similar to: frailtypack

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "frailtypack"

2010 Aug 19
memory problem
Hi, when i run the following code i get this massege: "The instruction at 0x######## reference memory at 0x#######, the memory cannot be "read". and then i have to close R. what is the problem and how can i solve it? thanks in advance Avi my code # frailtypack library(frailtypack) <- read.csv("C:/rfiles/RE/cgd.csv") cgd.nfm <-frailtyPenal(Surv(TStart,
2007 Apr 20
Approaches of Frailty estimation: coxme vs coxph(...frailty(id, dist='gauss'))
Dear List, In documents (Therneau, 2003 : On mixed-effect cox models, ...), as far as I came to know, coxme penalize the partial likelihood (Ripatti, Palmgren, 2000) where as frailtyPenal (in frailtypack package) uses the penalized the full likelihood approach (Rondeau et al, 2003). How, then, coxme and coxph(...frailty(id, dist='gauss')) differs? Just the coding algorithm, or in
2011 Dec 30
Joint modelling of survival data
Assume that we collect below data : - subjects = 20 males + 20 females, every single individual is independence, and difference events = 1, 2, 3... n covariates = 4 blood types A, B, AB, O ?m = hazards rates for male ?n = hazards rates for female Wm = Wn x ?, frailty for males, where ? is the edge ratio of male compare to female Wn =
2012 Feb 03
coxme with frailty--variance of random effect?
Dear all, This probably stems from my lack of understanding of the model, but I do not understand the variance of the random effect reported in coxme. Consider the following toy example: #------------------------------- BEGINNING OF CODE ------------------------------------------------ library(survival) library(coxme) #--- Generate toy data: d <- data.frame(id = c(1:100), #
2008 Feb 21
Nested frailty model
Dear R-help, I am trying to estimate a Cox model with nested effects, or better h(t,v,w)=v*w*h0(t)*exp(B'x) where h(t,v,w) is the individual hazard function w and v are both frailty terms (gamma or normal distributed) I have 12 clusters and for each one of them I would like to associate a realization of v, while w is a random effect for the whole population. At the population level
2010 Aug 09
recurrent events
Hello, I have a cohort with approx 1,200 patients at the ages of 30-65 that had their first myocardial infarction during 1992: · They were in a follow up until 2005. · About 400 of them died during this period of time (right censored) · Each one of them had up to 4 mi recurrent events. I am using the semi-parametric model in order to assess the relationship of
2009 Aug 13
CMD check error (bug?)
R version 2.9.0 running on Centos (Red Hat linux). I have a pair of packages coxme and bdsmatrix. The latter is installed in my local library (I don't have permission for global install at work.) That is, it is in the location pointed to in R_LIBS_USER. In R, the command library(bdsmatrix) works fine. Coxme depends on bdsmatrix, in fact uses some cross-calls to it's C routines, which
2008 Mar 05
coxme - fitting random treatment effect nested within centre
Dear all, I am using "coxme" function in Kinship library to fit random treatment effect nested within centre. I got 3 treatments (0,1,2) and 3 centres. I used following commands, but got an error. > ugroup=paste(rep(1:3,each=3),rep(0:2,3),sep='/') > mat1=bdsmatrix(rep(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),3),blocksize=rep(3,3),dimnames=list(ugroup,ugroup)) >
2015 Feb 15
Imports problem
I'm testing out a new version of coxme and R CMD check fails with "could not find function ranef" (or random.effects or fixef, or anything from nlme). The NAMESPACE file has the line below importFrom(nlme, ranef, random.effects, fixef, fixed.effects, VarCorr) and nlme is declared in the DESCRIPTION file as an import. I feel that I must be staring at some obvious (but
2017 Dec 29
winbuilder warning message wrt function pointers
I've recently updated the coxme package, which calls internal routines from the bdsmatrix package.? (It is in fact mentioned as an example of this in the Extensions manual.) The call connections are a blocks like this, one for each of the 9 called C routines. void bdsmatrix_prod4(int nrow,??? int nblock,?? int *bsize, ??????????????????? double *bmat, double *rmat, ??????????????????? int
