similar to: Managing /etc/hosts without using exported resources

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Managing /etc/hosts without using exported resources"

2013 Aug 13
Collector not realizing own exported resources when filtering on tags
I''m trying to create a ssh class where the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv stays updated. The issue i''m finding is that if I include a "tag == anything" in the Collector filter, it collects all resources EXCEPT it''s own. In this case, the known_hosts and .equiv files will have all the other hostnames, but not it''s own hostname.
2010 Nov 15
bug with using exported resources?
Hello... Is this a bug or by design? I''m using exported resources to generate /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts. I changed the example from the docs to this: @@sshkey { "$fqdn,$hostname,$ipaddress": type => rsa, key => $sshrsakey, } so that I would get one line per host in the ssh_know_hosts file. What happened was that on each run several (all?)
2011 Feb 03
2.6.2 excluding an exported resource
I have the class below to export host entries. However I wish to override the entry for my host to So for all of the hosts other than I would like them to have the real IP address but for I would like to just have the loopback host entry. 2.6.2 doesn''t allow multiple tags and if I put in another entry for localhost there is a collision. Is there any
2013 Jul 25
Not collecting exported resources without storeconfigs
# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 6.4 (Final) # puppet --version 3.2.3 # rpm -q puppetdb puppetdb-1.3.2-1.el6.noarch I am now receiving "Not collecting exported resources without storeconfigs" for my opsview module. It was working fine on puppet 2.7 with Activerecord/MySQL. I am still new to puppetdb so maybe I am missing something. This is from puppet.conf: storeconfigs
2013 Aug 27
The Foreman: Query facts from ENC PuppetDB?
I''ve been using PuppetDB as an ENC for a while, but I haven''t really utilized it for stored configs or anything. I was mostly interested in replacing Dashboard''s reporting capabilities, but PuppetDB doesn''t yet do anything (that I can see) with reports. So I''m currently looking into setting up a separate Foreman server. I saw the script mentioned
2012 Jul 11
where is ssh_known_hosts file generated by sshkey ?
Hi , I was testing puppet exported resources as in and I had this test class (code is from another post). class ssh_known_hosts{ case $sshrsakey { '''': { alert("No sshrsakey found for $fqdn") } default: { @@sshkey { $fqdn:
2013 Jul 25
is there any way to see what are the resources exported by a node?
Hello folks, Is there any way to see what are the resources exported by a node when using puppetdb and exported resources. I am running puppet 2.7.22 and puppetdb 1.3 on Ubuntu 10.4. I have tried to use e API and its not working for me(see!topicsearchin/puppet-users/puppetdb$20API$20v2$20is$20not$20working$20for$20me/puppet-users/WFo9YEw6oRo ) Anyone know
2013 Oct 16
Exported resources not in the catalog
Hi, I''m trying to use Puppet ability to export and collect resources using PuppetDB. My PuppetDB and Puppet Master are running on the same host and I used the PuppetDB puppet module to install PuppetDB and configure the Puppet master. Each time the puppet agent runs on a client, the facts and the catalog are being pushed in PuppetDB and I can query the PuppetDB server to get
2013 Jan 21
Terrible exported resources performance
Hi, Since the below is a little long, I put my question at the top: how do I troubleshoot awful exported resources performance in puppet and is there anything I can tweak to get it to run under 10 minutes in larger environments? I have a fairly modest environment (118 nodes, but prod will be at least twice as large). I''m trying to move my distributed nagios setup to one based on
2013 Sep 02
puppetdb - getting a list of specific facts for specific hosts?
I''m trying to query puppetdb for a list of hosts maching a certain regex (on hostname) and only returns 2 facts (ipaddress and hostname) I''m trying to follow: and I''m not even quite sure, wether or not, I should use a facts or a nodes, or a resources query ? I get some of the queries to return just
2013 Jan 24
Searching for Nodes
Hello All, I''m reviewing switching to puppet from chef and am trying to identify how to port the various features. I have hit a stumbling block searching for nodes. In Chef i could search for a node by role, but I am lost as how to do this with puppet and classes. Example: I want my load-balancing node to look for all application server nodes and grab their ip address (and hostname
2012 Nov 05
puppetdb postgresql Connection refused
Greetings, we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following error: Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue: Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for lxa7t.unix.lan: Failed to submit ''replace facts'' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2) Info: Retrieving
2013 Jan 07
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: execution expired
Hi everyone, I recently ran into an issue where my puppetmaster can''t run puppet on itself. It errors out with the following: Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: execution expired Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run I''m running Puppet 3 with passanger and puppetdb (hsql). I''ve tried restarting
2013 Apr 11
puppet-lint -- learning stuff about style but also generating questions
Here''s one I learned: I originally had # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { "${fqdn}": host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, } And thru some trial and error, got down to this (which puppet-lint does not gripe about) # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { $fqdn: host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, }
2013 Jan 14
Puppetdb will setting gc-interval to 0 disable it
I have multiple puppetdb severs pointed at the same database. Would setting gc-interval to 0 disable it on the extra puppetdb nodes? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to
2013 Aug 21
Confusion with puppetdb (storeconfig) and query database
Hello, I have configured puppet and puppetdb (storeconfig) with postgresql and the service run and the collecting are good for example: I can make query with the next command and responds ok . [.........................] [root@master]# curl -X GET -H ''Accept: application/json'' --data-urlencode ''query=["=", "name",
2013 May 14
PuppetDB Cannot Find Postgresql Driver
Puppet 3.3.1 // CentOS release 6.4 (Final) rpm -qa | grep puppet puppetlabs-release-6-7.noarch puppet-3.1.1-1.el6.noarch puppetdb-1.3.0-1.el6.noarch puppet-server-3.1.1-1.el6.noarch puppetdb-terminus-1.3.0-1.el6.noarch Installed from yum packages: Running Transaction Installing : puppetdb-1.3.0-1.el6.noarch
2012 Dec 12
puppet dashboard inventory
I have a puppet master install which uses puppetdb. I also have puppet dashboard installed with the inventory service running. I want multiple puppet masters using a single puppetDB server. Puppetdb is installed on separate vm. How can I get the dashboard inventory to use the puppetdb server to get the inventory records? Where do I configure the dashboard inventory so it uses puppetdb? I
2013 Aug 07
introducing puppetboard 0.0.1
Hello everyone, It’s a lovely grey and rainy day here in the Dutch summer, as good a day as any to release a new little project. Its name is Puppetboard and has as aim to replace Puppet Dashboard’s reporting functionality. It does not nor will it include ENC features. It does all this without storing any data itself but querying PuppetDB instead. The whole thing is built in Python and
2012 Jun 04
mysql or postgresql
Hi! Which database would you recommend to use mysql or postgresql for puppet? Estimated number of nodes 30000, they send reports every 30 minutes. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to