similar to: Class declaration ordering causes duplicate resource error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Class declaration ordering causes duplicate resource error"

2013 Dec 02
Class parameter flexibility with ENC, hiera or both
Dear puppetteers, I am having a philosophical question about parametrized classes. When building modules, one wants to be as flexible as possible, to try to target as many puppet flavors as possible. This is our target: - Foreman users, using foreman as an ENC with smart variables (or potentially any other ENC, but I would say this is the most widespread one). - Pure Puppet''s site.pp
2013 Aug 27
The Foreman: Query facts from ENC PuppetDB?
I''ve been using PuppetDB as an ENC for a while, but I haven''t really utilized it for stored configs or anything. I was mostly interested in replacing Dashboard''s reporting capabilities, but PuppetDB doesn''t yet do anything (that I can see) with reports. So I''m currently looking into setting up a separate Foreman server. I saw the script mentioned
2012 May 17
modifying declared user/group types without resorting to inheritance?
Hello, I have number of classes that deal with user management and I''ve run into a snag with needing to extend/modify either the user or group types. I''m using theforeman as an ENC. The class structure I have is something like the following. users::common users::dev users::prod etc... users::{dev, prod} do not use inheritance. Almost all node include users::common.
2013 May 07
Foreman and Puppet managing templates question
Hi, I have just started to use Foreman 1.1. I have been using Puppet for a while and have some custom modules and ones that have been dragged down from git etc. I am using nodes.pp in Puppet to assign classes and template entries to hosts. So is Foreman meant to eliminate my need for a nodes.pp? How do I manage my erb templates in Puppet without a nodes.pp? Thanks, -- You received
2012 Feb 11
Question about reusing classes/modules
Hello Everyone, I''m still pretty new with puppet so please bare with me. I tried searching and I''m pretty sure I''ve ready my answer but I''m not sure if I''m going down the right path just yet. My scenario is this: I have 4 environments, Dev, Test, QA, Prod. Each of these environments lives in 2 sites, LA and NY. I have 5 applications that are site and
2013 Mar 15
advice on module organization
Hi Folks, Like to get some advice on module organization. I have a system that has a few different components. One or more components can be installed on a host. The hosts also have a "type" dimension. This "type" dimension could (should) ideally be used to configure the system (fill in a bunch of variables). Problem is, I''m not sure how the best way to do
2012 Oct 22
How do design next-gen modules, any guidelines ? a question for gurus...
Hi, My dilemma is how should I write my module to be "next-gen" ? Not from a code point of view but from a design/layout point of view. We wrote our modules for 2.6.x like every beginner would have done: write everything in init.pp. But now, the fashion is to use parameterized classes and Hiera which we will use with puppet 2.7.x. I mainly followed/watched what Example42 was doing.
2012 May 15
enabling a yum repository
I have a class that pulls in some yum repositories. One of the yum repositories is disabled, but on one host I''d like to enable it. i.e. I''d like to do something like this: class { ''myyumrepos'': } yumrepo { ''EPEL'': enabled => 1, } What''s the best way to do this? I am using an ENC. -- Biltong --
2013 May 02
How to refer to common variables across multiple modules?
We need to refer to common variables across multiple modules. For example, our dns module, firewall module and monitoring module need knowledge of our radius server IP address. Is the correct approach to create a ''common'' class where these variables are defined and then reference them from each module and create a class dependancy as below. We are using a custom ENC which
2013 May 08
Node definition from file (heterogeneous hostnames)
Hi, We would like to specify nodes in site.pp from a file. Is this possible? We have a script that should only be run by x nodes which can be different from time to time. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance Regard, Robin Jonsson -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving
2013 Apr 18
Hiera Automatic Parameter Lookup Question
This may be a dumb question, but here goes So I''m running on Puppet 3.1.1 on RHEL5, and i''ve been using Hiera since 2.5/2.6 ish and it''s been great!! I was reading up on Automatic Parameter Lookups and would love to use it for my modules. But I can''t seem to ever get Hiera/Puppet to load the value i''ve set in my yaml files. I feel like I must be
2013 Dec 13
Resource ordering only using Hiera?
Hello, I''m trying to come up with a generic wrapper class for use with hiera so that I can have a service that is completely managed and configured via hiera and its own puppet module to be notified by Puppet of changes to a file or other resource managed by a different class/module. The example I''m using here is the management of /etc/security/limits.conf for a service account
2013 Dec 16
Overriding class options with hiera
Hi, I''m trying to do something with Hiera, whereby the ''default'' configuration for a class is within it''s role/profile manifest, which can then be overridden on a node specific basis by hiera. As an example; class profile::base { class { ''::ntp'': servers => [''a'', ''b'', ''c'',
2012 Jul 20
Lookup another node's hiera data - fqdn hierarchy
I''ve begun using Hiera in combination with Foreman, primarily storing data that is best left in Array/Hash form. I''d like to be able to have a module, in this case BackupPC, query all the Hiera data for each node where the backup directories/databases are stored. Then use all that information on the BackupPC server to generate proper configuration files for each
2013 May 02
Puppet 3.1.1, hiera and parameter autoload
Hello all, I don''t know if I have hit a strange bug or it''s just an incorrect interpretation about how parameter autoloading works... Today I have been searching, analysing and about to hit my head against a wall trying to figure out why a call to hiera_hash was not merging data from top level among different hierarchies. The problem was that I was trying to do something
2013 Jan 30
Hiera parameter lookup, nesting variables and Puppet 3
Hi, I''m trying to reconcile the advice in the Puppet 3 class doc with our current use of Hiera. We currently retrieve variables from Hiera in one big collection while the Puppet 3 doc seems to indicate storing variables without the collection. For example, we have a module to manage a log indexer. In its init.pp it says: class log_indexer( $log_indexer_conf =
2013 Oct 02
Converting to heira format issue
Hi I''m just getting into hiera and have now configured it, my attempts at migrating to hiera have been frustratingly hard as I''m not able to get the write syntax. Can someone help me in converting the below from a class declaration to hiera? Current declarations in my declare.pp file: class profile::web { class { ''nsswitch'': automount =>
2013 Nov 09
Difference btw. 3.1.1 and 0.25.5
Hi guys, Can you tell me what advantages / differences / new Features Puppet 3.1.1 has in comparins to Puppet 0.25.5? I did a lot of research, but your englithenment <>would be much better. Thank''s very much! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To
2012 Feb 06
Passing class parameters to hiera
I am using puppet 2.6.11 and want to pass parameter for implementing sudo for mulitple users. So here is my simple code, which I would like to pass to hiera to specify user name lookup. Appreciate any help, thanks in advance. class sudo( $name) { #Class:: sudo # # package { "sudo": ensure => present, } file { "/etc/sudoers": owner => root, group => root,
2013 Aug 22
Could not parse for environment production: Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces
We''re trying to set a role variable in one of our role classes i.e. class role::nameserver { $::role = ''nameserver'' include profile::baseline } however we get the following error Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not parse for environment production: Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces We do not get