similar to: Window title in bar doesn't change when application requests it

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Window title in bar doesn't change when application requests it"

2007 Mar 06
Strange issue with windows positioning
Hi, I just compiled and installed the latest compiz from git head and I have a strange issue with windows positioning: all newly created windows are placed at 0,0 (upper left corner) of the screen, so the title bar (and menu bar too) is under my gnome panel. I attach a screenshot to show the problem. I can't understand if this is a problem of compiz configuration (plugin order or something
2006 Dec 13
Drawing artefacts after suspend to ram
Hi, I'm bitten by a bug that is also in the Debian BTS, so I'm not sure you are aware of it. I couldn't find it in the fdo BTS. Anyway the problem is simple. After a successful suspend and resume all window decorations (the places where the shadow was supposed to be, but also the titlebars) are much to colorful (meaning it has some random colors in it). Moving the windows brings the
2006 Sep 28
configuration tools
Hi, I was looking around for configuration tools for compiz. I don't really need anything special, but situation seems a bit problematic at the moment: - gset-compiz: Used it in the past, website is dead. - compiztools: Never seen it, but from what I read seems ok, but website defaced and download dead - csm: doesn't work with vanilla compiz So: Is there any tool atm to set the compiz
2006 Oct 27
Compiling under Fedora C6
Hi to all. I've just installed a Fedora Core 6 on a Desktop here, adding the default distro compiz package. I've some problem when the screen saver starts: when I try to enter my password to unlock the system, the window has no textbox in which enter my password...I have to kill from a console the gnome-screensaver to unlock the system. I saw the version of compiz provided with the distro
2006 Nov 09
Show desktop not working correctly?
Hi, is it a known bug that when using show desktop (pressing ctrl-d), showing the windows again, all gnome-session processes appears as empty windows? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jul 17
Blur problems
I'm using compiz compiled for feisty by trevino, on a mobility radeon x1600 using fglrx 8.38.6 over Xgl 7.2.0. I'm experiencing some problems with the blur: after a short time using compiz the blur over the windows (most noticeably the terminal) becomes a opaque gray. I really don't know how to debug this problem... :( I'll be happy to give any information you'll need
2008 Dec 12
Download and install compiz
Greetings: I have a Desktop-32bits with Ubuntu -8.10 and a PortableAMD-64bits with Fedora9 , and I am very interested in to use compiz in both PCs. Please send me information about how to download and install , step by step, compiz in my PCs. Thanks in advance Mario jaramillo
2009 Mar 05
Which effects are 3D and which are 2D?
AMD is dropping support for the R300-R500 cards in their official drivers: As the current open source drivers do not support 3D, I'd like to know which Compiz effects use 3D and which use 2D. Thanks. -- Dotan Cohen
2009 May 08
Will radeon or radeonhd work with compiz?
Sam, Danny, J., all I am working with the radeon and radeonhd drivers seeing if I can get them to work with compiz on my radeon x1200 laptop. My xorg .conf is: Section "Device" BoardName "RV350 NP" # Driver "radeon" Driver "radeonhd" Identifier "Device[0]" VendorName "ATI" EndSection I have tried
2007 Apr 09
Python plugin (Python API for Compiz)
Here is my python loader plugin which loads plain python scripts as full plugins. There is not much documentation, but I have included a few examples to get you going. triangle - Just a basic plugin which shows a triangle on a button press. This shows using ctypes to pass values from compiz to the python opengl bindings. basiczoom - Zooms in on the screen (basically) inactive - This is a port
2007 May 08
--replace for gtk-window-decorator
Hi. I noticed that the gtk-window-decorator now ignore the --replace parameter (it always fails to load if another decorator is running). I attach a simple patch to solve this problem. Regards, Pierpaolo -- Pierpaolo Follia -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: allow-replace-param.patch Type: text/x-patch Size:
2007 Jan 06
ubuntu packages patch
hi, For compiz ubuntu packages, I made some patchs to have a behavior of compiz nearer to metacity. All patch are made for compiz-0.3.6 and they are more hacks or draft than good fix, i hope they can help. This patch fix white boxes instead of shadows for gnome-panel and other non-standard windows on AiGLX.
2007 Apr 29
Plugin Interface for Decoations
Hi, this email is basically the result of a small discussion which made me think what the real end-goal of my work on Emerald-2 would be. Since Emerald has already a extensible system (Engines) I thought about giving the engines wider access, so that they are more like plugins. However the first thing needed is a nice plugin API. The base for that is the new settings backend of Emerald-2.
2006 Sep 20
Fedora Patches
Hi, We've been fixing a few bugs and glitches in our fedora compiz rpm and I wanted to post them here for review, in the hope that we could get them included before the upcoming release. Without further ado: cow.patch - add support for using the composite overlay window for GL output instead of rendering to the root window. This is lets compiz run on AIGLX without the
2007 May 17
place plugin
The place plugin has a bug: when compiz is restarted or started to replace another wm it the windows are placed in weird positions ( titlebar behind the panel etc.) shouln't the place plugin loop over all open windows and place them correctly when loaded? this should solve this issues. any reason why this isn't done? have I missed something or is this just a bug?
2007 May 08
core.xml and compiz.xml
I think there's a naming error in the current git metadata: metadata/compiz.schemas and metadata/compiz.xml should be named metadata/core.schemas and metadata/core.xml. In my installation all my core settings are ignored: renaming the file /usr/share/compiz.xml in /usr/share/core.xml solved my problem. regards, Pierpaolo -- Pierpaolo Follia
2007 Jan 12
Button order issues
Hi there, I'm trying to get gtk-window-decorator to respect metacity's button_layout gconf key, and basing my work on a patch posted on the forums a while back: The patch works perfectly by itself against compiz 0.3.4, but against 0.3.6, it results in no buttons or titlebar text being drawn in the window decoration.
2004 Jul 14
RGui Titlebar
In the windows version (RGui), is there a way to set the text displayed in the titlebar of the R window? When I have 2 instances of RGui running, it would be helpul if the titlebar could help to understand which is which. -- Erich Neuwirth, Computer Supported Didactics Working Group Visit our SunSITE at Phone: +43-1-4277-38624 Fax: +43-1-4277-9386
2007 Jan 27
keybindings patch, gnome-keybinding-bridge and vignettes plugins
Hi folks, For ubuntu specs and for a better desktop integration of compiz, I made some patchs and plugins. Focus prevention is now in main stream, and really better can i made :) First the workspace and terminal keybinding patch. Since my last email I updated the patch. It adds the support for vertical
2006 Oct 09
Metacity theme titlebar minimise button
Look at it, and you'll see the black outline is missing on the right side of the minimise button. This has been bugging me for a while. I've attached a zoomed in shot, so you can see easily what I mean. It's not a bug in the theme, but in gtk-window-decorator's Metacity theme support, as the border displays perfectly in Metacity. Does it happen with other themes? --------------