similar to: Gnome switcher and gnome windows list

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Gnome switcher and gnome windows list"

2010 May 19
Compiz 8.6 on openSuSE 11.0 -- Success! But need help with a few issues.
Dominique, cc: compiz, Dominique, you wanted the feedback, and List, I need your help. I have installed and fully configured (kicked the tires) on compiz 8.6 on openSuSE 11.0 and on balance it is great. There are a few weird things going on. Most notably, the number of options in ccsm that now uncheck themselves. In the past (compiz 0.5.6 - 0.8.2) there may have been one or two that would stick
2012 Nov 03
Desktop Switcher
Hey Y'all, Does CentOS have a desk top switcher similar to what you find on Fedora? A friend of mine want's to be able to switch between desktops. I've only got Gnome installed on my machine so I don't switch. A search of Google turns up reference to CentOS 4 for desktop switcher but I don't see anything for CentOS 6.3.
2006 Nov 29
reason for bad performance on i915 (AIGLX)
Greetings everybody! For about two weeks I'm now a happy owner of an intel-powered laptop (chipset, wifi, gfx) and wanted to give it a full test-drive of compiz and other GL-intensive programs. The laptop runs Xorg 7.1.1 and the i810 driver that comes with it (stock rpm from FC6). I'm forced to start compiz 0.3.4 with these options... --use-cow --strict-binding --indirect-rendering
2006 Sep 20
New viewport switcher plugin
Hi, We've (Soeren Sandmann, really) have written a new plugin that pans the viewport around a planar workspace instead of the cube. It's a more toned down transition effect and is more similar to the metacity workspace model. There's two parts to this patch: one part prepares the compiz core for workspace that's more than one viewport high, and the second part is the
2008 Jun 05
0.7.6 Ring Switcher not initiated by <super> Tab
List, In checking ring switcher and shift switcher, it seems that the key bindings are off. For shift switcher, it still initiates with <Shift><Super>S, but no longer terminates with enter on the numeric keypad, only the normal enter key terminates it. For ring switcher, it is NOT initiated with <Super>Tab despite the key binding showing that it is. Instead,
2006 May 07
Latest switcher patches, bugfix.
I've attatched a patch to fix a bug in the latest switcher patches that got put into CVS. Basically, window order with minimized windows is undefined, and this fixes it. Also, I notice that in some cases switcher fails to get an icon for a window. Perhaps the icon code is forcing a search for a specific size, rather than 'best-fit'? Also, the patch allows usage of alt+shift+tab (in
2007 Jan 26
Get window textures even when they're transformed.
If I wobble a window and quickly initiate switcher or cube, this can cause weird artifacts. I had a look at Beryl's switcher.c In switchPaintThumb they use this: static void switchPaintThumb(...) { DrawWindowGeometryProc oldDrawWindowGeometry; AddWindowGeometryProc oldAddWindowGeometry; WindowPaintAttrib sAttrib = *attrib; int wx, wy; float width, height; CompIcon *icon = NULL; /*
2007 Feb 15
[PATCH]Application-window switcher, and comments for switcher.c
As promised, here's a patch to switcher.c to add "Application window" switching to the switcher, default keybinding Super+Tab (and Shift+Super+Tab for reverse). Works (and fails to work*) in the same conditions Scale's "group" mode does. Also, two patches for doxygen-compatible comments for some of switcher, which I added while working out what was going on. It
2007 Feb 06
Commenting switcher.c, switching between application windows.
