similar to: sortable floats help, please!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "sortable floats help, please!"

2005 Dec 17
hoverclass doesn''t seem to be set from Sortable.create
Hey folks, I''m having a little trouble with the hoverclass parameter of the Sortables.create method. Unfortunately I can''t post a demo page at this time, but I''m creating three lists with the following code: Sortable.create("listOne", {dropOnEmpty:true,containment:["listOne","listTwo", "listThree"],constraint:false,
2006 May 09
Dynamically printing a page
Does anyone know of a cross browser solution to print a page/url after a user clicks a button? Currently, I''m using a "hidden" iframe to do my bidding. But from my experience, IE requires that the iframe''s src attribute be set initially to the url, in order for the page to open properly. I wasn''t able to add the iframe to the page dynamically, either. So
2006 Mar 29
MaxConnections in IE and Ajax.Request/Sortable
Hi all, IƤve built some functionality in a CMS where you can drag and drop small elements on the page between 2+ panes/containers/divs. Whenever a drag-drop event has occurred (onUpdate) I make a Ajax.Request to save the new layout in the CMS. The code is as follows: in an onload-function: var a = ["subcontent", "main"]; for (var i=0; id=a[i]; i++) { if ($(id)) {
2006 Jan 11
sortables callbacks
i know someone just recently asked about queueing ajax requests, my question is similar in the regards that i don''t want my application to send multiple requests. i have 2 sortabbles lists left, and right. when i move an item from left to the right the onUpdate callback will send 2 ajax requests. one for each sortables. however. i want it to serialize and send back the results from
2006 Mar 09
[prototype] how i send Dynamic form field values??
I want to know how can i send the values of form fields build dynamic with prototype. i have the form as follow: <form id="id" method="post" action="url"> <div id="dynamicFields"></div> </form> with prototype i fill the dynamicFields DIV with <input> and <select> tags, but when i submit the form the values of
2005 Nov 03
sortables w/ hoverclass
Good hello. I'm confused by the 'hoverclass' option that can be passed to Sortable.create It works with Droppables.add but (for me) it doesn't seem to do anything when used with Sortables. (afaik Sortable.create just calls Droppables.add and passes the hoverclass option through- or at least it's supposed to) Not sure if it's broken in the current svn but
2005 Sep 07
droponempty doesn''t activate hoverclass?
How come in the latest version of the dropOnEmpty feature turns off the hoverclass? I just updated my version because I was running into some weird display positioning issues (my app is a calendar with my draggable items being table elements) and now I have no feedback when I am hovering over a sortable. I can hack the dragdrop.js to make it work again, but is there any
2006 Apr 27
proposing $E & $T
Hey all, I''ve had these functions for some time now, and would like to offer them as two new dollar-sign functions - elements to be extended by Prototype geniuses. :-) makeText(string) as $T() - return text node element Does just what it says... I''m sure someone could extend it nicely when via Prototype. (example) var x = $T(''hello world'');
2006 Jun 14
Sortable Tree - Stoping Event dispatch ?
Hi, I''m trying to play with sortable tree and have two issues: I have an AJAX Tree looking like: <ul class=''TreeCat'' id=''work''> <li class=''open''> <img src=''s.gif'' class=''node'' onclick="Ajax.Tree.toggle(event,this);"/> <a
2006 Nov 22
Handle specification in draggable item doesnt work in IE
Hi! The code works fine in FF but in IE if I don''t indicate any handle, it works fine but When i specify the handle, the item itself cant be dragged. I am using lib 1.6.4. Kindly help for the fix! Sample Code: .create("leftCol", {dropOnEmpty:true, handle:''tabNav'', hoverclass:''colhover'', tag:''div'',
2008 Jul 24
Native Command Queueing
Is there anyway to enable NCQ on CentOS 4.6? I guess anouther question is on a somewhat high activity mail server with a single SATA2 drive will it do any good? Matt
2005 Sep 30
[Hopefully] Simple Question About Sortables
I recently discovered prototype and and I am totally addicted. The rosy glasses are getting thin though, based on a problem that I''m having with a sortable object I''m using. I see that there is the hoverclass property for draggables, is there something analogous for droppables? Specifically droppables in a sortable? I''ve been through the docs on
2006 Jun 13
Weird flicker effect in IE6 (sortables)
Hello everyone I have made some strange expirience yesterday. I have an unordered list with sortable list items (basic). Within these are various contents (forms, divs, more lists) etc.. Now on only some of them the whole page (all text) begins to flicker / redrawn in Internet Explorer 6 if i pick up a dragable and move it above its original position (like moving it above the ghost of the
2005 Jul 25
dragdrop.js: drop from sortable
I have a Sortable that''s working like a charm, but now I would like to be able to drop objects from that Sortable onto a Droppable that''s not part of my Sortable. I just did a small test page where it didn''t work, so my first question has to be "is this supposed to work?", before I dig too deep into it. "accept" for the droppable is set to the
2006 Jan 11
RE: - unordered list problems
Hi Marco (I forwarded this also to the mailing list and removed the picture as it wasn''t necessary to include to the mailing list so everyone can hear the general techniques), I recently had a very similar problem with my project. The problem arises because whenever you move the mouse to ANY element, the previous element that the mouse was over gets a mouseout event, even if it
2005 Aug 11
7 V1.5_pre1 released
Heya, I''ve just released V1.5_pre1. Please give it a try! Important new stuff (since V1.1b1): * Added a main scriptaculous.js file to load in the other libraries transparently. * Fixed a condition where standard a href=xxx links wouldn''t work in autocomplete results. These do now, the onclick event is not cancelled. [thx to Jasper Slits] * Added
2007 May 11
Using the hoverclass option with DragDrop
Hi everyone, I''m making a shop website for a class I''m doing and I''m trying to implement drag and drop capability. I''ve got the dragging part sorted, but I''m struggling with the dropping. When I hover the item over the droppable area, I want the area to change colour, and if I hover away from it, have it change back. Do I do this with the hoverclass
2005 Nov 09
dropping element and pop-up from overlib
Hi everyone. I hava situation that i have drag and drop on my site, and I wonder is it possible to connect this to very good pop-up javascript library, i mean: at the moment when I drag element over the dropping area that area is highlited (using hoverclass: Css_class) but i want to add pop-up effect on the droppable area. Does anyone know how to do it? It must work like this: When the dragged
2005 Nov 09
droppable and pop-up effect from overlib library
Hi everyone. I hava situation that i have drag and drop on my site, and I wonder is it possible to connect this to very good pop-up javascript library, i mean: at the moment when I drag element over the dropping area that area is highlited (using hoverclass: Css_class) but i want to add pop-up effect on the droppable area. Does anyone know how to do it? It must work like this: When the dragged
2010 May 03
Scriptaculous, snap draggable to droppable or revert
Hello community, I am a fairly new RoR programmer and I need some help with Scriptaculous Drag and Drop: So I have <%= draggable_element(@div_id, :revert => "failure", :snap => 5) -%> and a droppable: <%= drop_receiving_element(@team_div_id, :with => "''player='' + ( ''&position='' + #{draft_position}"