similar to: Documentation clarification

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Documentation clarification"

2006 Jun 29
Sortables question
Hello, I am new to Scriptaculous, and was recently brought into a project using it to create an email Newsletter builder. The idea is that the user will have lists of elements that he can add to the email page by dragging the element he wants to add from an "available sections" container, to a "loaded sections" container. Dragging from the loaded to available will
2006 Feb 01
Sortable onUpdate problem
Hi, I have two sortables with different options (but same tags. just ''li''). When I drag an item from sortable1 to sortable2 I want it to gain the options that the sortable2 items have. I''ve tried all day to understand how Draggables and their observers are destroyed but I keep gettting buggy behavior. Part of the problem is the draggable and the draggableObserver are
2007 May 09
Scriptaculous Sortables: dragging between sortables and reordering them by javascript?
Hello, I wanted to drag elements from one sortable to another - not a problem. the hard thing is that i want to call a JS function to reorder the elements by certain criterias (ranking f.e.). So the two involved sortables are firering two onUpdate event. When I am changing the order of the LI-elements of the first Sortable (by removing them and adding them again), the second onUpdate event will
2006 Jan 11
sortables callbacks
i know someone just recently asked about queueing ajax requests, my question is similar in the regards that i don''t want my application to send multiple requests. i have 2 sortabbles lists left, and right. when i move an item from left to the right the onUpdate callback will send 2 ajax requests. one for each sortables. however. i want it to serialize and send back the results from
2010 Apr 13
scannedonly smbd crash
hello I use samba 3.5.2 I have problem with print$ share. When I try to deploy drivers in print$ , with XP wizard. I get an error cf screenshot I've put log level 10 You can see smbd.log in attachement it cause traceback in syslog Apr 13 11:22:37 scribe smbd[11889]: [2010/04/13 11:22:37.892063, 0] lib/util.c:1465(smb_panic) Apr 13 11:22:37 scribe smbd[11889]: PANIC (pid 11889):
2005 Jul 19
quick dragdrop question
Hi, I want to do some custom logic on items being dragged and dropped - I need an event callback that has a reference to both the element being dropped (the LI), and the target element that it''s being dropped onto (the UL). I''ve found the Sortables.create option for creating an onUpdate and onChange handler, and done the following: function selectItem(target){
2005 Oct 13
I''ve got a page I''ve implemented a bunch of observables and sortables. There are around 330 items in the list. The Observables (for hide/show of sublists) don''t seem to impact performance, but the Sortables take a very long time to load when the page is refreshed or submitted--even after accounting for the server-side processing and latency. I''ve
2005 Oct 16
Wine supports Game Port?
Hi all, I want to install a Medical Transcription Related S/W which is running in M$ Wallless Windows. I want it to be in my box. So does wine / Cedega / Cross Over supports Game port or com port emulation. S/w Name: Express Scribe Website : <> Kernel : 2.6.8 Debian Sarge 3.1 Wine : 20050930 release This s/w uses game port for playing
2008 Nov 29
Can't run Evidence Scribe
Hello, I have a program called "Evidence Scribe" it runs with .NET Whenever I try to run it I receive this: Code: blake at blake-desktop ~ $ env WINEPREFIX="/home/blake/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Idoneum\Evidence Scribe\Evidence Scribe.exe" fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI Unhandled unit type: 3 Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException:
2006 Jul 20
Scriptaculous + Sortable: onUpdate Not Firing
Hello all, I''m using Scriptaculous 1.6.1 on a project I''m developing. My generated HTML (generated by PHP) looks something like this: <ul id="admin-list"> <li id="li-13">Singletary, Bob (President/CEO)</li> <li id="li-12">Chatman, Jim (Vice President of Finance/CFO)</li> ... </ul> <script
2005 Aug 12
Ghostly bug in sortables
When a sortable has ''ghosting'' enabled, it seems to include the dragged element twice in the list which is submitted in the onUpdate AJAX request. By the looks of it, it''s appended onto the end of the list when Sortable.serialize is called. IE in the following list: - 1 - 2 - 3 If I drag 3 to be at the top, what we expect is: [3, 1, 2] What we get is: [3, 1, 2, 3]
2005 Dec 22
Clone Sortable item
Hi everyone! Firt excuse me for my crappy english, I hope you understand me! :) Since I just signed up on this list i don''t have a clue how the word is on this list. As i understand this is THE mailinglist for Scriptaculous, correct? My question / request is: I have two sortable lists, one is an "archive" and one is a "imagelist" where the user can sort the
2005 Dec 26
hot keys
Hello. One thing I have been running under Wine is something called "Express Scribe", which is rather good gratis software for transcribing audio material. Up through 0.9.3, the program runs nicely but at install there are error messages about not being able to install hot keys. Probably this isn't surprising, so what I am really looking for is advice on how to work around it. In
2006 Jun 14
Bad behaviour in Internet Explorer
Hello, I''m using scriptaculous and it is great but they are very slow and don''t show the element when I drag it in IE6. Someone know something about drag and drop in IE? I''m using the latest version, 1.6 The code is: <div id="list[1]" > <div id="item_2" onclick="''list[2]'')">Obras <div
2006 Mar 29
MaxConnections in IE and Ajax.Request/Sortable
Hi all, IƤve built some functionality in a CMS where you can drag and drop small elements on the page between 2+ panes/containers/divs. Whenever a drag-drop event has occurred (onUpdate) I make a Ajax.Request to save the new layout in the CMS. The code is as follows: in an onload-function: var a = ["subcontent", "main"]; for (var i=0; id=a[i]; i++) { if ($(id)) {
2007 Nov 02
3 onUpdate in Sortable.create
Can''t seem to get the onUpdate to work in for a sortable list. I am following the documentation and the included functional tests but nothing is firing for me. Any idea why? Sortable.create(''list1'', { tree:true , onUpdate:function(sortable){ alert(''onUpdate'') } , handle: ''handle'' , scroll:window ,
2006 Apr 14
Problems using Sortable with an onUpdate callback
Hi all: I''m using sortable (very cool stuff!) on a series of divs with an onUpdate callback. Everything appears to work alright until I try to pass a parameter to my callback function like this: Sortable.create( ''page_33'', { tag: ''div'', onUpdate: updateOrder(''page_33'') } ); When I pass that parameter to the
2007 Jul 19
Storing order of sortable objects in RoR
I have two sortable lists that you can drag and drop to and from. Each object in the lists have a position field in the object''s table. I want to be able to update the position in the database automagically once a user has sorted the list. I can drag and drop just fine but I am not able to store the new positions in the database. I am trying to use Ajax.request in the onUpdate callback
2007 Aug 29
sortable_element :onUpdate
First time poster - hope I''ve done sufficient homework to get more than an rtfm: In my view, I have a <ul> list wherein each list element is identified with an id, thusly: <ul id="todoHandle"> <% for task in @tasks %> <li id="task_<>"> <%= task.Description %> </li> <% end %>
2002 Dec 17
Trouble with my printer
Hi, I am on RH 8.0 and samba 2.2.7-1 . Why when I share my printer on my linux my xp client can not connect to it. It can see it in "network neighbourhood" when I want to connect it , the message is : Refused access. Impossible connexion . And On W98 box , a printer connected to this LPR has status to < ERROR > . I know that It's caused by my smb.conf: [global]