similar to: Adding multiple input boxes having unique ids

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Adding multiple input boxes having unique ids"

2011 Mar 28
Token Poken :( I'm stuck with this
Hay all! I have question-answer base.. like quiz, yeah? yes! So i need to do this way... my project without registration so this way i need token.. user can answer on my question only once.. How can i do this? Iand i can give him link, and link should be like : localhost:3000/token .. he gets on this link, answer and click go and that''s all. If he want to get on this page once again he
2006 Jan 02
Dealing with collections of model objects
For an application I''m writing I have a model object, "Answer", many of which are associated with a "Request" object. A user will need to answer many questions, each of which is stored in an Answer object that is associated with their request (Request has many Answers). Is there an easy way to create and then validate each of these Answer objects? I basically want to
2007 Dec 06
Stange behaviour with internet explorer
Hi! I''m developing an application with Rails 1.2.6 and I''ve facing a weird problem. In a form, I''m using link_to_function that is aggregating a :partial, the code is as follows: <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Marca</th> <th>Porcentaje</th> <th>Objetivo Mensual</th>
2006 Jun 07
using inline insert_html to generate uniquely named elements
Hello all, I?m using some inline rjs to add content with a unique id like so: In the <head>: function add_fields() { html = ''<div id="'' + new Date().getTime() + ''">''; html += "<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => ''field_set'') -%></div>"; new Insertion.After("whatever", html); } In
2009 Dec 06
link_to_function or button_to_function memory usage
I have an full ajax app doing crud operations for contact info for one section. I was using ajax calls to edit and cancel and also to add a contact. I am implementing a button_to_function instead of doing an ajax call to just edit/add/or cancel a contact. I am running into a memory issue using the button_to_function or link_to_function. I have this: <%= link_to_function ''Edit
2006 Mar 18
Additional link tag attributes with link_to_function...
Hi, I''m having a bit of a struggle with link_to_remote. Everything works exactly as I want it, but the problem is that I want to add another attribute to the <a>-tag, namely class="". Long story short, I want specific links to look differently from others, but all of them being link_to_function. Normally, I''d do this with adding a class="foo" to
2007 Jun 26
what is the :or parameter in a submit_tag ?
I read the following tag in teh Beast example <%= submit_tag''Login'', :or => link_to_function(''forgotten password'', "$(''reset-password'').toggle();") %> I understand the link_to_function, but what is this :or parameter used for ? the link doesn''t appear, so it cannot be used... thanks for your lights kad --
2006 Jun 27
RJS Form Values
Hi, I have the following code : <%=link_to_function("? | China", update_page{|page| page[''tags_en''].value = "China" page[''tags_ch''].value = "?" }) %> This updates two text fields with the China and ?. However I want to append the values, not replace them. So I need something like this :
2006 Aug 01
Newbie Syntax Question: Insertion Bottom with link_to and render Partial
I want to use link_to/link_to_function and then use Insertion.Bottom and also have render partial in it. I could not find one example with all three and I have been working on syntax for it for a long time now. In effect I want the following: When I click on my link <%= link_to_function("Post", "new Insertion.Bottom(''oldpost'',render(:partial
2006 Feb 07
link_to_remote from Controller
Hello-- I?m using Builder::XmlMarkup to create a menu tree and need to have some gee-whizzy javascript to make the menus expand, fade, twirl and dance. Ok, maybe not the last bit. Anyhow, because the html is generated mainly through code like:> ?menu_#{unique_id}?, :class => ?menu?){ xm << link_to_function(?menu name?, ?function_name?) } Unfortunately, link_to_function
2006 Jul 05
Javascript repeating fields.
The one area I keep hitting my head against in Rails is repeating fields via javascript. I frequently have forms where one or more fields are actually broken out into sub tables because there can be multiple simultaneous values. Rails seems to want to you to use the [] construct in the form helpers (e.g. text_field(''employee[]'', ''name'')), but I can''t
2012 Aug 11
[LLVMdev] unique instruction ids
Hi All, I am trying to find out whether llvm assigns unique numeric ids to instructions? George -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2012 Aug 11
[LLVMdev] unique instruction ids
George Baah wrote: > Hi All, > I am trying to find out whether llvm assigns unique numeric ids to > instructions? No, we use the Instruction* wherever we want to refer to a unique instruction. I suppose you could cast that to an integer. Nick
2012 Aug 11
[LLVMdev] unique instruction ids
I am wondering whether the values of the casts are guaranteed to be unique for every instruction. George On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Nick Lewycky <nicholas at> wrote: > George Baah wrote: > >> Hi All, >> I am trying to find out whether llvm assigns unique numeric ids to >> instructions? >> > > No, we use the Instruction* wherever we want
2019 Jan 20
AD ID mapping back end - must IDs be unique over all objects?
Reading the wiki page on the topic above, the following doesn't seem entirely clear to me: must all used IDs be unique, or do just the user/computer accounts and the groups, respectively, need unique IDs? Simply put, is it possible that a user has a uidNumber that is the same as the gidNumber of a group? Thanks, Viktor
2008 Dec 03
Create unique sets of 3 from a vector of IDs?
Dear all: This is one of those "should be easy" problems that I'm having great difficulty solving. I have a vector containing ID codes, and I need to generate a 3-column matrix that contains all possible combinations of three. For example, my ID vector looks like this: A B C D E I need to generate a matrix that looks like this: A B C A B D A B E A C B A C D A C E A D B A D C A D E
2011 Nov 21
Unique message IDs?
Hello, I'm working with indexing my mail box. What I need is to have index in which mailing specified header string is located. I work with the messages via IMAP. I know that sounds like FTS can help me but no, I don't want to index whole message nor I want to patch FTS source to make it to index headers only. I need a way to identify message across my mail box. The idea is that I
2009 Jun 29
Problem with 2.3 nested forms and new elements
Hi, I''m using the new nested forms functionality and I having problems with new created elements. I have an invoice with lines. I would like to be able to create a new invoice, in the same form insert new lines dinamically and saving the invoice and the lines when everything is validated, not before. The problem is that when I add a line dinamically to the form, the new line created
2007 May 29
summing up colum values for unique IDs when multiple ID's exist in data frame
I have data.frame's with IDs and multiple columns. B/c some of IDs showed up more than once, I need sum up colum values to creat a new dataframe with unique ids. I hope there are some cheaper ways of doing it... Because the dataframe is huge, it takes almost an hour to do the task. Thanks so much in advance! Young # ------------------------- examples are here and sum.dup.r is at the
2006 Aug 08
Hello I wonder why this happens: this: <%= link_to_function image_tag("chart_bar.png"), :onclick=>"new Effect.toggle(''bar-project#{}'')" %> outputs this: a href="#" onclick="onclicknew Effect.toggle(''bar-project188''); return false;"><img alt="Chart_bar"