also updated Extra. It's nowhere as fast as PHP Markdown right now -- parses the TextMate manual in 5,8 seconds, and it doesn't scale linearly -- but Extra still benefits much from PHP Markdown's speed
2009 Oct 10
PHP Markdown 1.0.1n & Extra 1.2.4
Hello all. This is an update to PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra correcting a couple of bugs that got reported since last release. I also decided to enable in this release shortcut-style reference links (as present in 1.0.2 beta), as most implementations of Markdown accepts them by default. It's also because waiting for John to release officially version 1.0.2 as an
2007 Aug 27
Benchmarks with TextMate's manual
The following benchmarks have been obtained using the TextMate manual as the input source: <> Using PHP Markdown, parsing the 24 files separately (with the reference file appended to each of them), I get this (on an iBook G4 1.2 Ghz): Total Avg. Min. Q1. Med. Q3. Max. Parse Time (ms):
2007 May 09
3 1.0.2b8
Download: <> Changes from 1.0.2b7: + Fixed bug with nested raw HTML tags that contained attributes. The problem is that it uses a backreference in the expression that it passes to gen_extract_tagged, which is broken when Text::Balanced wraps it in parentheses. Thanks to Matt Kraai for
2007 Aug 31
PEAR Channel and Git Repository Mirror for PHP Markdown & Extra
Until today, the only way I offered PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra was with packaged zip files available on my website. It turns out, unsurprisingly, that some people would prefer a simpler path for keeping their copy of PHP Markdown up-to-date. So today I announce two additional ways of grabbing PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra. The first one is a PEAR channel which can be used
2008 May 09
Markdown Extra Spec: Parsing Section
Hello all, I've began writing the parsing section of the spec, and I though I'd let you know about where I'm heading with all this. Basically, parsing is defined as three consecutive passes: parsing document elements, parsing block elements and parsing span elements. Each pass is going to contain a set of rules the parser should attempt to match while parsing the input. Rules
2008 May 27
PHP Markdown Extra 1.2.1
This is an Extra-only release for fixing an embarrassing bug with fenced code blocks. <> Extra 1.2.1 (27 May 2008): * Fixed a problem where Markdown headers and horizontal rules were transformed into their HTML equivalent inside fenced code blocks. In other words, this: ~~~ # hello - - - ~~~ would generate a header and
2006 Sep 21
PHP Markdown Extra 1.1b2
I've fixed some bugs in PHP Markdown Extra 1.1b1, the most important ones relating to footnotes. Thank you for the feedback. So here you can download the second beta: <> 1.1b2 (21 Sep 2006) * Changed the space before footnote backlinks to an unbrekable space `&#160;` at the suggestion of John Gruber. *