similar to: [PATCH] Allow generic autocompleter (Ajax.Watcher)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "[PATCH] Allow generic autocompleter (Ajax.Watcher)"

2006 Mar 01
[Fwd: [PATCH] Allow generic autocompleter (Ajax.Watcher)]
Patch to allow generic Ajax.Autocompleter-style textbox watchers. Forwarded for "[Rails-spinoffs] Delayed input posting" -Rob _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Jun 19
Autocompleter enhancement feature request
Hello, I have created a ticket for an enhancement of the autocompleter to show the options immediately when the field gets focus. Right now at least one character must be typed for autocomplete to kick in. I have also made some code changes directly in the script Event.observe(this.element, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this));
2005 Jul 09
Extending the AJAX autocompleter
Hi (I think Thomas?), I am trying to extending the AJAX autocompleter here, and would need to pass on additional params to the Framework I am using which is taking on the request. For this, I have changed the onObserverEvent function in controls.js as to the following: onObserverEvent: function() { this.changed = false; if(this.element.value.length>=this.options.min_chars) {
2006 Nov 30
Disable autocomplete (Ajax.Autocompleter) on the fly.
I''m sure there is an easy way to do this, but it is one of those things that is incredibly difficult to search for. How can I disable an ''Ajax.Autocompleter'' element from working ''on the fly''? I have a page where I''m using two (I know it''s crazy) Ajax.Autocompleter elements and once one of them has got a result I want the other field
2007 Apr 26
Asterisk brute force watcher (was FYI)
> -----Original Message----- > From: [mailto:asterisk-users- >] On Behalf Of J. Oquendo > Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:47 AM > To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion > Subject: [asterisk-users] Asterisk brute force watcher (was FYI) > > Steve Totaro wrote: > > I suspect that
2009 Jul 20
Upgrade server to run on Rails 2.3.2/F11
Note that one of the 8 patches (#6) will be sent separately in reply to this email, as some of the replaced lines are too long, so git won't let me send the email. However, there is nothing wrong with that patch, and it should be applied in the sequence listed below. Note also that I assume this will be tested on a clean f11 install, rather than an upgrade of an existing ovirt server
2006 Jan 23
Performance Issues with Autocompleter
Hi All, I am currently using and Autocompleter for a project which I am dealing now. I faced a situation for which I couldnt find any solution and I could not see any reference regarding this issue in the enhancement/bug lists of either. Autocompleter component is working perfectly, if the information returned from the server does not exceed ~1000 LIs.
2000 Aug 04
Net Watcher vs. SWAT
I'm not sure if you, the Samba team, is aware of this or not, but there is a utility that has come packaged with Windows 95 & Win98 called Net Watcher. This is Windows's way of managing remote and local shares/users connections. I was wondering when/if you were planning on supporting this anytime in the future. It would make some of the management features easier to do with such a
2006 Apr 20
The Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div
Hi everyone If you''ve seen this ticket,, you''ve noticed I have tried to make scrollable autocompleter work. The scrollIntoView works great, however the iframefix for IE didnt work in the previous change. This is fixed now. Also the "blur-on-scrollbar-click" should not work in both IE and Safari (can someone confirm this?) It all
2006 Mar 03
event.keyCode broken in prototype?
I ran 2 tests. One using proto''s Event.observe, and another using an in-line handler of the "keydown" event in a textbox. Using .bindAsEventListener, the event.keyCode is always returning a capital letter, no matter what. The in-line event handler returns lowercase vs. uppercase correctly... What''s going on? I guess I find it hard to believe no one has tried
2006 Jun 29
Autocompleter without a default choice
Hi, I have an ajax auto completer for a text field in a form. All''s good. Unfortunately, I also want the form to be submitted when the user hits ''return'' in the text field. This combination of circumstances means that if the user is typing his entry and then hits return to submit it is possible that dang auto completer will pop up and complete his entry for even if he
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
Note that this does not fix gettext for app, that will be done separately in another patch as F10/F11 require different setups for that. In the meantime gettext works if manually changed in environment.rb to gettext_rails instead of gettext/rails Signed-off-by: Jason Guiditta <jason.guiditt at> --- src/app/controllers/application.rb | 200 --------
2006 Aug 31
Event.observe problem
Hi everyone! I came across and interesting problem with prototype Event.observe. Take this code for example: <script type="text/javascript" src="cropper/lib/prototype.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function handler(e) { if (document.all) { e = window.event; } var key; if (document.layers) key = e.which; if
2006 Mar 08
Event.Observer - (was: Ajax.Autompleter not working on IE)
See if I can stir up a little life with a demo. I can''t believe that Ajax.Autocomplete doesn''t work on IE, so I *must* be doing something wrong. Trying to figure this out I added some alerts to control.js and it seems that IE is not getting the onkeypress events. So, here''s a demo: That contains two fields with onkeypress events:
2005 Nov 14
keystrokes from browser
Gmail has keystrokes now and I''m kind of jealous. What javascript library are they using? Any tips or leads on helper functions? -Mike
2007 Jul 16
Problem with keypress event handling
Hi all, we are writing a cross browser Javascript control that enhances the HTML text input element in order to accept only digits (more or less). Supposing that ''domText'' is the DOM element corresponding to the HTML text input, we wrote the following: Event.observe(domText, "keypress", this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this)); where this.onKeyPress =
2006 Mar 17
Autocompleter.Local problem/desparate plea for help...
I have been trying to write a selector function for Autocompleter.Local that will show a predefined Array and will scroll automatically to the first match. I have had success with with getting my list to populate and show all of the choices, however I cannot get it to scroll to the first match. Since I build the JS Array I can know exactly how many items are in the list going into my selector,
2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Tommy, Every time the Autocomplete results is blur()'d, it adds another onblur event observer (because of "Event.observe(this.update, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this),true); // make sure blur is still around on") which leads to a performance problem / memory leak. (Commenting it out seems to fix this problem.) I was wondering why it was there? Thanks again,
2006 Jun 21
Ajax.Autocompleter and onchange event
Hello, currently I''m working on a JavaScript-on-screen-keyboard for use with touch screens. To autocomplete inputs I want to use the Ajax.Autocompleter control. The problem is that Ajax.Autocompleter only responds to onkeypress events made with a real keyboard, but my on-screen-keyboard causes onchange events when a letter is clicked and appended to the input field. So, is there a way to
2009 Jul 16
[PATCH server] updated anyterm/ovirt integration
host static anyterm content locally, url parameterize anyterm rows/cols/general param update spec/makefile Ideally I wanted and tried hard to put all this into a seperate ovirt-server--anyterm subpackage, but we cannot 'reopen' the ovirt server virtual host defined in ovirt-server.conf to add the neccessary rewrite rules. it would be nice to figure out a way to do this ---