Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Reading data from Excel file in r"
2013 May 02
Problems with reading data by readWorksheetFromFile of XLConnect Package
Attached are two datasheet to be read.
My raw data "130502temp.xlsx" contains numbers with ' symbols, and they
can't be read as numbers. Even if I copy and paste as numbers to form a new
file "130502temp_number1.xlsx", they could not be read smoothly.
1. How can I read the datasheet as numbers?
2. How can I treat the notation "-" as (1)
2013 Apr 23
Questions on function "readNamedRegionFromFile" in XLConnect pacakge
I have two questions on the function "readNamedRegionFromFile" in
XLConnect pacakge.
In the documentation,
# multiregion xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect
demoExcelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/multiregion.xlsx",
package = "XLConnect")
# Load a single named region into a single data.frame.
2011 Sep 15
Reading Parts of Excel Files (within a sheet)
Dear R Users,
I have to read data from many excel spreadsheets, all which have some
frustrating formatting (lots of titles, headers, etc.). I am trying
to work directly from source data and the number of the spreadsheets I
would have to go through make reformatting one by one a pain. I have
found lots of ways to read excel files, but my question is whether
there is a way to only read
2015 Nov 12
Problema con la lectura de datos
Otra opción es importar directamente los datos que necesites usando
XLConnect (sin llevarlos a CSV).
Ese paquete permite hacer cosas muy potentes desde el propio fichero de
Recomiendo, encarecidamente, la lectura de sus dos vignettes.
Un Saludo,
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Muíños
Dirección Xeral de Saúde Pública
Consellería de
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
The subject of your email is missing. Perhaps you need to read the Posting Guide (again?) about attachments. Embedding your example directly in the body of the email is generally more accessible in archives than attaching it.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 27, 2016 1:14:17 PM GMT+01:00, G.Maubach at gmx.de wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am addressing this post to all
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
Buenos días a todos!
Estoy trabajando con una base de datos que directamente he descargado de
internet y después de prepararla un poco necesito exportarla a Excel he
intentando con las dos opciones que mencionaré al final pero ninguna
funciona, de qué otra manera puedo exportar esos datos a Excel... muchas
gracias por su ayuda y pronta respuesta!
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
Hi All,
I am addressing this post to all who are new to R.
When learing R in the last weeks I took some notes for myself to have code snippets ready for the data analysis process. I put these snippets
together as a script template for future use. Almost all of the given command prototypes are tested. The template script contains snippets for best practices and leaves out the commands that
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
En mi caso, no he podido resolver los problemas con el Java para usar
XLConnect, que en los papeles me parece el mejor. Supongo que algo de la
arquitectura del sistema o bien de la relación entre el Java, el R y el
Así que utilizo
write.xlsx(datos, file = "EDA1.xlsx") #donde datos es el objeto que quiero
Requiere instalar el RTools, según tipo y
2012 Jun 26
compare one field of dataframe with excel sheet using R
I have a data frame consisting of three columns(name of compund,ppm and
frequency).Name contains string values .ppm and frequency contains numeric
values with decimal points upto four digits.
I have an excel sheet which is like a library.The first column contains the
name of compounds and remaining column contains the ppm values of the
compound which satisfy certain rules.The number of ppm values
2012 Aug 17
Appending many different and separate Excel files using R
Dear all,
Good day!
I have a problem in reading Excel files in R and appending them to each other. Suppose we have several Excel files in a directory with headers and want to use R to append them in a single file with an additional variable in the final file indicating from which files the data come from.
As I have many Excel files and their sizes are very big I should write a loop in R to do
2010 Feb 06
duplicating records
Dear friends,
I need to fill in (duplicate the whole record) the missing days with the
same record values as long as AE is the same value (i.e. "1"), once AE
value changes, the process of duplication should proceed with the new AE
value till it changes again. e.g. I need to fill in records: day 18-day
44, all the records are carried with the new AE value of "0".
At the
2013 Apr 18
How can I ask R to skip the title when reading the data?
I have many xls grade report sheets with the same format
XXX High School Grade Report
Confidential Yes
Math English Science
John 90 85 90
Mary 75 88 93
Since the reports are prepared on a regular basis, I have many reports with
identical format. Without the title “XXX High School Grade Report
Confidential Yes”, I can just change the xls to csv and read them via
read.csv. How
2011 Feb 24
Rd, S4 classes and PDFs
I'm documenting a package that makes heavy use of S4 methods at the moment, and
I'm having a hard time from keeping the PDF output of Rd from looking really
First of all, what is the preferred way to actually document S4 methods? When I
use promptClass/promptMethod, I get a style that doesn't use the \S4method
macro and puts the entire function signature into a \item.
2017 Aug 30
Converting character to numeric using the package "XLConnect"
>From an Excel file imported into R where each cell contains characters, I would like to convert some characters to numeric. However, my code doesn?t work. When I write data to worksheets in an Excel file, some numbers in the cells are stored as text (instead of numeric). Here is my code (the Excel file is attached):
tab <-
2017 Aug 30
Converting character to numeric using the package "XLConnect"
> On Aug 30, 2017, at 12:24 PM, Nelly Reduan <nell.redu at hotmail.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> From an Excel file imported into R where each cell contains characters, I would like to convert some characters to numeric. However, my code doesn?t work. When I write data to worksheets in an Excel file, some numbers in the cells are stored as text (instead of numeric). Here is my
2015 Mar 26
Conectividad con Excel
Hola amigos, buenos días
Esto sigue avanzando. Estoy ahora tratando de establecer la conectividad de
R con Excel y he seguido dos viídeos en YouTube de una profesora llamada
Bebilda que se explica muy bien.
Con ambos tengo el mismo problema así que planteo uno de ellos, éste es:
Pero os lo explico brevemente:
Cargo el paquete RODBC >
2017 Aug 30
Converting character to numeric using the package "XLConnect"
The Excel file can be found from this link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!Apkg2VlgfYyDgQ_mcJ8F4CaXV_Nh
Partag? via OneDrive
Thanks very much for your help.
De : David Winsemius
2015 Sep 17
Fwd: Creación fichero excel con loadWorkbook
> Hola chic en s,
> sigo intentando crear un archivo de Excel pero no hay manera. Sigo los pasos del documento de ayuda siguiente:
> http://altons.github.io/r/2015/02/13/quick-intro-to-xlconnect/#load
> los pasos que hago son:
> install.packages("XLConnect")
> require(XLConnect)
> wb <-
2012 Oct 15
Download a file from url
Download the xls file from this link
I tried this
url = "http://www.nseindia.com/content/fo/fii_stats_12-Oct-2012.xls"
local.xls.file = tempfile()
2014 Aug 14
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Pensé que esto iba a ser trivial en R, pero me estoy encontrado muchos con
mi problema en internet, y que las soluciones ofrecidas no terminan de
Estoy intentando leer un fichero .xls en ubuntu con los siguientes paquetes
y nada:
conn = odbcConnectExcel("madrid.xls") # open a connection to the Excel file
sqlTables(conn)$TABLE_NAME # show all sheets
df =