Hello all. I'd like to implement the ability to switch between just the windows of the currently selected application (similar to the way OS:X does it) to switcher.c. As a part of actually understanding what's going on in there, I'll go through and try to write doxygen comments the switcher.c functions. Is there anyone else working on either the commenting or the switching parts, to
2006 Nov 11
switcher patch do disable window list
Here is a switcher patch to disable window list: It's very useful if you set opacity to 0. Then, window just bring to front one by one while switching. It's much more usable, i think, that small miniatures in a list where you don't see anything. While making this patch, a question come into my head, nobody know on and some people are as curious as me. Two code example:
2009 Aug 18
8.2 behaving weird on openSuSE 10.3 & 11.0
Listmates, I installed 8.2 on opensuse 10.3 from the opensuse XGL repository to replace 7.6. Compiz works with the nvidia 8600 GT card (512M of GDDR3) on the box, but the ctrl+alt <- -> switching behavior is really bad. In 7.6, the ctrl+alt <- -> desktop switching changed desktops crisply with just the slightest hint of the cube detected during the very short and nice switch.
2006 May 18
Switcher bug
The switcher plugin has a bug that I don't have time to track down right now (finals on monday!). If there is no panel running then the switcher correctly disables its zoom-from-corner behavior, unfortunately it sometimes gets stuck and won't disappear until you alt-tab again. thanks -mike
2006 Dec 05
workspaces/desktops/viewports on top/bottom of cube?
I know this has probably been asked before, but, I'll ask anyways: Workspaces/Desktops/whatever on the top and bottom of the cube, is there any chance this will ever happen? I love how in gnome you can have work spaces in rows/columns, and i tend to have 4-6 workspaces (well 6, but only 4 gets used all of the time, but its nice to have the "buffer" workspaces. since using compiz
2007 Jun 06
[PATCHES] Fixes for java apps and firefox in scale, switcher and wobbly
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I've made these patches that basically, make the java apps and firefox items well being recognized by some compiz plugins (scale, switcher and wobbly), I don't know if those can be considered workaround, but this helps in using your desktop tools. Basically java apps are seen as: * name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer (default windows = Normal) *
2006 Oct 18
[PATCH] Compiz Events
I wrote this quick patch because I want plugins to be able to communicate with each other with events. Using the option values to communicate with each other is a bit cumbersome if you want to monitor for changes or do anything which requires events. It is just a small patch and works in the compiz way (ie by wrapping the core event). Some potential events that I can think of at the moment are
2006 Dec 28
Patch: switcher's window is a splash window
Hi, I made a simple patch which makes switcher's window a splash window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH). This way I can easily add effects for it. The window is a splash window, so why not use this type instead of Unknown? Beryl's switcher window is a Splash window too. Is there a reason why Compiz uses Uknown for it? Patch: --- switcher.c 2006-12-28 10:14:52.000000000 +0100 +++
2007 Dec 28
workspace switcher
Hi all, I added the "workspace switcher" and I now have 4 virtual screens. When I do "vncviewer machine" works and shows me the current 1-4 display. however, I want to go directly to one of the 1-4 displays. when I do "vncviewer machine:1" it says "unable to connect to host" How do I get the displays 1-4 to accept the vnc connection? I have module vnc
2006 Nov 23
Switcher plugin
David, i send on this mailing list a patch to disable window list in switcher plugin. Have you looked at it? Do you think this option is useless? Is the code doing things in a bad way? Thanx for any answer ;) Cedric
2007 Mar 01
Strange behavior scale and switcher plugin after update
Hi, I have noticed a strange behavior: after the added one of the options "window_match" in scale and switcher plugins; these do not show some windows like gmplayer or amsn's windows This is the output of xprop $ xprop _NET_WINDOW_DECOR(INTEGER) = 20061011, 46149375, 4, 4, 27, 4, 4, 4, 27, 4, 9, 0, 36965, -11, -34, -68, 0, 582, 32767, 0, 0, 32869, 571, -34, -68, 0, 32767,
2007 Jul 16
Couldn't activate plugin 'rotate'
First, I would like to compliment you all for a great work you put in developing compiz. I have it running for more that a month and it did not crash. Stability is very good. Great work! Today I updated compiz from git tree and found that rotate generates this error: compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'rotate' Rotate does not function. Any ideas ? I run gconf