Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Undocumented S4 method Warning For Bracket"
2005 Feb 10
Undocumented S4 methods: generic coerce and siglist matrix, Massvector
While checking the package I am getting all the time the following
complain about the function:
Undocumented S4 methods:
generic coerce and siglist matrix,Massvector
I have not defined the function nowhere in the R files.
My gues is that this has something to do with the following definition
of the setAs function.
2006 Nov 22
Undocumented S4 methods: generic 'show'
Dear R-Devel subsriber,
during the set-up of a package with a NAMESPACE I stumbled over the
following warning during:
R CMD check -l c:/R/package smem
## skipped output
* checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
Undocumented S4 methods:
generic 'show' and siglist 'equation'
All user-level objects in a package (including S4 classes and methods)
## skipped output
2006 Apr 11
dspam plugin
Hash: SHA1
Hey everyone.. been struggling with building a mailserver and i'm almost
done. One of the last pieces is integrating dovecot with dspam so that I'm
users can train their spam filters easily (sieve filtering is the last
piece left.. that should be interesting.. lol)
Anyway, I think i found an issue with memory allocation, and I'm not sure
2018 Sep 20
A different error in sample()
Good day,
The use of "rounding" also doesn't make sense. If The number is halfway between two integers, it is rounded to the nearest even integer.
> round(2.5)
[1] 2
Dario Strbenac
University of Sydney
Camperdown NSW 2050
2011 Mar 11
WARNING Undocumented S4 methods 'initialize' - why?
Dear all,
I am just writing the documentation file for S4 class 'QualTreeSet' and
get the following warning with R CMD check:
* checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
Undocumented S4 methods:
generic 'initialize' and siglist 'QualTreeSet'
All user-level objects in a package (including S4 classes and methods)
should have documentation entries.
See the
2018 Jan 30
as.list method for by Objects
Good day,
I'd like to suggest the addition of an as.list method for a by object that actually returns a list of class "list". This would make it safer to do type-checking, because is.list also returns TRUE for a data.frame variable and using class(result) == "list" is an alternative that only returns TRUE for lists. It's also confusing initially that
> class(x)
2017 Feb 10
Grapics Device Resolution Limits
Good day,
Could the documentation of graphics devices give some explanation of how big the bitmap limits are? For example,
> png("Figure1A.png", h = 7, w = 7, res = 1000, units = "cm")
Results in Error: unable to start png() device, but the help page of devices doesn't explain that there are any limits or how they are determined. The wording of the error message could
2016 Feb 20
R Package Installation Ignores libPaths Setting
Good day,
I believe from the documentation that folders in R_LIBS should appear in the output of .libPaths, but they do not. The documentation contains "The library search path is initialized at startup from the environment variable R_LIBS ..."
$ export R_LIBS=/users/stgrad/dario/tmp/
$ Rscript -e ".libPaths()"
[1] "/dskh/nobackup/biostat/Bioconductor"
2016 Feb 18
R Package Installation Ignores libPaths Setting
Good day,
If the library path is changed with .libPaths, the command
install.packages("/nb/dario/Biostrings_2.39.9.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
fails with
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error : package ?S4Vectors? required by ?Biostrings? could not be found
running library(S4Vectors) followed by sessionInfo() after the error shows that the package can indeed be
2018 Jun 14
makeCluster Stall on 32-bit Windows
Good day,
I'm trying the example cl <- makeCluster(2, type = "SOCK") from the makeCluster documentation and the R command prompt never returns. I am using a 32-bit Windows 10 computer. The problem doesn't happen on another 64-bit Windows 10 computer but does happen on another 32-bit Windows 7 computer. Can anyone reproduce it? Are there any other options that can be passed to
2015 Dec 30
Default R Font Changed After Upgrade to Debian 8
Good day,
I have been unable to solve this issue. Do you get grainy fonts when running the test case
plot(1:10, main = "abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", cex.main = 4, cex.lab = 4, cex.axis = 4)
What version of libcairo is on your system ?
Dario Strbenac
PhD Student
University of Sydney
Camperdown NSW 2050
2018 Feb 01
as.list method for by Objects
>>>>> Michael Lawrence <lawrence.michael at gene.com>
>>>>> on Tue, 30 Jan 2018 10:37:38 -0800 writes:
> I agree that it would make sense for the object to have c("by", "list") as
> its class attribute, since the object is known to behave as a list.
Well, but that (list behavior) applies to most non-simple S3
2018 Feb 08
sparse.model.matrix Generates Non-Existent Factor Levels if Ord.factor Columns Present
Good day,
Sometimes, sparse.model.matrix outputs a dgCMatrix which has column names consisting of factor levels that were not in the original dataset. The first factor appears to be correctly transformed, but the following factors don't. For example:
diamonds <- as.data.frame(ggplot2::diamonds)
> colnames(sparse.model.matrix(~ . -1, diamonds))
[1] "carat"
2013 Oct 04
Tab Separated File Reading Error
I have a seemingly simple problem that a tab-delimited file can't be read in.
> annoTranscripts <- read.table("matched.txt", sep = '\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, :
line 5933 did not have 12 elements
However, all lines do have 12 columns.
> lines <-
2018 Jul 19
Library lib.loc Option Ignored for Dependencies
Good day,
If there's a library folder of the latest R packages and a particular package from it is loaded using the lib.loc option, the dependencies of that package are still attempted to be loaded from another folder of older packages specified by R_LIBS, which may cause errors about version requirements not being met. The documentation of the library function doesn't explain what the
2018 Jul 24
Library lib.loc Option Ignored for Dependencies
>>>>> Benjamin Tyner
>>>>> on Sat, 21 Jul 2018 13:42:43 -0400 writes:
> Not sure whether it is the same issue as was raised here:
> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2010-October/058729.html
> but in any case perhaps the problem could partially be remedied on line
> 245 of src/library/base/R/library.R by passing the lib.loc to
2018 Jul 21
Library lib.loc Option Ignored for Dependencies
>>>>> Benjamin Tyner
>>>>> on Fri, 20 Jul 2018 19:42:09 -0400 writes:
> Here's a trick/workaround; if lib.loc is the path to your
> library, then prior to calling library(),
>> environment(.libPaths)$.lib.loc <- lib.loc
Well, that is quite a "trick" -- and potentially a pretty
dangerous one, not intended when making
2013 Sep 09
missing documentation entries ... WARNING
Dear R-devel,
I am a relative novice in R, but I am eager to post a new package my group developed in CRAN, but I am stumped by a set of documentation related warnings created by R CMD check.
So, my current plan is to recreate the documentation by religiously applying and modifying the skeleton codes that can be generated by R. In the meantime, I thought I'd post to the discussion group to
2015 Dec 18
Default R Font Changed After Upgrade to Debian 8
Good day,
The server administrator recently upgraded the operating system from Debian version 7 to version 8 and R from version 3.1.2 to version 3.2.2. The default font used in plots has changed and I've asked him to restore the previous font. What instructions should I tell him about restoring the font ?
Dario Strbenac
PhD Student
University of Sydney
2014 Jul 18
capture.output on S4 slot
capture.output produces a different result if the S4 object was created with a constructor than if the body of the constructor is copied and pasted.
setClass("TransformParams", representation(
transform = "function",
otherParams = "list")
setGeneric("TransformParams", function(transform, ...)