similar to: stop effect

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "stop effect"

2006 May 18
more that 5 time beats for effect.pulsate
hi again How can i extend 5 times for effect.pulsate beats? I need that continue beat until other event client happened about my other mail, is there other solution more elegant that this? : new Effect.Pulsate(leccion[i_leccion],{duration: 5,from: 1}); thanks again rag
2006 May 26
stopping effects, help me again please
Hi * and thanks for you responses some body help me stop effect, just last effect. Thanks! to somebody help me with: Pulsator = Class.create(); Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element) { this.stopped = false; new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish: this.action.bind(this) }); },action: function(element){if(!this.stopped) new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish:
2006 May 29
[Fwd: stopping effects, help me again please]
Hi * and thanks for you responses some body help me stop effect, just last effect. Thanks! to somebody help me with: Pulsator = Class.create(); Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element) { this.stopped = false; new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish: this.action.bind(this) }); },action: function(element){if(!this.stopped) new
2006 Jun 12
Please! stopping effects, help me again
My friend Sigi wrote: > Pulsator = Class.create(); > Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element,options) > { > this.element = element; > this.options = options || {}; > this.options.afterFinish = this.action.bind(this); > this.stopped = false; > this.action(); > }, > action: function(){ >
2006 Dec 19
Effect.Pulsate on last scriptaculous
Somone have tested the last scriptaculous version that ships with last prototype? I you make an Effect.Pulsate, the element stays hidden after the effect finish if the element don''t have opacity stablished. This is for the changes on the setStyle method on prototype. The original code is:
2012 Oct 23
How to pick colums from a ragged array?
I have a large dataset (~1 million rows) of three variables: ID (patient's name), DATE (of appointment) and DIAGNOSIS (given on that date). Patients may have been assigned more than one diagnosis at any one appointment - leading to two rows, same ID and DATE but different DIAGNOSIS. The diagnoses may change between appointments. I want to subset the data in two ways: - define groups
2005 Jun 24
Executing custom effect for n seconds
Glad to see this list get going! I have a custom effect ''Pulse'' that basically does an opacity fade in/ out. I want to execute this effect with a custom duration. I''m looking for a consistent approach that is inline with and Prototype. Is there a way to do something like this (pseudo code): Effect2.Pulse = function(element) { new
2006 Nov 21
Bug in Effect.Pulsate with IE?
Hi there, can someone confirm a bug with IE and Effect.Pulsate()? When use the Effect wihtout the option pulses the element is hiden after the effect has finished. When i use Effect.Pulsate(element, {pulses:3}) all runs fine. In Firefox both calls runs fine... Bye, René --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2006 Apr 27
RJS & Ajax question...
Hi, I''m trying to convert an older Rails application to use Ajax. I''ve already moved my edit and show actions so that, instead of displaying as separate pages, they appear in a <div> on my list view. However, I have two problems: 1) When the user saves the changes, I want to put all the ajax changes in an RJS template. However, form_remote_tag :url =>{:action =>
2007 Feb 28
[LLVMdev] Building LLVM and LLVM-GCC4 on Cygwin
Hello, Well theres not too much to it. A patch for Cygwin's stdint.h. And a patch for lib/System/Unix/ Despite Cygwin complaining of timing errors both LLVM and LLVM-GCC4 compile ok'ish. make[2]: Warning: File `/dev/null' has modification time 0.0096 s in the future make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete. I am getting this on both
2005 Oct 13
I''ve got a page I''ve implemented a bunch of observables and sortables. There are around 330 items in the list. The Observables (for hide/show of sublists) don''t seem to impact performance, but the Sortables take a very long time to load when the page is refreshed or submitted--even after accounting for the server-side processing and latency. I''ve
2006 Sep 29
sortable and Pulsate on Internet Explorer bug
Maybe someone can help me to make the Effect.Pulsate working on Internet Explorer in this example? <ul id="list"> <li>Element 1</li> <li>Element 2</li> </ul> <script> Sortable.create("list"); new Effect.Pulsate("list"); </script> Thanks. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2008 Dec 10
Miredo 1.1.5
I found a src.rpm for 1.1.5-1 for fc8 (not rh8!). I was able to rebuild it on my Centos build system. The rpms are identified as 1.1.5-1.i386.rpm, no el5 or other identification was placed in the files. I don't see how to control this when you rebuild from an existing src.rpm. Interestingly the fc8 designation was lost. I also rebuild it on my fc10 system. It worked, and the rpms have
2005 May 25
Career Opportunity
I saw your information on the internet and I have multiple opportunities available for QA Analysts. The opportunities are available in the Chicago area. A description of the opportunities can be viewed at If you or someone you know is interested, please email me a copy of your resume. Thank you Raul Garcia Administrative Manager Parallel Partners 20 N. Wacker
2014 Dec 15
Making iconv portable?
Hello, All: What would it take to make ?iconv? portable? I ask, because I want to convert accented characters to vanilla ASCII, thereby converting, e.g., ?Ra?l? to ?Raul?, and Milan Bouchet-Valet suggested on R-help that I use 'iconv(x, ?", "ASCII//TRANSLIT?)?. This worked under Windows but failed on Linux and Mac. It?s part of the ?subNonStandardCharacters? function
2010 Apr 27
Translated (language-aware) routes in Rails application
Hi, I''d like to have translated languate-aware routes in my application, like: /projects/5/permissions => locale "PL" /projekty/5/pozwolenia => locale "PL" Is there any way to achieve it with RESTful routes? I have done it manually with named routes, but it''s overwhelming with over 300 routes :D Also tried namespace (yeah, didn''t work) and
2004 Jun 06
Analog Bridged Calls Pulsate
Hello, I've been playing around with two generic X100P analog cards to create a proof-of-concept system before we go ahead and hook up a PRI. I'm running into a reproducible problem with sound quality of bridged calls, and am hoping someone will be able to point me in the right direction. I have in my dial plan a _9. extension so outgoing calls can be made... the first thing is
2014 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] Removing ReadOnly from math intrinsics
I would be perfectly fine with Raul & Chandler's proposal, provide that clear documentation is added. The strong distinction between standard library calls and intrinsics is an important point for front end authors. The deliberate ignorance of floating point environment flags is entirely defensible, but needs to be documented clearly. We should also document which rounding mode
2006 Jan 18
Behaviour & Effect.Highlight?
I''m having a problem with Effect.Highlight and a simple Behaviour rule. In brief, I have a Sortable list. Using Behaviour, I add a hover effect (apply a style on mouseover, remove style on mouseout). The styles contain a border color and background color. var myrules = { ''.sortable li'' : function(element){ element.onmouseover = function(){
2013 Sep 03
[LLVMdev] AttributeSet from Modules
Hello! clang defines some AttributeSet, for example: attributes #0 = { nounwind uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf"="true" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "unsafe-fp-math"="false"