similar to: Execute script tag loaded from Ajax.Updater call

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Execute script tag loaded from Ajax.Updater call"

2006 Feb 09
Ajax.Updater not populating element - please help
Hello everyone, This is related to my post a few days ago regarding multi select lists. I''ve rewritten the code and now can''t seem to get the Ajax.Updater in getModels() to "execute", and the element never gets populated. I know it''s something obvious and hope someone could point it out to me. Thanks for any help. Here''s my code: <script
2006 Feb 07
Help needed with conflicting EventObserver
Hello everyone, I have a page that populates/updates make, model and year select lists via Ajax.Updater and I think that an EventObserver is causing a conflict. Here''s what I''m trying to do. I''m using this page as a create and edit page for a car database. If I''m calling the page in edit mode, I''ll want the make, model and year set (using the
2006 Jun 15
Set global var in onComplete and keep persistant? Is this possible?
Hello everyone, I posted yesterday about setting a global variable. I''ve done everything I can think of to keep the global variable set outside of the onComplete. Is this impossible? Surely I''m not the only one who needs this. Thanks for any help, Kevin -- Kevin Old
2006 Jun 14
Global variables and onComplete in Ajax.Request
Hello everyone, Just a note, I have to pass my JSON in the response body. I''m aware of the X-JSON header, but am passing too much data to use it. No problem and I have code that has it working well. While I''m getting my JSON data back and can do whatever I''d like with it in "setMakeVars", I''d like to set it to a global var "gljson" below,
2008 Jan 01
Ajax.Updater from within an IFrame
Hello together. I''m trying to call an Ajax.Updater from within an IFrame to update an element in the parent window. It is working, but I receive an error from Firefox when I do so. What I want to do is to upload a file, and then after the file has completed uploading, automatically reload a section of the page with information about the file to post-process it. However, AJAX
2006 Jun 29
Autocompleter without a default choice
Hi, I have an ajax auto completer for a text field in a form. All''s good. Unfortunately, I also want the form to be submitted when the user hits ''return'' in the text field. This combination of circumstances means that if the user is typing his entry and then hits return to submit it is possible that dang auto completer will pop up and complete his entry for even if he
2006 Apr 09
RJS across iframes
I have an inline iframe which has a form in it, when the form is updated, I would like to call an RJS template that will update the parent page. +-----------------------------------------------+ | | | <div id="mydiv"> Update with RJS </div> | | | |
2005 Sep 21
Hi all, I was wondering if one could pull a completely separate web site into a div, e.g. <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater(''artifact'', '''', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onLoading:function(request){Toggle.display(''message2body'')}}); return false;">&raquo;</a> it fails
2007 Mar 13
mime types
I''m trying to use the ajax.Updater function to send a message to the server and display an error message. Ok so far. However if the server detects no error with the data sent I want to open a PDF file in a new window. When I try to do this (using fpdf) the returned PDF is opened as text in the error div. Can anyone point me in the right direction. rgds gmcb
2005 Aug 25
IE and the activeX security warning
I''ve been testing my page, which not only includes my new slider code but the drag and drop code as well. You can see it here: My issue is that in IE, I get the annoying security warning across the top saying ''IE has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer''. If I allow the
2005 Aug 13
back button support
Hello, I was just wondering what clever ways all the Ajax developers out there have come up with to add back button support to their web apps. I have seen a couple different ways on the net, but neither of them look very complete. Ideally, I would like a solution where I could modify Ajax.Updater to keep track of which pages where loaded into which elements, then create a function like
2006 Aug 06
file upload with form_remote_tag
Is there a way to use form_remote_tag and to upload a file? The default behavior ignores the upload when the Javascript serializes the form to create the parameter list. Basically, i''m just looking for an ajax file upload capability. Any help would be appreciated. thanks. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 16
Javascript error?
Hi, I''m trying to get this progress bar plugin working, but I''m having some trouble. I''m running Apache 2.0.52 with mod_fcgid on Mac OS X. Everything seems to be working fine, but the progress bar simply doesn''t work. In my log I get: Multipart upload with progress (id: 1, size: 176731770) Finished processing multipart upload in 18.96244s but no requests in
2005 Jul 06
Autocompletion not working in Konqueror
I''ve just had a look again at the autocompletion demo that Thomas put up at Unfortunately, in Konqueror (3.4.1) it doesn''t work at all. Not even an error is triggered. It does work nicely in Firefox. How about Safari? I don''t have the time right now to track this down systematically (maybe latter), but just from
2007 Jun 18
HTML embed tag and rails...
I have an embeded pluggin that I must use inside my RoR app. We have set up an application.rhtml page that renders the top, side menu and center of the application for every page via DIV''s. This works great. The problem.. This embeded plugin is a Third party plugin that they have just created for the Mac OSX and Safari and every time I load the page, it re-loads the plugin and the
2006 Jun 27
iframe ... does it have an innerHTML ?
If I dynamically create a hidden iframe, how could I add a document in a string to that element? e.g., var sDocument = ''<html><head></head><body>Hello world.</body></html>''; I''ve tried several variations of appendChild, innerHTML, document.innerHTML, createTextNode. Argh! _______________________________________________
2007 Jul 24
How to pull the title and url from an iframe?
I have an iframe in which the user can browse. When they hit the ''add this page'' button i need to retrieve the url and the title of the page currently shown in the iframe. Does anyone know how to do this? Do i need to assign a variable name to my iframe? (currently it just sits in my template as a bit of html) -- Posted via
2006 Jul 22
Problem getting form_remote_tag to work with image upload
Hey guys, I am trying to pass the parameters for the file being upload, but the params[] are not being passed. Ive read through some posts and realize this is an issue with RoR. I read through some of the posts and someone suggested using: I tried to install it, and although I thought I installed it correctly, it doesn''t work.
2008 May 15
Facebooker support for iframe apps
Hi facebooker-ers, It looks to me like facebooker does not currently support iframe facebook apps - or am I missing something? My first problem as I understand it is as follows - When you are logged into facebook, and access a facebook application, facebook tacks on a whole lot of extra fb_sig parameters to the request (including fb_sig_user) that the application can then validate to
2006 May 09
Dynamically printing a page
Does anyone know of a cross browser solution to print a page/url after a user clicks a button? Currently, I''m using a "hidden" iframe to do my bidding. But from my experience, IE requires that the iframe''s src attribute be set initially to the url, in order for the page to open properly. I wasn''t able to add the iframe to the page dynamically, either. So