similar to: duplicated log lines in console

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "duplicated log lines in console"

2006 Jun 07
has_many, through, want to store email in mysql
Hi, I''m still a new with ROR, but it''s really cool :) I just have this problem with a project of mine. I want to store email in a database. I already wrote a simple import script, that works, so that''s not a problem. Showing the email (efficiently) in a ROR site is. These tables are in the database: emails id email_id (foreign key -> seq
2010 Jul 06
Simple routing problem
I''ve got the following in config\routes.rb: map.resources :users In app\views\shared\_menu.erb, I''ve got: Please sign in <%= link_to "here", :controller=>"user", :action=>"sign_in" -%> In app\controllers\users_controller.rb def sign_in end When I run the application, I crash with: Routing Error No route matches
2010 Jul 01
Close Modalpopup with RJS
hi guys: I''m scratching my head on this one: I have a twitter app where I''m trying to open a modalpopup with a twitter sign in, get them to sign in, then close the popup and refresh the main window. My code however refreshes the main window with the popup window result, which I thought was really strange: application.html.erb function OpenModalPopUP() {
2012 May 12
before_save messing up
#user.rb ------> Model class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :email, :name, :password, :password_confirmation has_secure_password before_save :create_remember_token . . . . . . . private def create_remember_token self.remember_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 end end #sessions_controller.rb ------->
2011 Jun 13
Devise Authorization Error
Hello everyone, I am new to rails and I am having some trouble getting the Devise authorization plugin working. I can get the login page to display, but when I enter the credentials for a known user (I seeded an account to the database) it just says "Invalid email or password," even though I''m 100% sure I entered the right information, and redirects me to the login form.
2011 Aug 02
ror +auth_token + c#
HI, i have to change a desktop app written in c# to post and get some data to/from a rails app. the railsapp uses devise. what im doing right now is: 1) pull up sign_in page 2) parse 1) for auth_token 3) post username+ pwd & auth_token 3.1) if 3 ok > goto 4) 4) post json data that works all good, except that i do not provide auth_token in step4 , but a) rails is still accepting my data.
2011 Aug 02
ror +auth_token + c#
HI, i have to change a desktop app written in c# to post and get some data to/from a rails app. the railsapp uses devise. what im doing right now is: 1) pull up sign_in page 2) parse 1) for auth_token 3) post username+ pwd & auth_token 3.1) if 3 ok > goto 4) 4) post json data that works all good, except that i do not provide auth_token in step4 , but a) rails is still accepting my data.
2010 Sep 03
Action Controller Error: undefined local variable or method `current_user'
Newbie learning Rails. I''m currently on Chp9 here: At the end of the tutorial, rails is erroring (see below). being new to Rails and after having checked the tutorial... How do you resolve this kind of error. It''s saying current_user is not defined, and it is supposed to be defined with/Sites/sample_app/app/helpers/
2010 Nov 24
NameError in Devise/sessionsController#new
I created a sample application. Added devise in it, it works fine. Then added cancan gem into it. Created an ability class. define some permissions. Then added line load_and_authorize_resource to the Application Controller, after that when i go to the page it gave the following error, NameError in Devise/sessionsController#new uninitialized constant Session
2010 Sep 17
ruby's oauth2 grant_type
Hi, i started using oauth2 gem by intridea ( and don''t know how to fix this problem. I have developed both client and server and on request for access_token i see no grant_type parameter. My code from client callback controller class CallbackController < Devise::OauthCallbacksController def accounts access_token =
2014 Jun 03
Investissez aux Etats Unis
Investissez aux Etats Unis Probl?mes d'affichage ? Affichez cette newsletter dans votre navigateur. ( ) Pour investir en toute s?curit? sur le march? immobilier US LESUR INVESTMENT
2011 Jul 30
Question about Helpers
Studying the RoR 3 Tutorial book by Michael Hartl and on page 345 there''s the code inside the SessionsHelper: _________________________________________________________ module SessionsHelper def sign_in(user) cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_token] = [, user.sault] self.current_user = user end end __________________________________________________________ What is the purpose
2011 Jul 14
Devise confusing routes
I had a similar problem yesterday. I would go to the root of my site and I would get a Too Many Redirects message. It seems like there was an infinite loop. After struggling for over an hour yesterday late at night, it seemed like I fixed it. But now, when I want to create a New User, it''s redirecting me to the Sign In screen. Seems like I didn''t fix the problem completely. I
2013 Mar 20
Rspec + Devise + BaseController
Hello there, I''m creating a base controller for the admin section of a project. All controllers whitin the admin section will inherit from it. ##################################################### #app/controllers/admins/base_controller.rb class Admins::BaseController < ApplicationController layout "admin_cms" before_filter :authenticate_admin! end
2010 Aug 08
issue with rescue_action_in_public! and testing 404 responses
Hello, I''m new to rails and I''m trying to wrap my heads around how to spec controllers using RSpec (using rails 3rc1 and rspec 2.0.0.beta.19). The problem I''ve run into is when I want to test that my controllers respond with a 404 for unfound records. Whenever I run the spec, the ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception is not caught by rails, causing the spec
2011 Nov 02
getting devise to return json data when signing out
Hi all, In curl (the command line program), I can successfully log a user in using devise: def create respond_to do |format| format.json { if user_signed_in? return render :json => {:success => true, :errors => ["Already logged in."]} end resource = warden.authenticate!(:scope => resource_name, :recall =>
2008 Mar 13
Specifing methods in a steps_for block
Hey list, I''m refactoring some much-used functionality into a common_steps step group. Methods like this are in there: steps_for :common do Given "a number of existing $types?" do |type| @initial_item_count = type.singularize.classify.constantize.count end When "the user adds an invalid $type" do |type| post
2013 Oct 07
rails_admin problem in raoutes, parallel login area in devise
hello friends, i am using rails_admin as webapp admin interface. it create a User model by default using Devise gem. after that i am creating another authorization area member. now /admin route change to /member/sign_in from user/sign_in. any body have idea how to create a parallel login area in devise with rails_admin. /admin => /user/sign_in (default) after * rails g devise member*. it
2012 Feb 01
Does Devise make use of a "status" method? Weird bug.
So I''ve inherited a legacy application and I''m trying to work around the edges as I put an admin tool interface on top of the existing code base. I install Devise for user authentication, since I''ve used it in the past. I change none of the default code. And yet, on successful sign in, I get an error: Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action.
2011 May 24
Rails 3.0.7 ActionMailer attachments
Hello, I''m converting my 2.3.8 application to 3.0.7 and have run into a snag with forwarding emails from the app with an attachment. The attachment appears in the email as 1 byte in size and thus corrupt. The actual file is fine and Rails seems to have access to the file. I''ve tried multiple permutations but here''s what I''m doing... I''m fetching email