similar to: need help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "need help"

2010 Aug 22
trouble building XiphQT
Hi all. Maybe there's a document about the build procedure that I overlooked; if so, please let me know. Meanwhile, I'm having trouble getting this thing to build. At first I saw missing-header complaints, so I checked the entire trunk out of the repository to make sure I have everything. After correcting the base SDK in each Xcode project (they're all set to the OS 10.4 SDK, which
2010 Mar 28
Not sure where to file bugs against XiphQT... I have noticed that Theora encoded videos played through Quicktime (on Mac) using XiphQT are incorrectly reproducing the color of the video, and appear washed out. The same videos can be played via VLC and Firefox and are true to the original - so I don't believe it's a problem with the videos themselves or the encoding. I'm observing
2010 Feb 23
XiphQT with Thusnelda for QuickTime X
Any progress in this issue? Or is the whole XiphQT project dead? Any 64bit package of XiphQT for MacOSX Snow Leopard on its way? Any solution on its way, which works with Quicktime X on Snow Leopard and which doesn't urge/force you to install and use the old Quicktime 7 player? Any solution on its way, solving the /Library/Components problem on MacOSX Snow Leopard/Quicktime X? See: [theora]
2013 Jan 22
plot two time series with different length and different starting point in one figure.
Hello, I do have two different time series A and B, they are different in length and starting point. A starts in Jan, 2012 and ends in Dec, 2012 and B starts in March, 2012 and ends in Nov, 2012. How can I plot those two series A and B in the same plot? I.E., from Jan. 2012 - Feb, 2012, it would have one data point from A and from Mar, 2012-Nov, 2012, it would have two data points from A and B,
2013 Mar 21
easy way of paste
Hello, Is there a better way to use paste such as: a = paste(colnames(list.indep)[1],colnames(list.indep)[2],colnames(list.indep)[3],colnames(list.indep)[4],colnames(list.indep)[5],sep="+") > a [1] "aa+dummy1+dummy2+bb+cc" I tried a = paste(colnames(list.indep)[1:5],sep="+") > a [1] "aa" "dummy1" "dummy2"
2007 Aug 21
XiphQT Installer for Microsoft Windows Created
In the greatest tradition of Next > Next > Next > Next > Next > Next, the Xiph.Org Foundation releases an Installer for the Xiph Quicktime Components under Windows. Before I upload it to // I would appreciate if someone would test it for me. The implementation is simple, and I did test it, but better safe than sorry. // That's
2007 Aug 21
XiphQT Installer for Microsoft Windows Created
In the greatest tradition of Next > Next > Next > Next > Next > Next, the Xiph.Org Foundation releases an Installer for the Xiph Quicktime Components under Windows. Before I upload it to // I would appreciate if someone would test it for me. The implementation is simple, and I did test it, but better safe than sorry. // That's
2007 Aug 21
XiphQT Installer for Microsoft Windows Created
In the greatest tradition of Next > Next > Next > Next > Next > Next, the Xiph.Org Foundation releases an Installer for the Xiph Quicktime Components under Windows. Before I upload it to // I would appreciate if someone would test it for me. The implementation is simple, and I did test it, but better safe than sorry. // That's
2013 Mar 20
How to look at the source code for predict()
Hello, I try to look at the source code of predict() it turns out that I cannot find it. I can see it with debug(library), but not efficient. Can someone help? Thanks, Rebecca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This message, and any attachments, is for the intended r...{{dropped:5}}
2007 Oct 01
Disentagling formulas
I am writing a program in which I would like to take in a formula, change the response (Y) variable into something else, and then pass the formula, with the new Y variable to another function. That is, I am starting with formula <- Y~X1+X2+X3 and I'd like to do something like Y <- formula$Y newY <- f(Y) lm(newY~X1+X2+X3) So far, it seems that my
2010 Feb 03
XiphQT with Thusnelda?
I noticed that the latest release of XiphQT predates the release of Theora 1.1. What's the situation with a release of XiphQT with the Theora 1.1 encoder in it? Is such a release planned? (With all this iPad vs. Open Video discussion going on, it would be so much easier to advocate Theora if Mac-using content creators could simply install a pre-built binary and get an up-to-date Theora
2007 Jul 20
automatically jpeg output
Dear R users, I used R to draw many histograms and I would like to automatically save them into a jpeg file. I tried the following code since I know .ps file could be saved like this way: postscript("AYA_ELA.jpeg",horizontal=F,onefile=T) ......#some funtions inside here There was a jpeg file, however, there is no pictures inside. Any suggestion? Thanks. Rebecca
2006 Sep 16
"Live-CD" with Firefox + XiphQT?
Hy, I want to create a CD-ROM which includes Firefox for MacOS X and is intended to be run solely on an intel-based Mac. It should already come with the XiphQT-plugin so that no installtion is needed. I want to be able to put the CD-ROM into the drive, double-click on "" and have a fully operational Firefox with XiphQT-support - no matter if Firefox or
2005 Aug 03
prcomp eigenvalues
Hello, Can you get eigenvalues in addition to eigevectors using prcomp? If so how? I am unable to use princomp due to small sample sizes. Thank you in advance for your help! Rebecca Young -- Rebecca Young Graduate Student Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Badyaev Lab University of Arizona 1041 E Lowell Tucson, AZ 85721-0088 Office: 425BSW rlyoung at (520) 621-4005
2009 Jun 25
Problems with subsets in NLME
I am trying to estimate models with subsets using the NLME package. However, I am getting an error in the case below (among others): > subset <- c(rep(TRUE, 107), FALSE) > fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1, subset=subset) Error in xj[i] : invalid subscript type 'closure' > fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1,
2013 Mar 19
How to get the t-stat for arima()?
Hello all, fit = arima() and Summary(fit) will give some summary of the fit. However, the t-stats are not shown in the summary. How can I get the t-stats of it? Thanks, Rebecca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This message, and any attachments, is for the intended r...{{dropped:5}}
2013 Jan 23
to check if a character string is in a group of character strings
Hello, How can I judge if a string is in a group of string? For example, I would like to have if (subpool in pool){ }else{ } Where > pool = c("s1","s2") > subpool = c("s1") How can I write the "subpool in pool" right in R? Thanks very much! Cheers, Rebecca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This message,
2007 Mar 06
flac files playable in iTunes 5.0.1 ?
Hi, Is the recent version 0.1.5 (08.05.2006) of XiphQT compatible with iTunes 5.0.1 and Mac OSX 10.4? I am trying to get flac files to play in my iTunes and hope I don't have to upgrade iTunes and get all the junk that comes with it. i already have ogg support, so this is an incremental improvement. -- Thanks, Jerry
2008 Aug 05
doveot reporting "No space left on device" - yet df show plenty of space / inodes.
Hi, I am running dovecot 1.0.rc7 on a Suse Linux server. The server has approx 200+ mailboxes. Last week the filesystem (/dev/mapper/datavg/dat2lv) ran out of space - causing it to do into read-only mode. When I realised this I allocated some more space and re-booted the machine... Strangely it seems that dovecot is still having problems... It's like dovecot doesn't realise that
2013 Mar 22
error while extracting the p-value from adf.test
Hello all, I tried to extract the p-value from adf.test in tseries; however, I got the error message such as > ht=adf.test(list.var$aa) > ht$p-value Error in ht$p - value : non-numeric argument to binary operator > ht Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test data: list.var$aa Dickey-Fuller = -2.3147, Lag order = 4, p-value = 0.4461 alternative hypothesis: stationary > ht$data [1]