similar to: error about MCA

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "error about MCA"

2013 Apr 02
R Commander and FactoMineR
Dear Users, I helped to install R Commander and FactoMineR to one of my collegaues. He wanted to do an MCA. Selecting three variables and using the default settings results in only one graph, the variables representation, where he gets three points for the three variables (which is totally fine). Running the code (output of the point-and-click method) EuTop100.MCA<-EuTop100[,
2011 Jul 18
Cómo usar dynGraph
¿Alguien ha utilizado el paquete dynGraph? ¡No logro nada! Gracias anticipadas Jorge *************************************************************************************************** 1 de Agosto de 1961, creación del Ministerio del Transporte. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2023 Feb 21
MFA variables graph, filtered by separate.analyses
Hi! Apologies if this is not the correct place to ask. I am attempting a MFA analysis of a dataset based on wine chemical and sensory analysis, based on the STHDA tutorial [1]. (I am using this dataset here too, as an example dataset to work on without posting my actual data. I've tried this with both my data and the example data, with the exact same results.) The only issue I am having is
2010 Feb 24
how to label individuals with FactoMiner ?
Dear all, i'm trying to label specific individuals (supplementary ones) after a PCA with the FactoMiner package. There is not much details (possibilities?) in the R-help of the plot.pca function. There is indeed a "label" parameter but i could only manage to label the supplementary individuals with there "row.names" (i.e. label="indiv.sup") and not with the
2013 Dec 04
Cordial saludo adjunto la base de datos y el script: eu60<- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T, sep=";", dec=".", row.names=1) eu60.pca <- PCA(eu60, quali.sup=19) <-[,19], eu60.pca$ind$coord) eu60.ellipse <- coord.ellipse(, bary=TRUE) plot.PCA(ellipse=eu60.ellipse, cex=0.8) El 4 de diciembre de 2013 17:35, Camilo Calle
2013 Dec 04
Cordial saludo, soy principiante en R y estoy haciendo un análisis multivariado de datos, y necesito hacer las elipses de confianza donde la variable 19 es cualitativa suplementaria y el resto son variables activas; tengo el siguiente código: eu60 <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T, sep=";", dec=",", row.names=1) ### capturar datos eu60.pca <- PCA(eu60, quali.sup=19) ##
2013 Dec 04
Hola, ¿qué tal? Tu problema es que tienes agrupaciones de países (p.e., ASIA_MERIDIOL) con un solo respresentante. Las matrices con las que construyes las elipses son degeneradas (más bien, no existen: sospecho que tienen que ver con la covarianza... ¿de un único caso?). Elimina las agrupaciones triviales. Un saludo, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta El día 4 de diciembre de
2015 Feb 07
how to draw paired mosaic plot?
If there are many character variables,and I want to get the mosaic plot of every pair of each variable,how to do then? If the variables are numeric, I can use pairs to get paired scatter plot. But as to the character variables, how to get the "paired mosaic plot"? Many thanks. -- QQ: 1733768559 At 2015-02-07 17:04:26,"Jim Lemon" <drjimlemon at>
2012 Dec 30
How to multiple the vector and variables from dataframe
hi all: Here's a dataframe(dat) and a vector(z): dat: x1 x2 x3 0.2 1.2 2.5 0.5 2 5 0.8 3 6.2 > z [1] 10 100 100 I wanna do the following: 10*x1,100*x2,1000*x3 My solution is using the loop for z and dat(since the length of z is the same as ncol of dat),which is tedious. I wanna an efficient solution to do it . Any help? Many thanks! My best
2013 Mar 14
question about nls
Hi,all: I met a problem of nls. My data: x y 60 0.8 80 6.5 100 20.5 120 45.9 I want to fit exp curve of data. My code: > nls(y ~ exp(a + b*x)+d,start=list(a=0,b=0,d=1)) Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) : singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates I can't find out the reason for the error. Any suggesions are welcome. Many thanks. [[alternative HTML
2013 Mar 09
quesion about lm function
