similar to: [Bug 10950] New: rsync hangs when specifying a backup directory

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "[Bug 10950] New: rsync hangs when specifying a backup directory"

2007 Jan 30
R and S-Plus got the different results of principal component analysis from SAS, why?
Dear Rusers, I have met a difficult problem on explaining the differences of principal component analysis(PCA) between R,S-PLUS and SAS/STATA/SPSS, which wasn't met before. Althought they have got the same eigenvalues, their coeffiecients were different. First, I list my results from R,S-PLUS and SAS/STATA/SPSS, and then show the original dataset, hoping sb. to try and explain it.
2010 May 21
Hello I am creating a linear model with the command net5 = lm( X[,1] ~ PrinComp[,1:5]) where my vector PrinComp looks like this > head(PrinComp[,1:5]) PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 [1,] 1.8626055 -3.34190998 -0.5448889 2.8296751 0.3994096 [2,] 3.1124144 -1.68113572 1.7187314 -2.0162583 -0.2935675 [3,] 3.3538049 -0.05471002 -2.9385065 0.6921495 -2.2743761 [4,]
2010 May 25
Predict VAR
Hello, I am using the predict function for VAR in r obtaining the following object for the predictions with the following command PronFac <- predict(VARFactores,n.ahead=1) > PronFactores$fcst $PC1 fcst lower upper CI PC1.fcst 2.284497 -0.8033048 5.3723 3.087802 $PC2 fcst lower upper CI PC2.fcst -0.938333 -4.346927 2.470261 3.408594 $PC3
2010 Mar 11
Define column names to a series of data.frames
Greets to the list! I am aware that this topic has been discussed several times. And I've read quite some related posts [1]. Yet, can't seem to give a solution to my problem. I have 6 data frames consisting of 6 rows x 7 columns put together from other data.frames. Something like: a b c d e f g v1 # # # # # # # v2 # # # # # # # v3 # # # # # # # v4 # # # # # # # v5 # # # # # # # v6
2008 Nov 13
UPS suddenly powered off
Hi, I'm using a gamasonic UPS with a megatec driver since two years with no problem. I'm running a Linux server Debian Etch 4.0 and the nut package is ( taken from dpkg -l nut ) ii nut 2.0.4-4 The core system of the nut - Network UPS Tools Today morning I found the UPS powered off. I had to manually power it on. I found the following
2007 Jun 21
FW: Suse RPM installation problem
Hello I am trying to install the R RPM for Suse 10.0 on an x86_64 PC. However I am failing a dependency for "" straight away PC5-140:/home/rmgzshd # rpm -i R-base-2.5.0-2.1.x86_64.rpm error: Failed dependencies: is needed by R-base-2.5.0-2.1.x86_64 I do seem to have this file PC5-140:/home/rmgzshd # whereis
1999 Mar 29
Samba Install -Some help needed
I am using Samba v 1.9.18p10 on a RedHat v5.2 (Boxset - Server Install) I have set up to be a server on our small network (5 machines running win9x) Everything seems to be ok except i can only browse the network from one machine (pc 5) On all the other machines when i try to map the users drive (in /home/pc*) or another win9x machine on the network i am prompted for a password but no password is
2009 Apr 02
Sparse PCA problem
Dear R user, I want to do sparse principal component analysis (spca). I am using elastic net package for this and spca() and the code is following from the example. My question is How can I decide the *K =? *and *para=c(7,4,4,1,1,1)) . So, here k=6 i.e the no of Principal Components. and each pcs say , * ** pc1 number of non zero loading is 7 pc2 number of non zero loading
2008 Jun 11
Finding Coordinate of Max/Min Value in a Data Frame
Hi, Suppose I have the following data frame. __BEGIN__ > library(MASS) > data(crabs) > crab.pca <- prcomp(crabs[,4:8],retx=TRUE) > crab.pca$rotation PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 FL 0.2889810 0.3232500 -0.5071698 0.7342907 0.1248816 RW 0.1972824 0.8647159 0.4141356 -0.1483092 -0.1408623 CL 0.5993986 -0.1982263 -0.1753299 -0.1435941 -0.7416656 CW
2009 Sep 01
Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????
