similar to: Jumpiness in effects

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Jumpiness in effects"

2005 Dec 08
Uncomplete hiding on Firefox 1.5
Hi all, I have observed the following on Firefox 1.5 (both on XP and OSX): My page has some div containers that hold sortable ul. The div's also contain links for showing/hiding the contained ul's. No matter which effect I use to do the hiding and showing (Fade/Appear, SlideUp/Down, BlindUp/Down) the hidden ul's don't hide completely, leaving a blank 'trace' behind.
2005 Dec 04
Adding sortables dynamically
Hi all, is there a way to define the containment option for a sortable so that it is a class name instead of an id list? I have a case very similar to the sortable lists demo, the only difference is that I'm adding new list containers dinamically, so either I need to redo the Sortable.create calls for all new elements to include the newly added container, or having someway to have them
2005 Jul 21
Question about sortables
Hi, I''m trying to use sortables to sort table rows and move them between different tables (yes, it''s actual tabular data ;). However, either I don''t know how to use the tag property of Sortable.create properly, or it''s only working for li''s. Since it''s probably the first option, could someone post an example of sorting tr tags and move them
2005 Jul 20
Syntax Highlighting library
Hi, first of all let this message serve as presentation and to stop lurking. I have a current project, which I am not sure that it fits the library, so I thought that before anything else I''d ask here. The project is a client-side syntax highlighter, to bring some life to those <pre> and <code> blocks, so that no matter which server-side technology you are
2007 Jun 24
function Element.isParent argument order?
I was trying to troubleshoot "jumpy" Sortables and noticed that when the function Element.isParent is called from onHover (line 749 in dragdrop.js v. 1.7.1_beta3) and from onEmptyHover (line 781), the arguments seem to be in reverse order. Element.isParent (line 944) expects "child, element(parent)" but is called with "dropon(parent), element(child)", making it
2006 Apr 28
The Ajax Experience
Anyone on the list going to The Ajax Experience in San Francisco May 10? _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 May 01
beta testers: tab panes
Hello, I was wondering whether anybody is interested to do some beta testing on a script I''m currently working on. Here is a little preview: A little doc file can be found here: _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Jun 28
how to set my proxy, so that I can install rails with.. gem install rails --remote. please, how to define the proxy? tks. _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Feb 27
ie problem with scriptaculous effects my layout keeps messing whenever i use IE and i have run out of ideas how to fix this bug. you could try browsing the page using both IE and mozilla, when using IE, click on the links inside the "school information" box to see what i mean. also you could try toggling the calendar box at the bottom part of the page, you may also notice that the
2006 Jan 20
[protoype] Problem with Effects on draggable element if revert is true
hi, I have a draggable element (cart-item) in a shopping cart <%= draggable_element "item_#{product}_#{i}", :revert => true %> When this element is dragged outside the cart into the "main_div", I want to show a puff effect and remove the element. When it is dragged within the cart, it should revert. So i wrote this code for drop_receiving _element <%=
2005 Dec 02
Can I pass options to these effects to control the speed?
Hi There, I am playing around with Effect.Grow and Effect.BlindDown. I was wondering if there is a way to control the speed at which these effects execute. Also, for Grow it seems to exapnd from the middle. I am trying to achieve something more like a flyout from the left. Any ideas on how I can do this? Thanks -- Bruce Christie _______________________________________________
2006 Jun 30
Ajax.Request synchronization (onSuccess before onComplete?)
2 questions regarding the synchronization of these events. 1) is onSuccess called before onComplete ( I assume it is) 2) if called after, is onComplete called after the onSuccess method has completed or are you at the mercy of synchronization issues? Hopefully someone can enlighten me. I tried reading the Prototype.js but couldn''t seem to determine this on my own.
2006 Jul 17
RE: scriptaculous appear effect and tiny_mce bug onopera 9
I seem to recall the Effect.Appear setting the final opacity to 0.99 to avoid some bug on some browser; anyone remember the specifics? Seems like we should probably just conditionally check for the broken browser and set to 0.99 for only that one, otherwise leave it at 1.0, but I know I don''t have the full picture of why it was necessary or whether it still is. Greg
2006 Jun 12
Please! stopping effects, help me again
My friend Sigi wrote: > Pulsator = Class.create(); > Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element,options) > { > this.element = element; > this.options = options || {}; > this.options.afterFinish = this.action.bind(this); > this.stopped = false; > this.action(); > }, > action: function(){ >
2006 May 29
[Fwd: stopping effects, help me again please]
Hi * and thanks for you responses some body help me stop effect, just last effect. Thanks! to somebody help me with: Pulsator = Class.create(); Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element) { this.stopped = false; new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish: this.action.bind(this) }); },action: function(element){if(!this.stopped) new
2006 Jan 07
queued effects - little help please
Hello, I was wondering whether anybody could show me a little example on how to use some queued effects: I''d like to have a div to first appear and then blind down. Thank you for your input _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Dec 02
0 effects
hello everyone. I have been implementing effects into my new site design. I really like the scrolling effect for transferring to my h2. But I was looking at the effects and I thought of an idea that would be very cool. If a user clicks on one of the links, it would direct them to the h2. But it would be really cool if the user clicks on the link, it directs them, then the whole
2005 Dec 09
Element.setOpacity issue in effects
In the Element.setOpacity method definition in effects.js, there is a line that sets the opacity to 0.999999 if the requested opacity is 1. This is clearly there for a reason, but having a very slight transparency actually makes my pages look bad - images are the worst, but I can see the backgrounds through my supposedly opaque elements. Why is 1 bad for this value? Here''s the
2005 Nov 16
trying to use effects for photo slideshow
Hi all I am trying to overlay the Effect.Fade and Effect.Appear to make a photo slideshow, but my frist approaches failed and it seems it needs a bit of CSS-tweaking and Effects-hacking to make it work Or does there exist any other simple way to make simultaneous fade-in/out ? btw. the Wiki seems to be down right now regards -- Roberto Saccon -
2005 Oct 04
I just want to confirm that it''s *not* possible to sort <tr>s in tables.... Jamie