similar to: sortables callbacks

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "sortables callbacks"

2005 Dec 17
problems with quotes and escaping
First of all I''d like to say thanks for all the great work everyone has put into scriptaculous, I''m having a lot of fun playing with the framework, and easily moving into Web 2.0 territory. I''ve just hit a snag on my project though. So here''s my code: ... var newEvent= "<div
2006 Jan 13
Effect together with ...firstChild - can''t get it to work
Hi, I am relatively new to Rails and I can''t get the following to work: what I am trying to do is to make the first item of a list to flash: var item = $(''items'').firstChild; new Effect.Highlight(item); I get the this Javascript error message: this._base has no child (effects.js, line 445) But I am able to do this without any problems: var item =
2005 Dec 28
Sudden Javascript Console noise in firefox
I have been using the latest version of Firefox and Scriptaculous for about a week now, with no problems. Now I get a lot of noise in the javascript console out of the blue: -- ============================ Brian Peiris Brampton, Ontario, Canada or
2006 Feb 13
8 / Scriptaculous
Hi list, Is it possible to create a "dashboard" type application, like, w/ _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Mar 16
help with each
can you please tell me why this is not working? i got the example for how to use each online and copied it to a t (except i added the if). its telling me items.each does not exist. var items = document.getElementsByClassName(''editView''); if (items.length > 0){ items.each(function (result){ thisid =; thiskey = thisid.replace(/se_item_/gi, '''');
2006 Mar 16
1 in xsl
Hello, first of all, sorry for my English, I´m a Spanish student and I´m having some problems with These are the following: I have a XML file like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="barraNav.xsl"?> <barraNav> <boton>
2006 Jan 08
Problem with sortables and draggables on same page.
here is my test page: clicking on the buttons labeled "Edit Description", "Edit Announcement", "Add to Schedule" or "Add a Link" draggable windows should appear. if you drag anyone of them over the sortable list of links at the bottom of the page and release the drag, the sortables appear above the windows. Is this a
2006 Jan 23
question about Sortables
So, is there any way to specify a sortable to only do a callback when the dragged item is dropped? As it is, the onChange is called whenever you move the draggable to a new element (even if you don''t drop it), but I''d rather only call my function after they drop it to avoid unnecessary additional server calls. It looks like Droppable supports an ''onDrop'', but
2006 Feb 07
onHover: can u explain me this function ?
In Sortables, we have a function onHover: onHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) { if(overlap>0.5) { Sortable.mark(dropon, ''before''); if(dropon.previousSibling != element) { var oldParentNode = element.parentNode; = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering
2006 Feb 26
Question abour Draggables & Droppables
Hi, What I need to know is how to change revert:true to revert:false from a draggable after I drop it on a droppable so it doesn''t return to its original place. Something like: [CODE] <!-- Draggable image --> <img alt="Product" id="item" src="icon.png"> <script type="text/javascript"> new
2007 Jun 24
function Element.isParent argument order?
I was trying to troubleshoot "jumpy" Sortables and noticed that when the function Element.isParent is called from onHover (line 749 in dragdrop.js v. 1.7.1_beta3) and from onEmptyHover (line 781), the arguments seem to be in reverse order. Element.isParent (line 944) expects "child, element(parent)" but is called with "dropon(parent), element(child)", making it
2006 Jun 13
Weird flicker effect in IE6 (sortables)
Hello everyone I have made some strange expirience yesterday. I have an unordered list with sortable list items (basic). Within these are various contents (forms, divs, more lists) etc.. Now on only some of them the whole page (all text) begins to flicker / redrawn in Internet Explorer 6 if i pick up a dragable and move it above its original position (like moving it above the ghost of the
2006 Feb 09
inPlaceEditor ISSUES!
I have run into a problem that I have never created before. I am using the scriptaculous inPlaceEditor If I hit the cancel button, and rehit the editor it then creates two textboxes, and if I repeat three input boxes, etc.! Must be stupid simple, but I AM STUMPED! DECO
2006 Oct 25
Need Help !
Hi I try to install compiz in to my FC5 machine. I have ATI Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] card. when I try to switch to compiz I get the following error message ============================= compiz --replace gconf compiz: SmcOpenConnection failed: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed libGL warning: 3D
2006 Jun 21
scriptaculous question
Hello everybody. I''m wondering if there is away with scriptaculous to update multiple form fields with data after finishing an autocomplete request. Heres an example. Joe BlowSchmoe fills in his name and starts to type in the customer number, he selects the approprate customer number from autocomplete list, and bam the address associated with the customer number is populated into the
2006 Feb 13
3 & tables
I have had trouble making work with tables I would like to do something like <table> <div = "newentry"> <tr><td> First entry</td></tr> <tr><td> Second entry</td></tr> </div> </table> so that inserts the new row above the first entry. So far this has not worked. Has anyone else tried
2005 Nov 03
sortables w/ hoverclass
Good hello. I'm confused by the 'hoverclass' option that can be passed to Sortable.create It works with Droppables.add but (for me) it doesn't seem to do anything when used with Sortables. (afaik Sortable.create just calls Droppables.add and passes the hoverclass option through- or at least it's supposed to) Not sure if it's broken in the current svn but
2008 Feb 15
Sortable limit number of elements
Hello, Well, i need to limit the number of elements in a sortable. I new to scriptaculo but i have lots of experiencie with javascript. Since limit the number of elements is not supported by Sortable i would like to implement, i already took a look at the Sortable class in dragdrop.js and it looks like that onHover and onEmptyHover deal with the update of the UI, however I''m not unable
2005 Aug 11
7 V1.5_pre1 released
Heya, I''ve just released V1.5_pre1. Please give it a try! Important new stuff (since V1.1b1): * Added a main scriptaculous.js file to load in the other libraries transparently. * Fixed a condition where standard a href=xxx links wouldn''t work in autocomplete results. These do now, the onclick event is not cancelled. [thx to Jasper Slits] * Added
2006 Apr 22
Form.serialize problem
I''m sure I''m missing something dumb but I cannot get Form.serialize to work. I have an alert in the function as a debug to show me what''s supposed to be the serialized line of values but it always shows nothing. Can somebody show me what I''m doing wrong? Thanks in advance. function submitprofile() { var url = "/profile/submitprofile.html?";