similar to: Prototype Inheritance example

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2006 Feb 24
Autocompleter Problems
Hi, I''m trying to get autocomplete to work but have been having some problems. It seems that Ajax.Autocompleter(...) is not getting called. I''ve put in a alert in control.js: Autocompleter.Local = Class.create(); Autocompleter.Local.prototype = Object.extend(new Autocompleter.Base(), { initialize: function(element, update, array, options) { window.alert("GOT
2006 Mar 30
What is the best way to show that Autocompleter is searching for the dropdown list. It is taking several seconds to load the list deco
2013 Nov 14
Render to clear textbox
There has to be a better way to do this. What I am trying is not working, and seems convoluted. Essentially, a controller method is called, and exits by rendering a partial the purpose of which is to simply clear a textbox in the view. So I am calling the partial which established the textbox -- but it doesn''t work (i.e. it doesn''t clear the textbox). Does anyone know of a
2006 Feb 16
Autocompleter question
Hey all, When using the Ajax.autocompleter, how would I configure it so that the user is searching based on an entry''s name, but once they select an entry, I record the ID? I have the user entering a person''s name in a text box to make it easier to find contacts in a large database. I know that I can display content that doesn''t end up in the textbox by using
2006 Mar 01
[Fwd: [PATCH] Allow generic autocompleter (Ajax.Watcher)]
Patch to allow generic Ajax.Autocompleter-style textbox watchers. Forwarded for "[Rails-spinoffs] Delayed input posting" -Rob _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2007 Jun 14
A more fancy autocomplete using scriptaculous and ajax
I want to create an autocomplete text field that when you type in (some of) a users name, it pops up the portrait image associated to that user on the left hand side, which can then be dragged away in to a Sortable.Droppable element adding that member to your team... I can get the results to display, but not where I want them. They are always in a list below the textbox. 1) possible? 2) Do the
2007 Nov 15
Ajax.InPlaceEditor: controls.js update
I''m not sure if this is a bug or not, but I had to patch controls.js file to accommodate the idea that I had planned. I had to combine Ajax.InplaceEditor and AutoCompleter for a "tagging" feature at my office. With the autocompleter, I need to target an INPUT FIELD by ID. However the generated INPUT field from the Ajax.InPlaceEditor did not include this attribute in
2008 Mar 07
copy & paste event
hi. now I have problem about copy and paste text in my application I make copy and paste button in toolbar and I have fuction of them but I don''t know how to make it can copy only selection text and paste into other textCtrl. see my picture for more info. thank you :) Attachments: -- Posted via
2006 Mar 17
How to check for presence of particular value entered ?
Hi, I am entering value in textbox ("name") on form. Now name field in database is having ''unique'' constraint on it so that no 2 records with same name allowed in database. Now when I m trying to enter same name into database from my form I m getting following error. ================================ Mysql::Error: #23000Duplicate entry ''Prashant''
2006 May 08
How to disable textbox in Ruby?
Hi, I want to disable textbox in my page so that user can not modify its contents. How can we do that in ruby? Thanx, Prash -- Posted via
2008 Jan 16
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in LoginController
Hi, I''m having a problem trying to get a login controller working. When I try and post to my login controller I get the following error: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in LoginController#login login_controller: class LoginController < ApplicationController def login case request.method when :post if @session[''user''] =
2006 Nov 04
live search
hi all, i have implemented live search using scriptulous and i am getting the list the problem is that when i select an item from the list white spaces gets appended in front " item" of the selection in firefox and in opera front and behind " item " i printed the value in console and saw it gives "item" but in textbox after selection whitespaces gets appended
2009 Apr 17
how to call javascript function in text_field_tag
Dear all Sorry for dummy question. How can I convert a text input in form to upper case letter in view? Can I call the javascript function toUpperCase() in text_field_tag?? <%= text_field_tag(:sometext, nil, :size => 14) %> I know I can achieve this using params[:sometext].upcase in controller, but I want to do this in view. Any ideas? Many thanks Valentino -- Posted via
2011 Oct 14
Party package: varimp(..., conditional=TRUE) error: term 1 would require 9e+12 columns
I would like to build a forest of regression trees to see how well some covariates predict a response variable and to examine the importance of the covariates. I have a small number of covariates (8) and large number of records (27368). The response and all of the covariates are continuous variables. A cursory examination of the covariates does not suggest they are correlated in a simple fashion
2006 Jun 21
Problem with observe_field
Hi folks, I have following in my view : =================== <div class="foo"> <%= select ''theme'', "id", Theme.find_all.collect {|t| [, ] }, { :prompt => ''Select a theme'' } %> </div> <%= observe_field( :theme_id, :update => :my_style, :url => { :action => :themelookup, :id => @space,},
2006 Jan 07
Can not install my bible program
I am very new to Linux but am enjoying it and liking it very much. I am up and running on debian sarge. Everything has been smooth except for one problem. I am invested in the Logos Bible Program and am trying to get it to run with wine. It gives me a textbox that says it must run on windows 98 ver or higher. I do not know what else to do. I am a minister and must use this program. What do
2006 Jan 09
How to carry parameters to a new page?
Hello, I have a page where user can register him/herself to the site. If the user enters something wrong, or leaves blank textboxes, I want to reload the page and tell the user what went wrong. Also the textbox-values the user already entered, should be kept in the textboxes. For example, in my user-controller: if @username.length == 0 redirect_to :action =>
2003 Dec 23
Problems with Ultima Online: Age of Shadows [Textbox glitch + out of memory error]
Hi all! I was trying to run Ultima Online: Age of Shadows (latest patchlevel after autopatch), but I have some problems. The first problem is actually a glitch, in autopatcher, when the textbox is moved at end, the text is hide, because it moves as first character of the textbox the after-the-last character of the text in it. The second is a big problem: when starting the client, it gives an
2005 Oct 07
Text in Boxes?
It's probably a beginner's question: How do I show text in boxes? That is, can I specify a background color for text output with text() ? The following doesn't work as I would expect: text(labels="123", 50, 0.5, bg="green") I've experimented with legend(),which will make the box too wide, and also with rect(), which doesn't know the extent of the text
2008 Apr 18
show sum of textboxes
Hi all, I have multiple textboxes containing numbers. I want to add up all the numbers and show the sum. Can I select the textboxes by class and sum the content? This also has to happen realtime: when a number is changed ina textbox the sum should also change. can this be done? regards, Stijn --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are