similar to: [Bug 2162] New: Log needs to contain the port on which connection is made

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "[Bug 2162] New: Log needs to contain the port on which connection is made"

2015 Mar 27
[Bug 2373] New: memory leak in sshd.c:2262 Bug ID: 2373 Summary: memory leak in sshd.c:2262 Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 6.7p1 Hardware: Other OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: trivial Priority: P5 Component: sshd Assignee: unassigned-bugs at
2002 Sep 21
OpenSSH -current fails regression on Solaris 8, sshd dumps core
Hi All. While working on something I noticed a regression failure on Solaris 8. It turned out to be present in -cvs and wasn't due to my changes. One of the tests that fail is basically: ssh -2 -F $build/regress/ssh_proxy 999.999.999.999 true The server reports: sshd[20529]: Disconnecting: Command terminated on signal 11. The culprit seems to be session.c line 1019 or so: snprintf(buf,
2002 Oct 15
3.4p1 Error on Tru64 Unix - cannot set login uid
Hi, I have recently loaded Openssh 3.4p1 on an Tru64 Unix 5.1A system. I followed the installation instructions described in INSTALL, essentially using all default settings, and it went throught without any obvious errors. I can then use the root account to initiate outbound and inbound ssh calls, and can log on without any problems. The trouble is that when I try to use ssh to log in (from a
2007 Mar 29
Asterisk hangs up SIP call after 6 200 retransmits
I have the following scenario: PSTN gateway (202.180.nnn.nnn) -> OpenSER 1.0.1 (147.202.nnn.nnn) -> Asterisk 1.2.16 (203.89.nnn.nnn) When an incoming call is received, often (but not always) Asterisk repeatedly sends a SIP 200 OK message and eventually hangs up the call. sip.conf [general] port = 5060 ; Port to bind to (SIP is 5060) bindaddr = ; Address to bind to (all
2015 Aug 19
Seeing: "Got REQ_KEY from XXX while we already started a SPTPS session!"
I'm running tinc 1.1pre11 with AutoConnect set to 'yes' and I recently started seeing lots of these messages on my VPN and cannot connect to various hosts from other hosts: (I have obscured the hostnames and vpn name, but otherwise this is a direct paste from syslog) Aug 19 14:51:51 AAA tinc.nnn[2217]: Got REQ_KEY from XXX while we already started a SPTPS session! Aug 19 14:51:54 AAA
2008 Jun 27
Megatec and Belkin F6H550-UPS
Hi Jayson, I forward your request to the right place. Carlos (or some other) will have an answer, or at least some questions for you. -- Arnaud 2008/6/27 Jayson Anderson <jayson.anderson at>: > Greetings Arnaud, > > I wrote you some time ago about whether NUT would support the Belkin > F6H550-UPS device in the future. > > You had replied and mentioned to send
2005 Jul 04
Extensions will not go to voicemail
I have a remote installation that connects via IAX from my office pbx. When I call an extension on the remote pbx, after the dial period, the call is terminated. Nothing I do in configuration of that extension seems to matter: -- Executing NoOp("IAX2/netconcepts@nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:4569-5", ""Dial 710"") in new stack -- Executing
2003 Jun 24
winbind, ads, and trouble with group lookups
Hello, I've been trying to get samba set up to authenticate users off a W2003/ADS system and it appears to be working for the most part. However, there is one issue plaguing me and I'm not sure how serious it is. In brief, the Windows SID => Unix GID mapping is failing in odd ways. After getting things set up, the following work: * wbinfo -g (lists all domain groups, ie DOMAIN+user)
2000 Mar 01
smbpasswd failure
I've attempted to change my smb password on a remote NT PDS, but it always fails with resolve_name: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name SERVER<0x20> getlmhostsent: lmhost entry: localhost resolve_name: Attempting host lookup for name SERVER<0x20> Connecting to nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn at port 139 error connecting to nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:139 (Connection refused) unable to connect to
2010 Oct 09
Software bridge setup in RHEL 5/CentOS 5 questions, possible bug.
