similar to: effects in 1.6.0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "effects in 1.6.0"

2006 Mar 22
RE: Support for window scrolling fordraganddrop
I have two fixes in a text file. I created the diff using "diff -u", so I hope you can apply the patch. The file is attached. I never could get my optional ''scroll when the dragged element goes outside the scrolled element'' thing to work. I got it to start scrolling correctly, but then it would start making increasingly big jumps and basically scroll out of control.
2007 Jan 11
Strange behaviour with Scriptaculous v 1.7.0 beta 2
Hello, I''m testing beta of scriptaculous and I''ve got a stange behaviour. I''m using this RJS : page << "$(''content'').morph({width:''308px''}, {duration:0.5});" page.replace_html ''subcontent'', :partial => ''sub'' page.replace_html ''nav_path'', nav_path
2006 Jul 20
Scriptaculous + Sortable: onUpdate Not Firing
Hello all, I''m using Scriptaculous 1.6.1 on a project I''m developing. My generated HTML (generated by PHP) looks something like this: <ul id="admin-list"> <li id="li-13">Singletary, Bob (President/CEO)</li> <li id="li-12">Chatman, Jim (Vice President of Finance/CFO)</li> ... </ul> <script
2006 Apr 02
autocompletion: hooking ''afterUpdateElement'' in Rails
Hi everyone, I need to trigger a Rails action after the autocompletion is completed (when the user has selected an option). From the scriptaculous doc, I figured out ''afterUpdateElement'' is the place to be but I wonder if/how and where I can hook my javascript code to this event in Rails code (I''d like to keep using the helper, if possible)? I tried passing many
2006 Apr 28
The Ajax Experience
Anyone on the list going to The Ajax Experience in San Francisco May 10? _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Apr 06
Bug? In scriptaculous -- double text drawn one pixel off
Hello, I''m working with scriptaculous, and i''ve narrowed down a bug i''m having to the following code: I''m using the latest release (as of sending this mail) of scriptaculous. I''ve actually seen this bug before, and random tweaking fixed it. Unfortunately, i can''t figure it out this time. I''ve reduced the bug
2006 May 20
Slider.js - Attemting to put values in form.
I can''t figure out how to take that value that the user has chosen in the slider and put that into a form value. Does anybody know how to do this? Here is my code so far (It''s pretty much directly from <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Text effects tests</title> <script
2006 Apr 27
proposing $E & $T
Hey all, I''ve had these functions for some time now, and would like to offer them as two new dollar-sign functions - elements to be extended by Prototype geniuses. :-) makeText(string) as $T() - return text node element Does just what it says... I''m sure someone could extend it nicely when via Prototype. (example) var x = $T(''hello world'');
2006 Apr 01
Upload a zip using a form and extract if afterwards on srv?
Hi all It like my visitors to be able to upload a zip file (or any other possible compressed file archive) to my server. After upload, my web app should extract the content to the server and delete the zip file. Is this possible somehow? I''m very thankful for help. Have a nice weekend, Joshua -- Posted via
2006 Jun 14
Extend Draggable
Hello all, I want to extend a draggable object so it has one more attribute (type attribute, so I can distinguish different draggable types). Can anyone tell me how to do it? I''ve search throught the examples (like but I can''t seem to understand what I should do. Thanks for you help, H
2006 Feb 26
Ajax training in Austria: "Ajax richtig verwenden"
Heya all, I?m doing a one-day training on everything Ajax mainly focusing on, but naturally including Prototype and a look on Ruby on Rails Ajax capabilities as well, plus a look on our product fluxiom - on March 17, here in Vienna, Austria (for german speaking audiences). Here are the (in-german) details: In diesem eint?gigen Seminar zeigt Ihnen Thomas Fuchs wie Sie die
2006 May 01
beta testers: tab panes
Hello, I was wondering whether anybody is interested to do some beta testing on a script I''m currently working on. Here is a little preview: A little doc file can be found here: _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Feb 24
declaring draggable object that holds it position
Hi i posted this question earlier on how to create a droppable div(New to Ajax), and i have just realised that my code does work, however the function doesn''t work the way I expected it to, I would like my draggable to remain where it was dropped, currently I have a draggable div and a droppable div. I would like to try create a puzzle type game which has a set amount of droppables and an
2006 Apr 24
prototype-based color picker
has anyone in this list ever tried to make a javascript color picker something like or i just thought i''d ask before i force myself to doing this. thanks mark renn _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Apr 30
Draggable - how start action on start dragging and end action on droppping
Hi all. I have got situation that I made element draggable - and when element is dragged I want to start some action (e.g. shown AJAX indicator, and change one of CSS class in dragging element). What is the best way to achieve this? I search source code of the Draggable and I saw that there is 2 method: Draggable.initDrag and Draggable.endDrag so it looks like in initDrag method i should
2006 Jun 28
Hi, someone can help me, I am ot able to find the way how to user Ajax.updaterto test if the request give some positive or negative result. I am able only to return the result inside a div. An example is appreciated. _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Jun 23
Help please-draggable
I asked the other day about this problem but haven''t received a response. Trying again: I just downloaded 1.6 and can''t get a simple draggable to work, which is weird. I know it''s not my browser since the demos are working. Here is my simple code. I''ve also had the "new Draggable" between the select tags. Didn''t change anything.
2006 Jan 11
sortables callbacks
i know someone just recently asked about queueing ajax requests, my question is similar in the regards that i don''t want my application to send multiple requests. i have 2 sortabbles lists left, and right. when i move an item from left to the right the onUpdate callback will send 2 ajax requests. one for each sortables. however. i want it to serialize and send back the results from
2006 Feb 16
Draggable Window
Is there any component in rails that makes a draggable window? My current application needs to have windows containing controls that can be moved to new locations on the browser. Thanks Rob -- Posted via
2006 Feb 03
overloading dragdrop.js
Hi everybody- First time poster, please be gentle. I have written a little rails app where you can create divs and move them around via Thomas'' wonderful dragdrop.js. I would like to be able to fire an AJAX event to update the top and left of the dragged object upon release. I see many AJAX link_to_remote and observe_field. What is the proper way to observe that the position (not