Hi all: My data is in the attachment. I want to analysis the mean difference of y between 2 sex. My code: result_lm<-lm(y~factor(sex) + x1 + x2) summary(result_lm) The result of "factor(sex)m" 136.83, is the mean difference of y between 2 sex,and the corresponding p value is 0.07618. My question is: how to get the mean y of sex(m) and sex(f) respectively via lm function? Many
2013 Sep 04
Random products of rows in a matrix
Hello everybody, Without any loop and any package, I would like to return N products of M rows in a matrix A : Today, I managed to do it with a loop : B <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(A), nrow = 0) for (i in 1 : N) B <- rbind(B, apply(A[sample(1 : nrow(A), M, replace = T), ], 2, prod)) Do you have a solution ? Thank you in advance ! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Jun 01
Reversing one dimension of an array, in a generalized case
> On 1 Jun 2017, at 22:42, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal <roy.mendelssohn at> wrote: > > Thanks to all for responses/. There was a question of exactly what was wanted. It is the generalization of the obvious example I gave, > >>>> junk1 <- junk[, rev(seq_len(10), ] > > > so that > > junk[1,1,1 ] = junk1[1,10,1] > junk[1,2,1] =
2011 Jan 11
modified FAST Script from package SensoMineR for the R community - Reg
###Dear R users ###I have been using SensoMineR package from CRAN for most of my work in sensory data analysis and from my usage experience, I encountered some areas for improvement and considered ###modifying the function in SensoMineR package for my personal use. I felt that it could be useful to share this to the community for enabling adoption by other users where they might require a
2017 Jun 01
Reversing one dimension of an array, in a generalized case
My error. Clearly I did not do enough testing. z <- array(1:24,dim=2:4) > all.equal(f(z,1),f2(z,1)) [1] TRUE > all.equal(f(z,2),f2(z,2)) [1] TRUE > all.equal(f(z,3),f2(z,3)) [1] "Attributes: < Component ?dim?: Mean relative difference: 0.4444444 >" [2] "Mean relative difference: 0.6109091" # Your earlier example > z <- array(1:120, dim=2:5) >
2015 Feb 06
how to draw paired mosaic plot?
Hi all: If there are two numeric variable:x,y, and I can get paired scatter plot by function "pairs".But if x and y are character, and I want to get paired mosaic plot,which function should be used then? Many thanks! My best. -- QQ: 1733768559 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Mar 13
multi-comparison of means
Hi all: I have a question about multi-comparison. The data is in the attachment. My purpose: Compare the predicted means of the 3 methods(a,b,c) pairwisely. I have 3 ideas: #idea1 result_aov<-aov(y~ method + x1 + x2) TukeyHSD(result_aov) diff lwr upr p adj b-a 0.845 0.5861098 1.1038902 0.0000001 c-a 0.790 0.5311098 1.0488902 0.0000002 c-b -0.055 -0.3138902
2017 Jun 01
Reversing one dimension of an array, in a generalized case
On the off chance that anyone is still interested, here is the corrected function using aperm(): z <- array(1:120,dim=2:5) f2 <- function(a, wh) { idx <- seq_len(length(dim(a))) dims <- setdiff(idx, wh) idx <- append(idx[-1], idx[1], wh-1) aperm(apply(a, dims, rev), idx) } all.equal(f(z, 1), f2(z, 1)) # [1] TRUE all.equal(f(z, 2), f2(z, 2)) # [1] TRUE
2017 Jun 01
Reversing one dimension of an array, in a generalized case
Thanks again. I am going to try the different versions. But I probably won't be able to get to it till next week. This is probably at the point where anything further should be sent to me privately. -Roy > On Jun 1, 2017, at 1:56 PM, David L Carlson <dcarlson at> wrote: > > On the off chance that anyone is still interested, here is the corrected function using
2017 Jun 01
Reversing one dimension of an array, in a generalized case
Here is an alternative approach using apply(). Note that with apply() you are reversing rows or columns not indices of rows or columns so apply(junk, 2, rev) reverses the values in each column not the column indices. We actually need to use rev() on everything but the index we are interested in reversing: f2 <- function(a, wh) { dims <- seq_len(length(dim(a))) dims <-