similar to: Check for prototype / scriptaculous support

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Check for prototype / scriptaculous support"

2005 Dec 04
Javascript Logging
Hello Everyone, Just wanted to find out if scriptaculous has a patch for a error logging class? Currently, I have found 2 javascript logging scripts (outside of scriptaculous). Lumberjack: log4js: Could you guys shed some light on what would be a good logger class to use with our
2006 Jan 10
DWR Vs Prototype/Scriptaculous
Hello Everyone, Does anyone have any insight into the DWR library ( I want to know the pros/cons of using DWR Vs Prototype/Scriptaculous libraries. I am a great fan of the prototype/scriptaculous combination and have been working with them for the last 3-4 months but for some reasons I have been asked to look into DWR. Due to it''s tight integration
2005 Dec 15
Generic Question about the way code is written
Hi, This is a generic question about the way code is written in prototype and scriptaculous libraries. Inside every object, we find functions that begin with "_". How are these methods/functions different from the rest? eg _text, _attributes, _each... Please let me know. Thank you, Mandy.
2005 Nov 25
Rich Text Editor
I know this doesn''t necessarily fall under AJAX, but does anyone have any plans of donating a RTE (Rich Text Editor) plugin to scriptaculous?
2006 Jan 11
Prototype & Cookies
Has anyone written any "cookie" class using prototype? Basically, what I am looking for is if there is an easy way to store mutiple cookies in a single cookie using hash or something - easy writing and retrieval (updating the cookie value). For eg - If I had 25 cookies for my domain 5 of the cookies would either get dropped or not be set (as there is a limit of 20 cookies per domain).
2006 Mar 22
document.write() in ajax response
Hi, I am facing a problem and the description is as follows - I have a page 1.html that does an Ajax.Updator & calls stuff from 2.html (that has some html snippet & some javascript). So far so good - things work fine. However, if 2.html had any document.write code - eg document.write(''hello'') then once the response is received it will be rendered till the point
2006 May 19
Prototype / Scriptaculous & Dojo
Are these libs compatible ? At the very least I''d like to be able to use Prototype & Dojo ? Thoughts welcome.. Matt _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 May 02
Stopping the Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater -- My Kludge?
Well, I''ve been burning the midnight oil trying to figure out how to issue the stop() command to a PeriodicUpdater. I''ve come up with a solution that uses setTimeouts to call the stop function. I think my solution is very kludgey... especially since I''m new to Javascript + Prototype. Can anyone let me know if the below code is at all proper? :) --------- Summary: A
2005 Dec 09
Prototype Enumerable, Array and Hash Documentation
Hey guys, I recently published an article documenting some of the more useful and interesting parts of Prototype''s Enumerable, Hash and Array objects. You can find it here: 2005/12/07/prototype-meets-ruby-a-look-at-enumerable-array-and-hash If you have any feedback or suggestions, fire away. Cheers, -Justin Palmer
2005 Dec 08
Prototype.js Hash Methods
Hi, Has anyone seen any documentation on the Hash Object defined in the prototype library? To be precise the following methods - 1. keys 2. values 3. toQueryString 4. inspect 5. Merge I am trying to play around with them and have come up with the following examples - var h = $H({name: "john doe", email: "", msg: "say hello to
2006 Apr 12
innerHTML and scripts not running
Hello, I''m having an issue with getting embedded javascript code to actually run when loaded via an Ajax.Request() call and the callback function inserts the generated HTML and js code to my current page. It seems that the javascript code is not properly parsing. For example, I''m using the following function showinfo() to return some html code. function showInfo(go_url){
2006 Mar 03
xml handling
Hello there, im having a problem with the xml handling, i want to get and xml node and put things in an input text but im a little lost, im using this code, but isn''t work, what am i doing wrong? --------------------- <a href="#" onclick="getXML()">Get XML</a> <input type="text" value="nothing here" id="respuesta" />
2006 May 09
prototype: leak with Element.extend
Had a nasty memory leak that was seriously slowing down the browser and eating up a couple megabytes every reload. I was using: $$(''.dyntable'').each(function(elm) { new DynTable(elm) }); To set up my behavior, but discovered that just running: $$(''.dyntable''); Caused the memory leak all by itself. The fix I found for it was to change Element.extend to a
2005 Oct 27
Hi, I am trying to play with all the methods in the Array Object. Just wanted to check with you guys if this is the correct explanation of toQueryParams(). If yes, then I''ll add it to the documentation as well. Works for me (but I am not sure if it''s the correct way to use it). /* String.prototype.toQueryParams takes a query string, i.e, string with name value pairs
2009 Dec 28
Updating Scriptaculous and Prototype with current project
Hi I''ve been trying to use the latest version of Lightview. It says that it needs: Lightview requires Prototype 1.6.1 and Scriptaculous 1.8.2. I have included the following in my project files: <script type=''text/javascript'' src='' libs/prototype/1.6.1/prototype.js''></script> <script
2006 Mar 04
I''m not sure if this has been discussed, but is there a public tree control based on prototype/ Thanks Jim _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Feb 24
RE: Appending <tr>''s to Table - Images in<tr>''sloading slowly.
I tried the same thing Ryan - tried preloading the images using javascript once and then using CSS (heights of desperate behavior ;) But no Luck! But, IE is misbehaving in this respect. The application behaves fine once loaded. But, each refresh sucks! Only if I knew why this was happening ... :) Thanks anyway, Mandy.
2007 Mar 12
Looking for lead front-end developer with experience in Prototype and Scriptaculous
Hello All, We are a fun, innovative software company just outside of Boston looking for a bright, passionate font-end web developer (either full time or contractor) to join our team and lead the User Interface development for our flag ship product, CommonSpot Content Server. We''re in the midst of redesigning and building a new, interactive AJAX based interface for our next major release
2006 May 05
Concurrent Requests
Hi, Does anyone have links to any articles on IE''s limit of 2 concurrent requests (including xmlhttp) and how to get around the issue? Please let me know. Thanks, Mandy.
2005 Dec 23
RE: Scriptaculous and Prototype based Rich TextEditor
What I have so far. In my main HTML: <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ mode: "textareas", theme: ''advanced'', theme_advanced_toolbar_location: ''top'' }); ... </script> My Ajax form