Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Small patch to Effect.Highlight"
2005 Nov 07
question about Effect.Highlight and IE 5.5
I''ve recently begun testing some of the scriptaculous functionality in
IE 5.5, since my company wants me to support as many browsers as
possible. When I do an Effect.Highlight on a <tr>, it doesn''t quite
work right. I''ve figured out a few things, but I''m not sure whether you
want to change them or not. Here''s what I know:
2007 Jun 26
Migration of Effect from 1.4.0 to 1.5.1
Is there migration for custom Effect between prototype/scriptaculous
1.4 and 1.5 ?
Kevin Davis send me it''s cool Poof Effect but it seems to be tooooo
fast in last version of scriptaculous. I think it comes from the code
? But I don''t know the best way to correct that ?
Here is a copy/past of his mail for anybody interested in his Effect:
> Hey there, sorry for
2006 Mar 04
RE: Question about event listener highlighting withchild elements
1. Create a separate class that has your highlight/unhighlight behavior
in it, and extend just the element you want to highlight with that
class... like this (also allows you to easily apply this behavior
elsewhere when you need it in the future):
Object.extend(this.el, HighlightBehaviorClass.prototype)
2. When defining your event handlers, assign them to variables so you
have a
2006 May 26
stopping effects, help me again please
Hi * and thanks for you responses
some body help me stop effect, just last effect.
Thanks! to somebody help me with:
Pulsator = Class.create();
Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element)
this.stopped = false;
new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish: this.action.bind(this) });
},action: function(element){if(!this.stopped) new Effect.Pulsate(element,
{ afterFinish:
2007 Mar 01
Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater using Effect.Highlight to highlight newly loaded div
Hi folks. So far I have managed to get dataloading into a div froma
php script. This script just passes the time on the server in a div to
the javascript below. I am trying to get the last loaded data to call
Effect.Highlight but it seems to highlight the 2nd last data instead.
Can anyone see what''s going wrong here? I''ve tried everywhere to solve
Check the code in action
2005 Dec 08
Bug in Effect.Highlight ?
Hi All,
I''ve just discover scriptaculous and it is a really good library. Even
if I have some difficulties with short syntax in javascript code :/
I have a strange behaviour with Effect.Highlight, and as it''s said on
bug report page :
"It''s also a good idea to discuss this on the Mailing List beforehand,
maybe it''s already known and in the works, or it
2005 Oct 21
{ afterfinish }
1. can someone give me an example usage of { afterfinish: }? I tried several
ways and just can''t get it. I was trying to deploy an effect after another
one had finished and just couldn''t do it.
Effect.dropout (myElement, {afterfinish: function(element) {
Effect.Appear(anotherElement); } } );
a) why doesn''t this work?
b) what''s the element argument for?
2007 Jun 16
Help with effect queue.
I have an interesting challenge for you. I am using both Scriptaculous
and Prototype on a web site (not using Ruby) and I am trying to queue
effects and updates. Here is the situation - I have a page with
editable blocks, when the user clicks on the edit button under the
box, I want it to:
1) Use Ajax to go out and get the code to build the editor form.
2) When it has the form, use Effect.BlindUp
2005 Jun 24
Executing custom effect for n seconds
Glad to see this list get going!
I have a custom effect ''Pulse'' that basically does an opacity fade in/
I want to execute this effect with a custom duration.
I''m looking for a consistent approach that is inline with
script.alicio.us and Prototype.
Is there a way to do something like this (pseudo code):
Effect2.Pulse = function(element) {
2005 Nov 17
afterFinish option not working as expected
I''m trying to use the afterFinish parameter on the BlindDown effect,
but it''s not working as I expect it to. My function appears to be
called just as the effect is starting, not when the BlindDown is
complete (finished drawing).
Here''s the code that I''m using for the most part...
Effect.BlindDown( mydiv, { afterFinish:Form.enable(myform) } )
2006 May 18
more that 5 time beats for effect.pulsate
hi again
How can i extend 5 times for effect.pulsate beats?
I need that continue beat until other event client happened
about my other mail, is there other solution more elegant that this? :
new Effect.Pulsate(leccion[i_leccion],{duration: 5,from: 1});
thanks again
2006 May 03
Start/Finish events with $$ function?
Are there available events that can be hooked regarding the $$ function?
For example, my application makes use of a function similar to
$$(''.MyClass'').each(function(element, index) { /* Do something nifty */ });
and it takes a noticeable amount of time. I''m thinking that it would be
beneficial to show a loading image while $$ is processing. So I was curious
if the $$
2006 Nov 27
3 prototype/scriptaculous effects in order on one <div>
What I am trying to do is fade out the content in a certain <div> load
new content while its black then fade in the new content but im lost.
I need it to go like this...
but everytime I try to do it it just trys to do all of them at once,
how do I go about making the effects wait on the previous one before it
2005 Dec 05
Effect.Highlight on Ajax.Updater
Hello to all list members...
Exchuse for my bad english, I don''t write english very well.
I''m searching for a solution to hilight a div when his value change.
The value in these div is take from Ajax.Updater .
the code is:
new Ajax.Updater(''acc'',''tools/head_info.php'',{asynchronous:true});
and have a settimeout to recall it every 5 seconds.
2006 Feb 03
Scriptaculous: Newbie question - Effect.fade
Hi there,
Is it possible to do an effect.fade without removing the hidden document
from the flow when in becomes invisible?
I have a line of images (initially all invisible)
[] [] [] [] []
And a list of links
- link 1
- link 2
- link 3
- link 4
- link 5
And what I want to happen is to have the images appear on link mouseover
and disappear on mouseout but for the images to maintain their
2006 Mar 04
Question about event listener highlighting with child elements
I have created a JavaScript object which is initialized for some input
fields, fieldsets, and divs on the page. With each object i attach a
mouseover and mouseout event that highlights and un-highlights. Also on
mouseout i am trying to display the id of the object to a console. The
highlighting works except for cases when an object is the child of another
object. In this case both are highlighted
2005 Jun 27
stage left and right effects
Here are two effects (with a common base) that perform a stage
left/right effect. The effect is named after the Hanna Barbara
character Snagglepuss. :) It shakes the contents briefly and then
jets off (stage) to the left or right.
I used the Shake effect as a guide to this one. The StageBase accepts
the element and an "amount" to initially shake the element by. So in
2005 Oct 05
InPlaceEditor crash on Safari
Quick question..
I often crash my Safari when using ''Enter'' on InPlaceEditor''s for
Works fine on firefox(win & Mac) - no javascript errors.
Anyone else seen this behavior?
(Maybe it is just my alterings of InPlaceEditor :-)
Best Regards
Michael Krog
2008 Apr 24
Scriptaculous Help (page exit effects)
I was wondering if it was possible in Prototype/Scriptaculous to run
an effect when a link is clicked, then go to that page, or if it was
possible to have an effect run when the page unloads.
I have tried <body onunload="new Effect.Fade("whatever");> and some
prototype page exit events, could get a alert("") function to work,
but not the effects. Any ideas?
2007 May 17
AJAX, PHP and scriptalicious
I''m brand new to AJAX and scriptalicious, so i''m hoping for some help.
inside hello.php
I have this piece of code to grab and loop out users in the database:
function test(){
$query = mysql_query(''SELECT * FROM `testing`'');
while($i = mysql_fetch_row($query))
echo''<div class="testie">'';