similar to: R CMD check: unknown option ‘--outdir==RCHECK’

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "R CMD check: unknown option ‘--outdir==RCHECK’"

2013 May 21
R CMD check: unknown option ?--outdir==RCHECK?
Hi, I believe this is kind of a long standing bug though. In R-3.0.1, but this also happened in previous versions, the long version '--outdir' is not recognised: For `R CMD check --outdir=mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get: Warning: unknown option ‘--outdir=mydir’ But with `R CMD check -o mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get: * using log directory ‘/home/renaud/Documents/projects/mydir/pkg.Rcheck’
2013 Apr 04
R CMD check --outdir=path gives unknown option '--outdir'
For 'R CMD check', it appears that option '--outdir' is not recognized and generates warning "unknown option '--outdir'". R CMD check --help says: Usage: R CMD check [options] pkgs [...] Options: [...] -o, --outdir=DIR directory used for logfiles, R output, etc. (default is 'pkg.Rcheck' in current directory,
2010 Jun 06
R CMD in 2.11.1 error
Hi, I have a set of user defined package which I have installed in 2.8.1 for quite some time. I installed 2.11.0 and 2.11.1 a couple of days ago while still having 2.8.1 version in my system. For the package, package.skeleton works fine in R 2.11. However, it comes problem when I run Rcmd check/intall. The intall.out shows below. I further tested that I reran R-2.8.1/bin/R CMD check in
2013 Feb 20
Error in setwd(outDir) : cannot change working directory
I installed R on my Windows laptop in C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2 and am able to open RGUI (640bit), see packages and run commands. However, when I test the installation and run the basic tests and all the tests on the standard and recommended packages i.e.: library("tools") testInstalledBasic("both") testInstalledPackages("base", errorsAreFatal
2009 Mar 04
R CMD check detects parse error, but in which file?
Hello I looked on the archives but did not find answer for that... Running R CMD check for a package, i get an error: Error in parse(n = -1, file = file) : unexpected symbol at 3341: } But how can I find which file is guilty? What is this 3342 referring to? Finally the solution I found is to source() every file until I find the file where the problem is... Is there some better way to do it?
2013 Apr 23
Verbose output from R CMD check
I've been developing a package called foobar for a couple of years now. It has evolved through various versions, but has always contained compiled C code. Recently, R CMD check has started generating the following message [START QUOTE] R CMD check foobar_1.7.5.tar.gz * using log directory ?/home/david/foobar/package/foobar.Rcheck? * using R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) * using platform:
2011 Apr 06
Rcheck Directory
Hello, There seems to be a minor conflict of interesting in R CMD check. It creates a log directory, then gives a WARNING about it being there: * using log directory /home/darstr/Repitools_github/pkg/Repitools.Rcheck * using R version 2.13.0 RC (2011-04-05 r55310) * using platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) * using session charset: UTF-8 ... ... * checking
2005 Dec 01
suppress checking chm files in R CMD check on Windows
Dear R-helpers, When installing a source package I can suppress the compilation of .chm files by using the --docs="normal" option. Is it also possible to suppress the creation and checking of .chm files when calling R CMD check ? best, ingmar
2009 Apr 27
The .tex version of the manual in foo.Rcheck
In version 2.8.1, running Rcmd check on the package foo would leave the file foo-manual.tex in the folder foo.Rcheck. But as of 2.9.0 only foo-manual.pdf and foo-manual.log are there. Is this intentional? Anyway it is inconvenient, because I would occasionally like to include the manual at the end of a set of exercises, and this was a convenient file to \input with a few select %'s added.
2008 Dec 15
R CMD check on window XP
Hi, there, I used R CMD check to build my "ATGGS" package under window XP system. My R version is 2.7.2. But I encounter some problems. The log file is like: ********************************************************************************** installing R.css in C:/ATGGS.Rcheck ---------- Making package ATGGS ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing R files
2008 Dec 15
R CMD check on window XP
Hi, there, I used R CMD check to build my "ATGGS" package under window XP system. My R version is 2.7.2. But I encounter some problems. The log file is like: ********************************************************************************** installing R.css in C:/ATGGS.Rcheck ---------- Making package ATGGS ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing R files
2009 Nov 29
lm: eval(parse(text=)) works on one side y/x but not on both?
Hi My goal is to do a (multiple) regression, just knowing that my Y variables will be the say k first variables of a matrix/data frame. I thought I should do it with eval(parse)) but encounter a strange problem. See: lm(y~.-y, data=freeny) #that's what I want to do in the one equation case #Problem is I don't know name of the variable... only that it is the first one... #so idea is to
2009 Nov 25
rattle(): unable to load shared library
Hi I'm trying to install the rattle GUI on winwos 2000, with last version R 2.10. I had a first problem using the rattle package, as it was asking pkg XMl, which is no more in the CRAN repo. I instead simply install in R/libraries the XML pkg from: Maybe I mised something here... So now I was able to run the library(rattle) then,
2008 Dec 18
Indicator function for merged times (was: Re: Rr: For and if confusion)
Please start a new thread for a new topic and use a meaningful subject for sake of the archives and everyone trying to follow. Using your Int1, correcting your Int2 and using your Y (which goes to Jul not Aug as per the comment): library(zoo) > as.ts(with(merge.zoo(Int1, Int2, Y, fill = 0), pmax(Int1, Int2))) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1992
2008 Nov 06
FW: [rkward-devel] questions on RKWard
Thought I should copy the list with Matthieu's response. H -----Original Message----- From: Matthieu Stigler [mailto:matthieu.stigler at] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 8:29 PM To: Horace Tso; rkward-devel at Subject: Re: [rkward-devel] questions on RKWard some answer only for the third question: do you have the package r-doc-html installed? (on ubuntu
2009 Nov 28
Include manually an intercept in lm without breaking it?
Hi Say I want to add manually an intercept in the function lm. Even if almost all results will be identical, few stats are different as DF counting will be different as intercept will not be included in "automatic" case, while it will be in "manual" case. See: ###usual lm on freeny fr<-lm(freeny.y~freeny.x) ###manual lm on freeny man<-cbind(1,freeny.x)
2001 Jun 15
R CMD check (PR#982)
In revising the splancs package, I use R CMD check. After a number of changes to various files in the directory tree, R CMD check fails at the * checking for undocumented objects ... ERROR stage as shown below. But running undoc() in R (pointed at the Rcheck directory, not on the older version) doesn't show the same error, and grep on the Rcheck R code finds the function. I ran undoc() under
2002 Jan 30
1.4.1 R CMD check broken?
I am not sure if this is already known. I checked BUGS and found some references to similar behavior when R_HOME is set? Here is what I get: (1) Fresh build of 1.4.1 under Linux/RH-7.2. All tests pass. > R CMD check ctest * checking for working latex ... OK * using log directory `/home/andyj/stat/R-1.4.1/library/ctest.Rcheck' Installing *source* package `ctest'
2008 Apr 17
Suggestion: add a warning in the help-file of unique()
Hello I'm sorry if this suggestion/correction was already made but after a search in devel list I did not find any mention of it. I would just suggest to add a warning or an exemple for the help-file of the function unique() like "Note that unique() compares only identical values. Values which, are printed equally but in facts are not identical will be treated as different."
2005 Sep 14
R CMD check
Dear r-devel members, I tried to build R packages on a PC running Windows XP but experience problems. However, it is ok when there is no inst directory in a package. Any help would be appreciated. The following is an example, C:\work>R CMD check VR_7.2-19.tar.gz * checking for working latex ... OK * using log directory 'C:/work/VR.Rcheck' * using R version 2.1.1, 2005-06-20 *