similar to: triggering event handlers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "triggering event handlers"

2005 Oct 17
a better question
I''m trying to call a click() event on an <a href> that has an Observable registered for it. Something like: <a href="#" id="toggle_1929">show</a> ... Event.observe("toggle_1929", ''click'', function(event){ Element.toggle ("group_1929"); return false; }); ... $("toggle_1929").click(); //this throws
2006 Jan 25
Ajax.InPlaceEditor onSuccess: ???
I''m looking for onSuccess: in Ajax.InPlaceEditor, but it doesn''t appear to exist. onComplete isn''t what I need because I only want my callback on success. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, Jamie
2006 Mar 27
InPlaceEditor convertHTMLLineBreaks
I''m curious if anyone else has a need to disable *convertHTMLLineBreaks*. I actually need to show the <p>''s and <br>''s in the editor and browsing the source code, see that this isn''t configurable. Jamie
2005 Jan 29
format question
how can I get a float to always print two decimal places? Thanks, Jamie
2005 Dec 27
ruby 1.8.2 or 1.8.3 on Linux?
I''ve seen some reports of problems with running Rails (version 1.0 here) on Ruby 1.8.3. Is this true across the board or just Mac OS? I''m setting up a Linux server and want to know if 1.8.3 is ok on that. Thanks, Jamie
2006 Sep 10
Using partials with Markaby
I''m trying to use a partial from within Markaby. I haven''t been able to figure out how to access a parameter passed into the partial. Here''s the code I''m using: h1 "Create a new note" if @note render :partial => ''form/errors'', :record => @note end ... (that snippet, as well as the partial is stolen shamelessly from Restolog
2006 Jul 10
ubuntu & mongrel
I''m getting the following error. Which apt-get install <some missing package> do I need to run? looks like some build tools. Building native extensions. This could take a while... extconf.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError) from extconf.rb:1 ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError) ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
2005 Oct 04
I just want to confirm that it''s *not* possible to sort <tr>s in tables.... Jamie
2006 Jun 13
What''s the current status of Markaby? I''ve played with it a bit and love it and am considering using it for a large project I''m starting. If you''ve used it, I''d love to hear your comments! Jamie
2006 Nov 27
win32 problems
I''m setting up a Rails app for a client that uses Windows. I''m getting this error: c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.18/lib/mongrel/rails.rb: 32: uninitial ized constant Mongrel::HttpHandler (NameError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:21:in `re quire'' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.18/bin/
2007 Mar 04
FreeBSD 6.1 mongrel_cluster and procfs message
I''m running the latest mongrel (1.0.1) and the latest mongrel_cluster ( on FreeBSD 6.1. When I use capistrano to try to stop or restart my cluster I get this (partial) output: ps: Process environment requires procfs(5) And my Mongrel processes haven''t stopped. Any ideas? Thanks, Jamie
2005 Oct 03
Sortable and the Server
I want to build a sortable list that updates the server when the item is dropped into its new position. How to create a sortable list is clear, but I''m looking for an example of how to integrate this with the server side. Are there any examples or tutorials around? I''m working in a java environment. Thanks, Jamie
2005 Oct 04
sorting error "Error: has no properties"
I''ve got some sorting working now, but when the page loads and when I drag, I keep getting this error: "Error: has no properties" My <ul> and <li> elements all have ids. Do child elements all need ids? Here''s the code from dragdrop.js where the error is being thrown ( a few lines from the bottom of the file, line 501--HEAD version) serialize:
2005 Oct 18
RE: Error: "onclick() is not a function"
I see what he is saying now. When you assign a click event with the Event.observe it does not allow you to call it with the $(''xxx'').onclick(); command as it''s looking for the onclick tag in the a tag. I''m stumped on a way to get this to work. Jon Whitcraft Web Application Developer Online Services - Indianapolis Motor Speedway (317) 492-8623
2005 Oct 13
I''ve got a page I''ve implemented a bunch of observables and sortables. There are around 330 items in the list. The Observables (for hide/show of sublists) don''t seem to impact performance, but the Sortables take a very long time to load when the page is refreshed or submitted--even after accounting for the server-side processing and latency. I''ve
2005 Oct 04
Near the end of the Sortable.serialize() method, there is a split command that splits on an underscore. What is the convention it''s following here and is it documented somewhere? Thanks, Jamie serialize: function(element) { element = $(element); var sortableOptions = this.options(element); var options = Object.extend({ tag: sortableOptions.tag, only:
2005 Nov 30
newbie: Getting started on Windows XP & MAc OSX 10.4
Hello, What installs do you recommend for Windows XP and MAc OSX 10.4? I want to setup Rails as easy as I can. Thanks Frank -- Posted via
2005 Oct 15
latest prototype breaks toggle
I''ve found that when I revert this change, toggle works again. Otherwise, it''s broken (Mac OS Tiger, Safari and Firefox): - = - ( == ''none'' ? '''' : ''none''); + Element[Element.visible(element) ? ''show'' : ''hide''](element); I looked
2006 Jun 15
Markaby Installation Issues
Ok, So I followed the directions.. I did a ''gem install markaby'' (which sounds like its enough to get me going for rails), but I wasn''t sure, so I tried to install the plugin as well. Plugin installation fails looking for a file: Script/plugin install Outputs this error: + ./trunk/svnindex.xsl
2005 Jan 31
MySql 4.1.9, passwords, Rails
After spending a lot of time today trying to get CocoaMySQL connecting to a remote MySQL 4.1.9 server via ssh tunnel and then experiencing the password hashing issue locally when I put in passwords on my local Mysql server, I started wondering about Rails compatibility. Will rails now hash passwords correctly when connecting to MySql 4.1.7+, or should I stick with using old_password() when