Dear friends, what is this error message in gam???? I cannot understand what it means .... is it a bug? gam_bray_scot24_pc_0505<gam(bray~s(PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5, PC1.1,PC2.1,PC3.1,PC4.1,PC5.1),data=dist_scot24_vector_with_climate) Error in if (length(data) != vl) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Calls: gam ... smooth.construct -> -> array In
2011 Oct 12
CVbinary - Help
Hey, I need some help. I want to obtain a cross validation for a regression model (binary response) but I got an error with CVbinary. Well I did this: fit <- lm(resp ~ PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + PC4 + PC5 + PC6 + PC7 + PC8 + PC9+PC10+PC11+PC12+PC13+PC14+PC15+PC16+PC17+PC18+PC19+PC20+PC21+PC22+PC23+PC24+PC25+PC26+PC27+PC28, data = dexp.cp, family=binomial()) CVbinary(fit) Error in sample(nfolds, m,
2007 Nov 19
print matrix content on plot
Hi, I saved as a matrix a summary of a PCA analysis and I've used barplot to plot the PCA variances. I would like to print on the same graphic the values of my matrix m1 - in other words the summary of my PCA analysis. I can do it very painstaking with text for each row and make sure that everything aligns and so on but i wonder if there is a better method than that. My summary follows:
2011 Mar 17
Extracting columns from a class
Hi list, I am not a frequent user of R. Recently I used R in principal component analysis and got the result as a class, which has information like standard deviation and principal components from 1 to 10. How is it possible to extract the column corresponding to first principal component and write it to a file the out from prcomp command is something like this Standard deviations:
2007 Aug 11
tc and multiple ip on a device
Hi, i''m sort of testing a configuration and things are not working sa i planned. i have the following network diagram: PC1 to 7 cnneced on the same ethernet hub. PC1 PC2 PC 3 PC4 PC5 PC6 on network PC6 and PC7 on network so PC6 work as a router. in addition, PC6 is connected to both network on the same device eth0. now on PC6, put a tbf on dev eth0 root
2006 Dec 05
problem with lists...
Hi guys, I am new to R, so sorry if my problem seems trivial. Sometimes I encounter some lists, which I cannot index their components with [ . ] For instance the prcomp() function returns a 'prcomp' object whose components are some 'lists'. the second component is a list that comtains the following: > mylist <- churn[2] > class(mylist) [1] "list" >
2009 Nov 09
prcomp - principal components in R
Hello, not understanding the output of prcomp, I reduce the number of components and the output continues to show cumulative 100% of the variance explained, which can't be the case dropping from 8 components to 3. How do i get the output in terms of the cumulative % of the total variance, so when i go from total solution of 8 (8 variables in the data set), to a reduced number of
2000 Feb 09
About function 'gnls'
Dear all, I'm currently using R v0.90.0 with packages "nlme" on Windows 98 Second Edition. I have an enquiry on using the generalised least squares function 'gnls'. My data set "lx.sea" contains some seasonal GDP with some independent variables. I want to fit a nonlinear least square using restricted maximum likelihood estimation. There exists a AR(4)
2016 Mar 24
summary( prcomp(*, tol = .) ) -- and 'rank.'
Martin, I fully agree. This becomes an issue when you have big matrices. (Note that there are awesome methods for actually only computing a small number of PCs (unlike your code which uses svn which gets all of them); these are available in various CRAN packages). Best, Kasper On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Martin Maechler <maechler at > wrote: > Following from
2010 Oct 20
Hi I have a script which is designed to gather data from individual columns from a file, which is an output from an instrument. the file has multiple sections and each a section has data under each column (vars), I am using the name of the column as a variable to gather the column ID using vidx<-grep(vars[vi],gsub("[[:punct:]]","",strrl1[[datbeg-1]]), the
2011 Sep 28
PCA: prcomp rotations
Hi all, I think I may be confused by different people/programs using the word rotation differently. Does prcomp not perform rotations by default? If I understand it correctly retx=TRUE returns ordinated data, that I can plot for individual samples (prcomp()$x: which is the scaled and centered (rotated?) data multiplied by loadings). What does it mean that the data is rotated from the