Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "log transforming predictor variables in a binomial GAM?"
2011 Jan 18
Circular variables within a GLM, GLM-GEE or GAM
I have a variable (current speed direction) which is circular (0=360 degrees), and I'd like my GLM to include the variable as a circular variable. Can I do this? And what is the code?
I'm actually doing a GLM-GEE using the 'geepack' package, so want to use it in that, but also interested in whether it can also be used in GLMs and GAMs (I use the 'mgcv' package for
2007 Dec 13
Two repeated warnings when runing gam(mgcv) to analyze my dataset?
Dear all,
I run the GAMs (generalized additive models) in gam(mgcv) using the
following codes.
And two repeated warnings appeared.
1: In gam.fit(G, family = G$family, control = control, gamma = gamma, ... :
Algorithm did not converge
2: In gam.fit(G,
2006 Dec 15
DF for GAM function (mgcv package)
For summary(GAM) in the mgcv package smooth the degrees of freedom for
the F value for test of smooth terms are the rank of covariance matrix
of \hat{beta} and the residuals df. I've noticed that in a lot of GAMs
I've fit the rank of the covariance turns out to be 9. In Simon Wood's
book, the rank of covariance matrix is usually either 9 or 99 (pages
239-230 and 259).
Can anyone
2010 Apr 14
Selecting derivative order penalty for thin plate spline regression (GAM - mgcv)
I am using GAMs (package mgcv) to smooth event rates in a penalized regression setting and I was wondering if/how one can
select the order of the derivative penalty.
For my particular problem the order of the penalty (parameter "m" inside the "s" terms of the formula argument) appears to
have a larger effect on the AIC/deviance of the estimated model than the
2006 Dec 04
GAM model selection and dropping terms based on GCV
I have a question regarding model selection and dropping of terms for GAMs fitted with package mgcv. I am following the approach suggested in Wood (2001), Wood and Augustin (2002).
I fitted a saturated model, and I find from the plots that for two of the covariates,
1. The confidence interval includes 0 almost everywhere
2. The degrees of freedom are NOT close to 1
3. The partial
2013 Apr 17
mgcv: how select significant predictor vars when using gam(...select=TRUE) using automatic optimization
I have 11 possible predictor variables and use them to model quite a few
target variables.
In search for a consistent manner and possibly non-manual manner to identify
the significant predictor vars out of the eleven I thought the option
"select=T" might do.
Example: (here only 4 pedictors)
first is vanilla with "select=F"
2007 Oct 08
variance explained by each term in a GAM
Hello fellow R's,
I do apologize if this is a basic question. I'm doing some GAMs using the mgcv package, and I am wondering what is the most appropriate way to determine how much of the variability in the dependent variable is explained by each term in the model. The information provided by summary.gam() relates to the significance of each term (F, p-value) and to the
2010 Jan 26
AIC for comparing GLM(M) with (GAM(M)
I'm analyzing a dichotomous dependent variable (dv) with more than 100
measurements (within-subjects variable: hours24) per subject and more
than 100 subjects. The high number of measurements allows me to model
more complex temporal trends.
I would like to compare different models using GLM, GLMM, GAM and
GAMM, basically do demonstrate the added value of GAMs/GAMMs relative
2011 Apr 19
Prediction interval with GAM?
Is it possible to estimate prediction interval using GAM? I looked through
?gam, ?predict.gam etc and the mgcv.pdf Simon Wood. I found it can
calculate confidence interval but not clear if I can get it to calculate
prediction interval. I read "Inference for GAMs is difficult and somewhat
contentious." in Kuhnert and Venable An Introduction to R, and wondering why
and if that
2009 Feb 07
paraPen in gam [mgcv 1.4-1.1] and centering constraints
Dear Mr. Simon Wood, dear list members,
I am trying to fit a similar model with gam from mgcv compared to what I
did with BayesX, and have discovered the relatively new possibility of
incorporating user-defined matrices for quadratic penalties on
parametric terms using the "paraPen" argument. This was really a very
good idea!
