similar to: mask input fields

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "mask input fields"

2007 Jul 16
Problem with keypress event handling
Hi all, we are writing a cross browser Javascript control that enhances the HTML text input element in order to accept only digits (more or less). Supposing that ''domText'' is the DOM element corresponding to the HTML text input, we wrote the following: Event.observe(domText, "keypress", this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this)); where this.onKeyPress =
2007 Dec 18
Have anybody used method appeared in v1.6. There are no samples, references or even api for this method. I want to use it for my needs and don''t know how. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Dec 09
capturing arrow keypress on IE7 with Prototype 1.6 doesn't work?
Hi! does anyone know a fix for this? in FF and Opera everything is fine, but in IE7 arrow keys are ignored. thank you --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To
2006 Mar 03
event.keyCode broken in prototype?
I ran 2 tests. One using proto''s Event.observe, and another using an in-line handler of the "keydown" event in a textbox. Using .bindAsEventListener, the event.keyCode is always returning a capital letter, no matter what. The in-line event handler returns lowercase vs. uppercase correctly... What''s going on? I guess I find it hard to believe no one has tried
2006 Jul 10
prototype hash method
var v1 = { a: ''value for a'', b:''value for b'' } var v2 = { c: ''value for c'', d: function(){some code...} }; var v3 = v2.merge(v1); I''m getting an error doing this... what is wrong?
2009 Jul 16
[PATCH server] updated anyterm/ovirt integration
host static anyterm content locally, url parameterize anyterm rows/cols/general param update spec/makefile Ideally I wanted and tried hard to put all this into a seperate ovirt-server--anyterm subpackage, but we cannot 'reopen' the ovirt server virtual host defined in ovirt-server.conf to add the neccessary rewrite rules. it would be nice to figure out a way to do this ---
2006 Jan 27
[prototype] [BUG] Event.stop doesn''t stop all keystrokes on some browsers
attached is an html file I used to test the bug. the top text box should not allow you to type anything, not tab, not enter, nothing. bottom text box should work fine. requires prototype.js and includes jslog for although it only occurs in one place, I just wanted to make sure the event was firing without having to use alerts :) tested browsers/platforms: opera: mac / win / lin:
2006 Mar 22
Capture/Observer keys (F11, F3, ALT+arrows, CTRL+C/V/X)
Hi all, I really appreciate all of you who are behind this great proyect. Im from Argentina (if you dont notice for my accent eheheh) Im trying to capture width the func Event.observe() the keys F3 and F11. Also the combinations for ALT and the arrows keys, and other combinations like: CTRL+X (cut) CTRL+C (copy) CTRL+V (paste) Using something like this: Code: Event.observe(window, keycode=122,
2006 May 26
migration to rails
Hi, I''m a PHP developer and I''m think about migration to rails... my big problem is about printing web Reports, well I could not found a good thing to help me with this... Does Ror or some other ruby project have some thing to help about make/print database reports? tks
2006 Aug 31
Event.observe problem
Hi everyone! I came across and interesting problem with prototype Event.observe. Take this code for example: <script type="text/javascript" src="cropper/lib/prototype.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function handler(e) { if (document.all) { e = window.event; } var key; if (document.layers) key = e.which; if
2004 Aug 06
Hello I found that in this version, in the access log, the source log lines are wrong. The number of bytes transfered for the source is always 19 bytes... bla.bla.bla.bla - - [17/Nov/2003:23:25:22 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg HTTP/1.0" 200 19 "-" "IceS 2.0-Beta2" 13325 bla.bla.bla.bla - - [17/Nov/2003:23:25:52 +0100] "SOURCE /radio-bro-gwened.ogg
2006 Jan 24
scriptaculous sortable
Hi, maybe I am using this the wrong way but I have a list as follows <ul id="secondlist"> <li>bla bla</li> <li> bla bla </li> </ul> and then I add dynamically further <li> elements and create a Sortable but the onUpdate only fires for <li> items that have not been created via Javascript. Any clues? <script
2007 Feb 17
Hi, i need some help :) Does anywhere exists a fix for a code (scheme) like this: ---------------- var blas = document.getElementsByClassName( ''foo-class'', ''foo-id'' ); blas.each ( function( bla ) { var subbla = Element.childrenWithClassName( bla, ''subbla-class'', true ); } ); -------------- This scheme worked well till script.aculo
2001 Dec 17
ssh host echo bla | echo bla
what should ssh do for: $ ssh host echo bla | echo bla $ ssh -1 host echo bla | echo bla $ ssh -2 host echo bla | echo bla -m
2004 Sep 29
Problem with _new_ if class "lm" in object representation.
Hi! Consider this code. setClass("Ctest" ,representation( test="character" ,bla="character" ,mod="lm" ) ) new("Ctest",test="bla") #This produces an error. #Error in validObject(.Object) : Invalid "Ctest" object: Invalid object for slot "mod" in class "Ctest": got class
2018 Dec 05
BUG: sieve does not set seen-Flag
We've all shown the way it should work, and what DOES work for us. There appears to be <something> different about your setup. I've showed you my spam sieve filter that does set \Seen. I deliver my mail via dovecot LMTP to mbox formatted files. What's different in your setup? Those \Seen flags are visible in ALL the clients I use (Outlook, Outlook Android, Gmail Android,
2007 Jun 06
string overflow in rpcclient add "printer" driver command
Hello, I get the folowing error msg in rpcclient -c 'adddriver' command: ERROR: string overflow by 1 (1024 - 1023) in safe_strcpy [adddriver "Windows NT x86" "My Driver Name 001:aaa] Printer Driver My Driver Name 001 successfully installed. My command is like this: rpcclient MYSRV -s /etc/samba/smb.conf -A auth.txt -c 'adddriver "Windows NT x86" "My
2006 Feb 13
Why is asterisk ignoring my context?
Hi, I've been fighting with a sip configuration for a few days, and I just realized why it wasn't working. In my sip.conf, I have the following [someprovider] Bla Bla Bla Bla And in my extensions.conf file, I have this Exten => 555-555-5555,1,Noop(test) Sure enough, when I dial 555-555-5555, it works. What DOESN'T work is if I use an extension in the sip.conf and
2018 Dec 05
BUG: sieve does not set seen-Flag
What really strange is: There is a seen message 1544001025.M268344P5000.mymail,S=2804,W=2861:2,S Shown in Thunderbird as seen. Then i move this message to INBOX, and the logs say: Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]: imap(<5276><+eYG4kJ85DMuffon>: Debug: Mailbox INBOX: Mailbox opened because: UID move Dec 05 10:22:23 mymail dovecot[24019]:
2001 Mar 07
Minor bug in (with bug correction) (PR#864)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson Version: rw1022 OS: Windows Me Submission from: (NULL) ( When ${R_HOME}/share/perl/ tries to generate a TITLE that is longer than $lc-3 (=13) characters long, it repeats the package name on line two. Example: Now it generates an output like: Bla bla bla... But, I believe it should