similar to: tm::stemDocument function not work

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "tm::stemDocument function not work"

2003 Sep 07
data manipulation
Hi, I am new to R, coming from a few years using Stata. I've been twisting my brain and checking several R and S references over the last few days to try to solve this data management problem: I have a data set with a unique patient identifier that is repeated along multiple rows, a variable with month of patient encounter, and a continous variable for cost of individual encounters. The data
2008 Jun 09
converting a data set to a format for time series analysis
I currently have a data set describing human subjects enrolled into an international clinical trial, the name of the hospital enrolling this human subject, the date when the subject was enrolled, and a vector with variables representing characteristics of the site (e.g., number of beds in a hospital). my data sets looks like this: subject hospital date_enrollment hospital_beds 1 hospitalA
2002 Jun 27
large survey data set
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Hello, I am analyzing a weighted, stratified, clustered survey data set with approximately 1 million observations and 50 variables. I am new to R (I'm a Stata user), and so far couldn't find any documentation on how to handle survey data. In other words, is there a specific package to handle a combination of weigths, clusters and strata. I am also
2012 Apr 13
Help with stemDocument
Hi, All: I am new to R and tm package. I'm trying to do the stemming using tm_map() and it doesn't seem to work: *I used:* > stemDocument(t_cmts[[100]]) *Where t_cmts is the corpus object, the results is:* bottle loose box abt airpak sections top plastic bottle squashed nearly flush neck previous shipments bottle wrapped securely bubble wrap wno bottle damage packaging poor
2007 Oct 21
Input appreciated: R teaching idea + a way to improve R-wiki
Hi all, I will be teaching a graduate-level course on R at CU Boulder next semester. I have a teaching idea that might also help improve the R wiki page... I wanted to know what you all thought of it and wanted to solicit some advice about doing it. During the latter part of the course, students will choose a topic of interest (e.g., hierarchical linear modeling), and show how to achieve it in
2011 Nov 04
Help: stemming and stem completion with package tm in R
Hi All I came across a problem below when doing stemming and stem completion with package tm in R. Word "mining" was stemmed to "mine" with stemDocument(), and then completed to "miners"with stemCompletion(). However, I prefer to keep "mining" intact. For stemCompletion(), the default type of completion is "prevalent", which takes the most
2006 May 19
factor analysis - discrepancy in results from R vs. Stata
Hi, I found a discrepancy between results in R and Stata for a factor analysis with a promax rotation. For Stata: . *rotate, factor(2) promax* (promax rotation) Rotated Factor Loadings Variable | 1 2 Uniqueness -------------+-------------------------------- pfq_amanag~y | -0.17802 0.64161 0.70698 pfq_bwalk_~ø | 0.72569 0.05570
2012 Jan 13
Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Dear all, I have some troubles using the stemming algorithm provided by the tm (text mining) + Snowball packages. Here is my config: MacOS 10.5 R 2.12.0 / R 2.13.1 / R 2.14.1 (I have tried several versions) I have installed all the needed packages (tm, rJava, rWeka, Snowball) + dependencies. I have desactivated AWT (like written in
2012 Jun 25
rrdf package for mac not working
rrdf is incredibly helpful, but I've notice that the rrdf package for mac hasn't been working for some time: . wondering if there is still a plan to maintain that in the long run, or if there is some other alternative to read RDF files. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 08
R and FDA trials
Yesterday I just noticed the new document on R and regulatory aspects for biomedical research posted at Coming from an institution that performs a large number of clinical trials for FDA and being an advocate of R myself, I have found that the following issues usually come up when discussing the use of R for FDA trials: 1. Most FDA submissions come down to
2011 Mar 24
Problem with Snowball & RWeka
Dear Forum, when I try to use SnowballStemmer() I get the following error message: "Could not initialize the GenericPropertiesCreator. This exception was produced: java.lang.NullPointerException" It seems to have something to do with either Snowball or RWeka, however I can't figure out, what to do myself. If you could spend 5 minutes of your valuable time, to help me or give me a
2009 Nov 12
package "tm" fails to remove "the" with remove stopwords
I am using code that previously worked to remove stopwords using package "tm". Even manually adding "the" to the list does not work to remove "the". This package has undergone extensive redevelopment with changes to the function syntax, so perhaps I am just missing something. Please see my simple example, output, and sessionInfo() below. Thanks! Mark require(tm)
2011 Jun 04
Problem with Snowball & RWeka
I too have this problem. Everything worked fine last year, but after updating R and packages I can no longer do word stemming. Unfortunately, I didn't save the old binaries, otherwise I would just revert back. Hoping someone finds a solution for R on Windows. Thanks! There is a potential solution for R on Mac OS from Kurt Hornik copied below, but I cannot get this to work on Windows.
2012 Jan 27
tm package: handling contractions
I tried making a wordcloud of Obama's State of the Union address using the tm package to process the text sotu <- scan(file="c:/R/data/sotu2012.txt", what="character") sotu <- tolower(sotu) corp <-Corpus(VectorSource(paste(sotu, collapse=" "))) corp <- tm_map(corp, removePunctuation) corp <- tm_map(corp, stemDocument) corp <- tm_map(corp,
2012 Dec 13
Tamaño de la matriz de términos y memoria. Paquete TM
Hola a todos! Tengo algunos problemas con el tamaño de la matriz de términos que obtengo. Los comandos que utilizo son los siguientes: # carga librerias library(tm) library(wordcloud) library(Rstem) library(Snowball) # lee el documento UTF-8 y lo convierte a ASCII txt <-
2014 Jun 17
No es un problema de tm tienes doc.corpus vacío
No es un problema de tm ni de SnowfallC ni de mcapply (por el path utilizas linux, en windows mcapply según el manual no va bien) No defines bien los objetos que pasas. Pasas doc.corpus en lugar de corpus ( o asignas a corpus en lugar de a doc.corpus) . Depura los programas cuando salga un error de objeto, como te pone en el Error que pasas . Temporalmente lo tienes arreglado en
2014 Jun 18
No es un problema de tm tienes doc.corpus vacío
Creo que lo que quieres hacer necesita esta línea de código justo después de cargar el paquete tm: inmortal = unlist(strsplit(inmortal, " ", fixed = T)) De esta forma, trabajas con palabras, y NO con las frases enteras... Un saludo Isidro Hidalgo Arellano Observatorio Regional de Empleo Consejería de Empleo y Economía > -----Mensaje original----- > De:
2014 Jun 18
No es un problema de tm tienes doc.corpus vacío
Muchas gracias isidro, a la noche reinstalo R y os digo si me ha funcionado. Perdona mi ignorancia de novato pero no he entendido muy bien eso de avisar al desarrollador. Entiendo que es a los de los paquetes, no? un saludo! ruben El 18 de junio de 2014, 13:10, Isidro Hidalgo <> escribió: > Ya he visto que tampoco así funciona. > Sí te puedo decir que me ha dejado
2006 Dec 15
Machine accounts keep expiring
Hi, I've a problem with samba and ldap but it's the first time that samba works so bad. I made a network with samba and a few of windows client. Since four months (the networks was made on january) and every 10/12 days the workstations go out from the domain. The user can't log, and when i try logging with administrator It ask me to change him password. So I must unjoin the
2013 Oct 04
Possible POSIXlt / wday glitch & status
Wanted to raise two questions: 1. Is down? I haven't been able to reach it for two or three days: ``` ping PING ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1 Request timeout for icmp_seq 2 Request timeout for icmp_seq 3 Request timeout for icmp_seq 4 Request timeout for icmp_seq 5