However, I would like to constraint the coefficients
2013 May 01
Multiple Paired T test from large Data Set with multiple pairs
Assuming that your dataset is similar to the one below:
dat1<- data.frame(Algae.Mass=sample(40:50,10,replace=TRUE),Seagrass.Mass=sample(30:70,10,replace=TRUE),Terrestrial.Mass=sample(80:100,10,replace=TRUE),Other.Mass=sample(40:60,10,replace=TRUE),Site.X.Treatment=rep(c("ALA1A","ALA1U"),each=5),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
2008 May 06
mgcv::gam shrinkage of smooths
In Dr. Wood's book on GAM, he suggests in section 4.1.6 that it might be
useful to shrink a single smooth by adding S=S+epsilon*I to the penalty
matrix S. The context was the need to be able to shrink the term to zero if
appropriate. I'd like to do this in order to shrink the coefficients towards
zero (irrespective of the penalty for "wiggliness") - but not necessarily
all the
2012 Nov 27
interactions in GAMs
Hi all,
I wonder if it's possible to include a double interaction in a GAM formula.
If I do this:
mod=gam(energy~s(size, *by=color, by=sex*, k=5) + temperature, ...)
I get the interaction betwen size*color and size*sex.
But I need size*color*sex, being size a smoother.
I've created a new variable (colorsex) which combines all the level of both
color (2 levels) and sex (2
2008 Nov 15
GAMs and GAMMS with correlated acoustic data
This is a long email.
I'm struggling with a data set comprising 2,278 hydroacoustic estimates of
fish biomass density made along line transects in two lakes (lakes
Michigan and Huron, three years in each lake). The data represent
lakewide surveys in each year and each data point represents the estimate
for a horizontal interval 1 km in length.
I'm interested in comparing
2010 Mar 19
Factor variables with GAM models
I'm just starting to learn about GAM models.
When using the lm function in R, any factors I have in my data set are
automatically converted into a series of binomial variables.
For example, if I have a data.frame with a column named color and values
"red", "green", "blue". The lm function automatically replaces it with
3 variables colorred, colorgreen,
2011 Apr 12
Model checking for gam (mgcv) result
Dear list,
i'm checking the residuals plots of a gam model after a processus of model
selection. I found the "best" model, all my terms are significant, the
r-square and the deviance explained are good, but I have strange residuals
What does explains the "curve"
2007 Apr 08
Relative GCV - poisson and negbin GAMs (mgcv)
I am using gam in mgcv (1.3-22) and trying to use gcv to help with model selection. However, I'm a little confused by the process of assessing GCV scores based on their magnitude (or on relative changes in magnitude).
Differences in GCV scores often seem "obvious" with my poisson gams but with negative binomial, the decision seems less clear.
My data represent a similar pattern as
2008 Jun 11
mgcv::gam error message for predict.gam
Sometimes, for specific models, I get this error from predict.gam in library
Error in complete.cases(object) : negative length vectors are not allowed
Here's an example:
model.calibrate <-
gam(meansalesw ~ s(tscore,bs="cs",k=4),
> test <- predict(model.calibrate,newdata)
Error in
2007 Jun 22
two basic question regarding model selection in GAM
Qusetion #1
Model selection in GAM can be done by using:
1. step.gam {gam} : A directional stepwise search
2. gam {mgcv} : Smoothness estimation using GCV or UBRE/AIC criterion
Suppose my model starts with a additive model (linear part + spline part).
Using gam() {mgcv} i got estimated degrees of freedom(edf) for the smoothing
splines. Now I want to use the functional form of my model
2011 Jun 07
gam() (in mgcv) with multiple interactions
Hi! I'm learning mgcv, and reading Simon Wood's book on GAMs, as recommended to me earlier by some folks on this list. I've run into a question to which I can't find the answer in his book, so I'm hoping somebody here knows.
My outcome variable is binary, so I'm doing a binomial fit with gam(). I have five independent variables, all continuous, all uniformly