similar to: Looking for Javascript IDE

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Looking for Javascript IDE"

2006 Aug 08
Useful plugins for RadRails
Hi Friends, Could anybody suggest me some nice and useful plugins for RadRails! It would be very great if we make list of all such plugins! 1)________ 2)________ 3)________ 4)________ 5)________ 6)________ 7)..... Please fill above blanks and lets make a big list of it! -- Don''t live to geek; geek to live. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment
2006 Jun 20
Prototype Array bug??
function CreateTOC(){ var $aTOC = document.getElementsByClassName(''tocitem''); var $temp = ''''; if(isArray($aTOC)){ for($t in $aTOC){ $temp += ''t='' + $t + '', '' + $aTOC[$t].name + ''<BR>''; } $(''test1'').innerHTML = $temp; } } When I run this code
2006 Jun 26
Parent/Child Tags
IS there a way to determine that the parent or child tags are for a given element? _____________________ Thanks, Keith Davis - MCSA, A+, N+ P.R.I.D.E. - Director of Computer Services Work (214) 351-6600 ext. 119 Mobile (214) 906-5183 _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Jun 21
Implementing a boolean "switch" in a Class
I need a single boolean which would be "globally" accessible to all instances of a class. Seems like the boolean should be in the class prototype, but I was troubled by the difficulty of setting the prototype boolean to true. Maybe I''m missing something? var MyObject = Class.create(); MyObject.prototype = { bSwitch: false, ... other methods and properties } var oMyOb1
2006 Jun 29
Speeding up Prototype''s $$ Selector
Just a quick heads up that Sylvain Zimmer has posted a performance upgrade for Prototype''s $$ selector, making the function up to 20 times faster. This could be just the thing I''ve been looking for recently as a site I''m currently developing makes heavy usage of that $$ selector and I have noticed that this can lead to a noticeable lag on page load. See
2006 Jun 24
Few questions
I apologize if these questions are not relevant to Scriptaculous. I just want to get a general idea if I can acomplish some or all of these things with the framework, and then what (if any) I''ll need to do outside just using javascript. For now, I have 2 column layout. On the right I want a form palette where form elements can be dragged to the left column. I have a form inside the
2006 May 22
I was wondering if there is a way to do tabs easier than most of the tutrials that I have found. I dont realy care if its realy fast just as long as it works. Something sort of like if there is a way where if my viewers want to save something as a link than there is something they can click and it will give
2007 Jan 19
Prototype.js: Is there an "in_array"-like function?
Hi i was wondering if there is a quick way to search for a item within an array. Here is my approach for this functionality. It''s an prototype for an Array method called "has": Array.prototype.has = function(needle) { for (var i=0;i<this.length;i++) { if(this[i] == needle){ return true; } } return false; } var someArray = [''jim'',
2006 Jun 15
Why such bad performance with IE ?
Regarding DragDrop I am wondering what the deal about Internet Explorer 6 is. My application is near to final and now while testing browsers all but the IE6 are running as supposed to. Any other browser is performing smooth movement while IE compared provides a very bad expirience. I''ve seen some "tuning" infos on this list but they are either outdated or not actually working
2006 Jun 16
can someone please show me how to feed a drop down ....
Hi there... I have a html page that i have to use as a template page for an exucuting CGI file. (search engine). that source can not be modified on that CGI. The CGI file pulls in the template file and provides a way to format the resulting CGI output. (the htm template have has CSS in it to formate the CGI resulting page) of cource with html being stateless .. i have no way to put a feed drop
2006 Jun 16
Detecting Body Onload
I have a piece of code that "waits" for body onload. Every 30ms, it tests $(''body''). Seems that isn''t always good enough. I''ve hit situations where the DOM is "partially" loaded somehow. I fixed matters by setting a global flag... <body onload="bodyLoaded=true;"> which provides a better test... of course I could
2006 Jun 30
javascript woes with radio button groups
Ok! So I have this survey project I''m working on where there are a list of questions but only one shows up at a time. That part''s easy. And, it is fully functional as we speak (and I think even ''live'') however..... My boss wants to be able to have the survey go to the next question when a user selects an answer. This part is easy.. except..... IE
2006 May 29
Really easy field validation with Prototype Help
Hello, I''m trying to implement this. The problem that I am having is that the form submits via an Ajax call and I can figure out how to get the validation code to return false if something failed validation. Below is the link to the webpage but I see nothing on how to have it call a function when everything is valid.
2007 Jun 15
API of scriptaculous
Hi all, Is there anywhere an API with the different method and descrption of the different JS of SCRIPTACULOUS ? Thanks for your good work in Prototype and Scriptaculous !! -- Cyril --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to
2006 May 22
using Singleton with Prototype
Hello all. I''m writing my own object using prototype and I wonder how you write and call only one instance of class. Can anyone share his idea of singleton? thanks Gregor ---------------------------------------------------- Gdy nadchodzi przełomowy moment w historii, musisz zdecydować, po czyjej stronie będziesz. "X-Men: Ostatni bastion" - w kinach od 26 maja.
2006 May 19
Prototype / Scriptaculous & Dojo
Are these libs compatible ? At the very least I''d like to be able to use Prototype &amp; Dojo ? Thoughts welcome.. Matt _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2007 Mar 23
Lightbox-eske Dialogish Object
So, one of the things I''ve always wanted to do was expand upon the simplicity of the Lightbox Gone Wild! object that the coders at put together months ago. I used it on an application I wrote to organize my own picture albums on my localhost web server, but I had to hack it apart to get it to do the things I wanted it to do. I looked at the Prototype Window
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Eventobjectemulation/abstractioninPrototype?
This is obviously rough draft and not thoroughly tested, but it seems to work. If you''d like, give it a try (load it after you load prototype.js): Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) { var __method = this; return function(event) { return, new SuperEvent(event || window.event)); } } var SuperEvent = Class.create();
2007 Sep 06
Wordpress Javascript Index Loop
I want to use javascript to display the categories that the post is filed under when a icon/image is clicked. The list of categories should expand at the bottom of the post under the icon(s). This works great on the single post page, but the index (main) page lists 10 posts, and it will only work on the first post. No matter what post icon is clicked the first post expands. I think I understand
2006 Jun 13
Weird flicker effect in IE6 (sortables)
Hello everyone I have made some strange expirience yesterday. I have an unordered list with sortable list items (basic). Within these are various contents (forms, divs, more lists) etc.. Now on only some of them the whole page (all text) begins to flicker / redrawn in Internet Explorer 6 if i pick up a dragable and move it above its original position (like moving it above the ghost of the