I have a question about software bridge setup (initscripts). If one sets up a bridge network: ifcfg-eth0: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BRIDGE=br0 HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes BRIDGE=br0 HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ifcfg-br0 DEVICE=br0 TYPE=Bridge BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST=nnn.nnn.nnn.255 IPADDR=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn NETMASK= NETWORK=nnn.nnn.nnn.0 ONBOOT=yes Deep
2014 Aug 11
Invalid seqno and short packets
Hi, I just upgraded my entire environment from Tinc 1.0.24 (or prior) to the most recent version from git (1.1pre10+), using ED25519. Sometimes, especially after some failed authentication attempts or timed out authentications, I get the following log messages: 2014-08-11 21:51:10 tinc.NNN[3376]: Connection with XXX ( port 1) activated 2014-08-11 21:51:10 tinc.NNN[3376]:
2003 Feb 17
AIX 4.3.3 smbd won't start
Hello, I have just downloaded Samba 2.2.7.a and I have tried to set it up on AIX 4.3.3 and am not having luck. Last week I installed samba on my linux machine and it works pretty well. The boss asked on Friday if I could set it up on my AIX machine. I have samba installed in /usr/local/samba. After running /usr/local/samba/smbd -D and /usr/local/samba/nmbd -D I can do this ps -aef |
2013 Dec 11
Why ssh client breaks connection in expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS state?
I have a client host that I don't have access to now, which attempts to establish ssh connection back to my BSD server using the private key. Client runs this command: /usr/bin/ssh -i ~/.ssh/my_key_rsa -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -p $HPORT $HUSER@$HOST -R $LPORT:localhost:$LPORT -N On the server debug log looks like this: Connection from NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN port 43567 debug1: HPN
2011 May 04
Guest access broken for Win7 between 3.3.8 and 3.5.4?
I've been running samba on RHEL5 for the past couple of years with XP clients. Late last year, in order to support new Win7 clients, I upgraded from samba-3.0.33 packages to samba3x-3.3.8 (from the Red Hat-managed configuration tree) and after some struggles got everything working. But now after upgrading to samba3x-3.5.4 I am only able to connect as a known user and not as a guest. Relevant
2006 Oct 01
new error message in 4.4p1
I'm trying to understand why I'm getting a new error message in 4.4p1, when 4.3p1 did not produce the error message. The config files are the unchanged. The new error in the log is Failed hostbased for xxx from nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn That is followed by the usual Accepted hostbased for xxx from nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn and the host based authentication continues to work correctly despite the new
2005 Mar 24
Native Bridging drops call on release
Has anyone experienced a dropped call when bridging? I get an "OK, ready to transfer" from both channels, but when asterisk releases the call, it is dropped immediately by the upstream provider. I've tested against another provider and it works fine, and it also works fine across two different providers, including TO and FROM the one that's acting buggy. Here's a
2005 Jul 14
Polycom behind firewall issue
I have a user that just got a broadband connection so she could have an extension off our pbx. The service is DSL and uses a speedstream 5200 dsl router. I sent her a Polycom IP300. At first it would not access the config files via ftp so I had tech support walk her through setting the phone's internal IP to be the dmz. This allowed me to set up the phone using the web interface and now
2002 Jun 13
cannot setup print in w2k on debian/samba/winwind/cups server
hi. I am trying to get print working and have a hard time indeed... My goal is to replace our nt4 print server with a linux/samba one as we have problems serving printers and drivers to win2000 workstations (and I don't want to set up a win2000 server for printing, and have the same problem _again_ when switching to XP ;-) The situation so far : - Debian woody - Samba 2.2.4-1 - Winbind
2017 Feb 03
[PATCH 0/5] Support socket activation in virt-p2v.
As the subject says, support socket activation in virt-p2v. I have added upstream support for socket activation to nbdkit already: I posted a patch for qemu-nbd, still waiting on more reviews for that one: I tested this against old and new qemu
2008 Sep 30
Corrupted transaction log file / record size too small
I recently upgradeded dovecot on one of our servers from version 1.0.10 to version 1.1.3. Ever since, we've been seeing occasional errors similar to this sequence (with the username and IP addresses elided): Sep 30 00:09:56 alcor dovecot: pop3-login: Login: [4954], XXXX, NNN.NNN.NN.NNN Sep 30 00:09:56 alcor dovecot: wrapper[5006]: pop3, XXXX, NNN.NNN.NN.NNN Sep 30 00:09:56 alcor