similar to: puppet 3.1.1 - wrong domain and fqdn in facter.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "puppet 3.1.1 - wrong domain and fqdn in facter."

2013 Jun 19
Centos 6.4 hostname issues.
Hi All. I currently have a problem with hostname and fqdn. I use: # cat /etc/redhat-release ; uname -r CentOS release 6.4 (Final) # hostname # grep HOSTNAME /etc/sysconfig/network # cat /etc/hostname srv1 # cat /etc/domainname but # hostname --fqdn As I think it should
2012 Jun 14
facter --yaml leaves some fields blank
Sometimes "facter --yaml" doesn''t list all the values specified on the command line. I can''t find rhyme nor reason why. Here''s a demo to show what I mean: # facter --version 1.5.7 # facter --yaml fqdn macaddress lsbdistcodename --- fqdn: lsbdistcodename: squeeze macaddress: "00:00:00:00:00:00" We had been using the above
2011 Nov 19
Facter Windows: domain is "none"
I could swear this worked fine earlier.. Now facter, and hence puppet, do not see the domain name anymore: What could cause this? C:\Temp>facter --version 1.6.2 C:\Temp>facter | findstr kernel kernel => windows kernelmajversion => 6.1 kernelrelease => 6.1.7601 kernelversion => 6.1.7601 C:\Temp>facter fqdn NCS-VDI-05.none C:\Temp>facter hostname NCS-VDI-05
2006 Oct 20
fqdn & templates
So, looks like the latest facter has fqdn... cool. but for some reason templates can''t access it. I was defining $fqdn in my site.pp, but had to remove it after the last yum update, which brought in a new facter package. But now my templates can use fqdn. Why would this happen? --jason
2008 Jan 08
odd facter error with split
Not sure if this is another issue cropping up with 0.24.1 but I''m getting the following: info: Loading fact raid /etc/puppet/facts/location.rb:5: private method `split'' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:510:in `call'' from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:510:in `value'' from
2012 May 17
Puppet facter 1.6.8 and inet6 addresses
Hello, when running the command "ip a" on a debian VM, I get this 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
2007 Mar 06
facter output from puppet
Hi, I think the answer is no but is it possible to have a facter output from within puppet ? If i type facter on the command line i miss all the fact that puppet download with the factsync feature. How to see the output of facter including those of the factsync file ? -- Cordialement, Ghislain _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2012 Sep 19
Puppet on Windows 2003 Server > wrong IP via facter?
Hello! I''m just getting started working with Puppet and testing on a Windows 2003 server. When I run facter on this server it returns a wrong value for the ipaddress (should be, but facter sets ipaddress= As you can see from the following ipconfig output, facter is looking at the TELECOM Ethernet adapter instead of the adapter used for the local domain
2013 Dec 13
New to puppet and recieving mcollective error
Im new to puppet and installed it in my home lab to mess with, when i installed it i used the hostname rather than FQDN so went back and changed puppet and reran the certificate tool to regenerate the certificates etc, the agent works fine now but i am getting an mccollective error i think, is there anything in the config i need to change for mccollective after altering the name to the FQDN?
2013 Jul 18
KVM, virtualized interface, dropped packets.
Hi All. I have currently a small problem to solve. I have a kvm virtual machine which in output of ifconfig eth0 | egrep 'RX packets|TX packets' RX packets:792681304 errors:0 dropped:560728 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:716661674 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 show dropped packets. I think that rx buffer is to small (no strange messagess in dmesg) and would
2012 Oct 24
puppet facter variable substring
Hi I have a serires of servers that their hostname (not FQDN) is built in the same manner [header, 3 letters][collo, 4 letters][environment, 3 letters][number, 4 digits]. There''s no specific separator between each part of hostname. Is there way I can extract the collo part of the hostname in puppet? TIA Paolo -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2010 Feb 10
Puppet 0.25.4 and Facter 1.5.7 debs available in debian unstable. is lagging in terms of what it''s showing, but.... $ rmadison -u debian {puppet,facter} | grep unstable puppet | 0.25.4-1 | unstable | source, all facter | 1.5.7-1 | unstable | source, all they''re both up there now. -- nigel -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2012 Feb 17
Installing Puppet/Facter without sudo/root access
I want to use Puppet and Facter on a machine where I don''t have sudo or root access privileges. I won''t be using Puppet for anything that requires that level of access, so I should be OK if I can get it on the box. Any advice on how to proceed? Currently the Facter installer complains that it doesn''t have privileges for /usr/bin/facter. I assume Puppet will have the same
2009 Jun 12
Obtaining puppet and facter for RHEL5/Centos5
What''s the correct yum repo to use for installing Puppet & Facter on RHEL5 and Centos5? I used to get them from the dlutter-rhel5 repo but this seems to be massively out of date now - latest version of puppet-server in there is 0.24.5-1.el5 and facter 1.5.4-1.el5. In Epel I see puppet-server 0.24.8-1.el5.1 and facter 1.5.4-1.el5 which is better but isn''t 1.5.4 the version
2009 Dec 09
facter 1.5.7 all lsb* items missing
I have 2 RHEL 5.4 systems where all facter lsb* items are missing. Any ideas? Sanitized facter output: architecture => i386 domain => facterversion => 1.5.7 fqdn => hardwareisa => i686 hardwaremodel => i686 hostname => broken id => root interfaces => eth0,sit0 ipaddress => ipaddress_eth0 => is_virtual => true
2012 Mar 08
Puppet / Facter plugin issue
If I externalise my Puppet module config to a directory outside of Puppet using the modulepath / manifestdir settings: [main] pluginsync=true modulepath=/home/ec2-user/projects/qmg-puppet/etc/puppet/modules manifestdir=/home/ec2-user/projects/qmg-puppet/etc/puppet/ manifests the agents log the following error: "Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from source(s)
2013 Feb 21
Facter & Puppet disagree on RHEL 6?
I''ve run into an odd one on one of my new RHEL 6 boxes. Puppet and Facter seem to disagree about the value of a fact. Puppet version: 2.7.9 Facter version: 1.6.4 Module: puppetlabs-apache apache::params falls through its if structure: if $::osfamily == ''redhat'' or $::operatingsystem == ''amazon'' { ... } elsif $::osfamily ==
2013 Feb 15
Puppet agent daemon not seeing a Facter fact
Hi all, first post here... reposting this from Stack Overflow as it didn''t get much traction there... I am using puppet to read a fact from facter, and based on that I apply a different configuration to my modules. Problem: the puppet agent isn''t seeing this fact. Running puppet agent --test interactively works as expected. Even running it non-interactively from a script
2012 May 16
Announce: Facter 2.0.0rc1 Available
Facter 2.0.0rc1 is a feature release candidate with bug fixes, features and other improvements. Facter 2.0 is designed to accompany the upcoming Puppet 3.0 release and has breaking changes from Facter 1.6.x. Facter 2.0 is not backwards compatible with Puppet 2.6 or 2.7. It includes contributions from the following people: Chris Price, Daniel Black, Daniel Pittman, Garrett Honeycutt, Gary Larizza,
2007 Aug 29
Newbie stuck on facter not finding hostname
Hi all, I''m trying to get puppet working for the first time, and I''ve run into something that''s got me stumped. This is all on Solaris 10/x64. The initial startup of puppetmasterd wasn''t working, and it appeared to be related to the SSL certs not getting generated properly. I managed to trace that down to the fact that facter isn''t finding the