similar to: urgent help with effects.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "urgent help with effects."

2005 Dec 30
scriptilicious autocomplete
Hello I found this list on the scriptilicious website. I am looking for some help with the Autocomplete.Local, the only examples I can find are using it with Ruby, can this be used without Ruby with just plain Javascript? Any help would be great, thanks! --louis
2006 Feb 23
reloading fragments of pages
Hello, I have a treeview, that works with scriptaculous in order to load the nodes dynamically. I also have in the main part of the page, a table with the list of elements. The lists of elements can be drag-dropped on the treeview in order to move them around (they are also draggable on other parts of the page) I need though, to refresh the treeview to reflect changes when a folder was moved
2006 Jan 25
RE: Make all LI items draggable
If you want the whole list draggable as one entity, you make one draggable. If you want each item draggable on their own, you need to make each one a new draggable. -----Original Message----- From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of
2006 Mar 31
File upload progress bar
I''ve seen a few demos online, for php, but I''m looking for a file upload progress bar implementation with Prototype. Can anyone point me in a good direction for one? I''m not using Rails, so I can''t use the upload_progress addon, unfortunately. Thanks for any info Jim _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2004 Aug 06
Ahhhh, this is very strange! MY icecast server started doing the same exact thing today out of the blue! it looks as if hundreds of sources try to connect or something. but why would we both have the same problem at the same time after months of it working fine? paul On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Roy Harvey wrote: > Icecast has been working flawlessly for months serving hundreds of users a >
2016 Feb 02
CentOS 7, NSF, "feature"
In the last month, we've discovered a new, ahhhh, "feature" in the version of the version of NFS with CentOS 7: on startup, if it cannot resolve a given host, it dies. It does not continue on up, with all the other hosts it's exporting to, and just log a message. Is there a workaround, or a configuration, to change this "fail on unresolved host" behaviour? mark
2006 Feb 24
possible Slide and Blind IE bug
Hi, I''m new to this list, new to but pretty comfortable with javascript. I''m trying to get a combination of Effect.SlideUp and Down and Effect.BlindUp and Down to well... it''s hard to describe, maybe have a visit here (try in firefox first): Click on "next month" a couple times, then click on
2019 Aug 07
Win 10 and C 6 CUPS
Valeri Galtsev wrote: >> On Aug 6, 2019, at 5:41 PM, mark <m.roth at> wrote: >> >> Is there any way, other than installing CUPS on windows, to get the >> damn Win laptop to print to my C 6 box, which has CUPS running and a >> USB laserjet? >> > Since forever (ah, about Win 2000) Windows knows UNIX printing. Making > windows box talking to
2006 Feb 07
Notify JS updates, oh my
Hey all, I just wanted to let you guys know that I updated my notify script. I still need to package it for easy download (next on my task list) but it does what I need it to do. Any thoughts, comments? Also thanks to those of you who helped previously. -Greg
2006 Feb 08
drag drop safari
does it not work? works fine for me on all other browsers and platforms.
2006 Aug 03
creating a recycle-bin
Hi all, I''m trying to create a recycle bin for elements from a Sortable. To do that I created an <img> (image of a recycle-bin ofcourse) and made it a Droppable. However what should I do with the element in the onDrop function of the Droppable to stop it from going back into the Sortable? How do I remove it altogether from the page? thanks and regards, Jeroen
2023 Aug 31
Need help with idmap-configuration
Hi, I'm migrating a samba3-server that is used both as a NT4-DC and a filesver into a pair of samba4 servers, one should become the new AD-DC and the other one should be the new fileserver. The new AD-DC seems to work fine. I created all local unix users and unix groups on the new AD-DC before I started the classic upgrade and deleted all of them after the update was finished. That way the
2006 Jul 19
Using Application.rhtml as layout for all controllers
I put my nav system in application layout. that way any controller loading will have the nav system. I have one problem though - the <%= yield %> is in the body, so how would my controllers specify other css files? my application layout would look like this: <html> <head> title css include javascript include </head> <body> nav system <%=yield%>
2007 May 11
Simulating onmouseleave and onmouseenter with Prototype
Hello. I spent an hour or three chasing down a desired effect that mootools implements, namely the simulation of onmouseleave and onmouseenter events. Why? Lets say you have a Menu. A ul element that contains many li elements. If you want to have a function (maybe an effect) fire when the mouse moves outside of the ul, you are out of luck. Observe the mouseout function like so:
2007 Jul 18
immediate Descendants not working in IE
Hi, im currently styling a menu using a java script effect which hides the nested submenus on load, and also shows/hides them on mouseover. It is working in firefox, using ... var ul = $("nav").getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]; var lis = ul.immediateDescendants(); I then loop through lis to initially hide all the submenus. This works fine in firefox, but not in IE. The sub
2006 Apr 02
autocompletion: hooking ''afterUpdateElement'' in Rails
Hi everyone, I need to trigger a Rails action after the autocompletion is completed (when the user has selected an option). From the scriptaculous doc, I figured out ''afterUpdateElement'' is the place to be but I wonder if/how and where I can hook my javascript code to this event in Rails code (I''d like to keep using the helper, if possible)? I tried passing many
2012 Jun 19
GUI rails debugger
Hello, Somewhat new to rails here. But have used Ruby for years and thus have used ruby-debug before with success. My years of gdb experience were helpful. I like how rails development is easy to do with Vim and command line. They only time I yearn for a GUI tool is when debugging. I do MS MVC dev at work, and VS is nice for debugging, even if I am not nuts about the rest of it. Anyone
2006 Jul 25
Prevent users from entering urls
How could I make it so that links on my page could link to a controllers action, but if the user manually entered the url, it would redirect them back to the main page? Is this possible? Thank you, -Ben Lisbakken -- Posted via
2006 Jan 30
url for image in css
Hi, I''d like to call a background image for every item in a list. Something like div#nav li.submenu {background: url(dropmenu.gif) 95% 50% no-repeat;} the image is in public/images/dropmenu.gif Thanks, Peter
2011 Mar 02
haml to erb - does it work with new html5 tags?
Hi, I wanted to covert all my erb over to haml, but I use HTML5 tags like nav, section, article, etc. Any idea if this is supported by haml? Checked out their site, nothing mentioned there or did I miss something. Sorry noob here. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to