2011 Nov 02
new version of FRAILTYPACK: general frailty models
Dear R users, We are pleased to tell you that "FRAILTYPACK" has been updated. "FRAILTYPACK" stands now for general frailty models estimated with a semi-parametrical penalized likelihood, but also with a parametrical approach. In case of comments/corrections/remarks/suggestions -- which are very welcome --please contact the maintainer directly. Kind regards, The
2011 Nov 02
new version of FRAILTYPACK: general frailty models
Dear R users, We are pleased to tell you that "FRAILTYPACK" has been updated. "FRAILTYPACK" stands now for general frailty models estimated with a semi-parametrical penalized likelihood, but also with a parametrical approach. In case of comments/corrections/remarks/suggestions -- which are very welcome --please contact the maintainer directly. Kind regards, The
2009 Mar 05
methods package
I'm working on the next version of coxme, one step of which is converting the bdsmatrix library from Splus to R. Actually, it is a conversion from S4 methods as first described in the Green book to S4 methods as they currently exist. Mostly it's going ok, but not entirely. 1. The biggest issue is lack of documentation. The online help pages have not been a help; they keep saying
2009 Nov 10
Dear All, We are happy to announce, after a long gestation, the release of the new version of FRAILTYPACK (version 2.2-9.5) which is now available from CRAN. The package fit general frailty models using penalized likelihood estimation, for clustered or recurrent events. For instance : -- ADDITIVE FRAILTY MODELS for proportional hazards models with two correlated random effects (intercept
2009 Nov 10
Dear All, We are happy to announce, after a long gestation, the release of the new version of FRAILTYPACK (version 2.2-9.5) which is now available from CRAN. The package fit general frailty models using penalized likelihood estimation, for clustered or recurrent events. For instance : -- ADDITIVE FRAILTY MODELS for proportional hazards models with two correlated random effects (intercept
2007 Dec 05
coxme frailty model standard errors?
Hello, I am running R 2.6.1 on windows xp I am trying to fit a cox proportional hazard model with a shared Gaussian frailty term using coxme My model is specified as: nofit1<-coxme(Surv(Age,cen1new)~ Sex+bo2+bo3,random=~1|isl,data=mydat) With x1-x3 being dummy variables, and isl being the community level variable with 4 levels. Does anyone know if there is a way to get the standard error
2009 Jan 26
Error in Surv(time, status) : Time variable is not numeric
Dear, I want to analyze two-level survival data using a shared frailty model, for which I want to use the R package 'Frailtypack", proposed by Rondeau et al. The dataset was built using SAS software. I also tried to change the format using SPSS and Excell. My (reduced) dataset has following column names: ID entry time status family var1 I used following command: >
2010 Mar 05
Defining a method in two packages
The coxme package has a ranef() method, as does lme4. I'm having trouble getting them to play together, as shown below. (The particular model in the example isn't defensible, but uses a standard data set.) The problem is that most of the time only one of lme4 or coxme will be loaded, so each needs to define the basic ranef function as well as a method for it. But when loaded together
2009 Aug 05
inheriting C symbols
The package coxme depends heavily on bdsmatrix, to the point of needing access to some of its C calls. The kinship package (in progress) uses the R level functions in bdsmatrix, but not the C calls. That is, I don't want to always export the symbols. For testing I can use an explicit dyn.load('somepath/', local=F). How do I incorporate such a dependency in the
2020 Jan 13
as-cran issue
Where can I find out (and replicate) what options as-cran turns on? The issue: the following lines generate an error in R CMD check --as-cran? for coxme.? But there is no error without as-cran nor is there one when I run the code in a terminal window. ismat <- function(x)? inherits(x, "matrix") || inherits(x, "bdsmatrix") || inherits(x, "Matrix") if