Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Expando? Bubble?"
2005 Sep 21
Tutorials, Howtos
Are there any tutorials or howtos on scriptaculous or Prototype?
Alan Gutierrez - alan@engrm.com
- http://engrm.com/blogometer/index.html
- http://engrm.com/blogometer/rss.2.0.xml
2005 Sep 28
Prototype / script.aculo.us / XSLT 2.0
Here''s an blog on how I''m using Prototype and script.aculo.us...
If anyone is interested in generating views and models for
script.aculo.us controllers in XSLT 2.0 please let me know.
Alan Gutierrez - alan@engrm.com
- http://engrm.com/blogometer/index.html
2005 Sep 28
script.aculo.us Design Patterns
What makes script.aculo.us and Prototype so darn special?
I was using some of the facilities of Prototype, and came around
to understanding that it was different somehow, but I couldn''t
figure out how exactly.
I was using static methods for a while, but when I wrapped my
functions into and object the library suddenly started to do
some serious lifting.
2005 Sep 21
Result Documents XML or JSON?
My Java servlets can generate both JavaScript objects, like
JSON, and XML. I can generate both pretty easily.
What''s best practice for AJAX responses? Return scripts to be
evaled by the Ajax control, or return XML documents and iterate
them using XML DOM?
Alan Gutierrez - alan@engrm.com
- http://engrm.com/blogometer/index.html
2005 Sep 21
Other JavaScript Forums
Are their other forms for Prototype and script.aculo.us
developers? Know I''ve asked before, but I''ll ask again. Make
sure I''m not missing anything.
Alan Gutierrez - alan@engrm.com
- http://engrm.com/blogometer/index.html
- http://engrm.com/blogometer/rss.2.0.xml
2005 Sep 19
accept on Sortable
Hi all,
I am working on a Google Suggest Like thing, where you can add / remove,
drag n drop ... mini-apps, it is nearly done but I need some advices
(here it is if you want to check it :
http://dev.karibou.org/default/edit ).
I am using Sortables, is it the best way to do it ?
I needed to modify the Serialize function cause I didn''t like the way I
had to id my elements. Sorry, the
2005 Sep 27
Hi *,
We don''t know if you guys are the right audience, but we got a problem
with prototype.js we need to solve.
Essentially, it is a compatibility bug with the IE.
We wrote a component so it updates itself periodically using AJAX. we used the
prototype.js to accomplish this (using the periodicalUpdater object).
now the component works fine using firefox or opera, but NOT with IE.
2005 Oct 01
storing state in cookies using scriptaculous
Hi All,
So I''m using scriptaculous in rails to allow opening and closing of
messages in a threaded forum without the need for reloading the entire page.
What I was wondering was if there was some way to store the state (which
messages are open and which are closed) in a cookie or something, so
that when the user does reload the page the messages won''t all be reset
to their
2005 Sep 21
Hi all,
I was wondering if one could pull a completely separate web site into a
div, e.g.
<a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater(''artifact'',
''http://www.vivisimo.com/'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
onLoading:function(request){Toggle.display(''message2body'')}}); return
it fails
2005 Oct 27
Hi, I am trying to play with all the methods in the Array Object.
Just wanted to check with you guys if this is the correct explanation of toQueryParams().
If yes, then I''ll add it to the documentation as well.
Works for me (but I am not sure if it''s the correct way to use it).
/* String.prototype.toQueryParams takes a query string, i.e, string with
name value pairs
2006 Jun 04
text bubble (rectangle)?
Dear R wizards: sorry to bug everyone twice in one day.
I would like to annotate my graph by putting text strings into
rectangle boxes with a little cartoon-like bubble with a lid pointing
to a specific location. I can draw some sort of bubble-with-lid using
the R primitives. (has anyone done something like this already?)
the problem where I am stuck is that the width of the rectangle must
2017 Mar 21
frozen bubble for C7
That perl lib was most likely in EPEL at the time I added Frozen Bubble. They orphan packages once in a while breaking my deps.
Anyway, I've added perl-Compress-Bzip2 to my repo and Frozen Bubble should install fine now.
Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Fred Smith" <fredex at
2010 Jul 30
Problem with "par" and "bubble plot"
Hi all.
I have been trying to plot 9 bubble plots on each page of a PDF file. For
this, I'm using :
par(mfcol = c(3,3), mar = c(3,3,3,3), oma = c(0,0,0,0));
However, when plotting the bubble plot (gstats package), it plots the graph
on a full page. I tried to plot something else with plot(x,y) and it works
as intended. So I'm guessing the problem comes from the bubble plot itself.
2009 Sep 28
Bubble Plot
I am using the bubble plot and have been able to overlay two different data sets on the same graphic successfully. I would like to do the following and cannot:
1) suppress the zero values such that there is no representation of them on my plot (i.e., the "zeroes" show up as the smallest dot size, and I can't change this)
2) Give values to y or x axes with values, and
2006 Sep 19
bubble plot problems
I'm having some problems with a bubble plot (ps package). I don't want
tick marks on all four sides (just two), I want to have a smaller font
size, and I would like to be able to define bubble sizes shown in the
legend (now it shows 0, 0, 0, 9.747 and 4265.757 which is not really
convenient. Passing some of the standard plot arguments didn't help (in
fact, nothing changed).
2004 Sep 21
bubble plots
Dear all,
I'm used to draw bubble plots (gstat) to get a first view of my spatial
marked data, but I can't find a way to label legend with marks after having
replaced them by a numeric scale.
I have a data frame with numeric coords and factors:
> names(data)
[1] "x" "y" "bloc" "sub" "inoc"
2005 Jul 21
bubble.plot() - standardize size of unit circle
I wrote a wrapper for symbols() that produces a
bivariate bubble plot, for use when plot(x,y) hides
multiple occurrences of the same x,y combination (e.g.
if x,y are integers).
Circle area ~ counts per bin, and circle size is
controlled by 'scale'.
Question: how can I automatically make the smallest
circle the same size as a standard plot character,
rather than having to
2009 May 07
Bubble Plot Over a Map
Hi everybody,
Well here is another doubt! I’m elaborating some maps, and I pretend to plot
over it the abundance of species. I could do that using points(), but I’d
like to use bubble() from sp package.
When trying to use bubble() I face the fallowing issue: When I call the
bubble function it overwrite everything I previously plotted. It doesn’t
happen with points (obviously), only with
2011 Nov 23
Suggested alternative to rgdal for Mac for making bubble plots with R 2.14?
I'm new to making bubble plots with R, so I was going to try the following:
Unfortunately, it looks like rgdal is not part of 2.14. I'm not sure if it was the mirror I selected or something else is going on.
> install.packages("rgdal")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
2009 Jan 10
Bubble plot on shapefile - projection issues?
Dear R help list,
I am working on some data from a study on the habitat use and movement patterns of fish using a marine protected area in Hawaii.? We have a number of acoustic receivers in a MPA, and any time a tagged fish passes within range it records the date and time of detection.? I am trying to make bubble plots?showing the number of detections for each fish at each receiver.? I have been