similar to: UTF8 problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "UTF8 problem"

2011 Feb 08
Rails + + Nginx = HELP
Running a rails app with Nginx and trying to add in as either a subdomain or subdirectory with same URL. Is this possible? Would running Rails and WP on different servers help? Found plenty of documentation with Apache, but Nginx lacking. Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2003 Apr 07
Samba and charset convention with UTF8 to other ....
Hi All! I have BSD box running 4.6.2-RELEASE ... I build and install samba-3.0alpha20 with key --with-iconv. My smb.conf in global part have next strings: dos charset = CP866 ; unix charset = KOI8-U display charset = CP866 I run utilitys testparm and see the next messages: Conversion from UCS-2LE to CP866 not supported Conversion from UCS-2LE to CP866 not supported
2012 Jun 04
Using UTF8 under mysql in Centos6
Hi all, I am trying to configure utf8 in mysql under centos6 to display special characters, like accents. I use this mysql instance to store plain syslog logs. I have configured this under my.cnf: [mysqld] init_connect = 'SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci' init_connect = 'SET NAMES utf8' character-set-server = utf8 collation-server = utf8_general_ci [client]
2015 Aug 13
Bug in rank with utf8?
Yes, collation is a strange thing, and? Collation order will depend on locale settings, and there are quite a few cases where the collation order of two items is not defined. To add to the confusion, on OSX Mavericks, I see > x <- "\u0663" > y <- 3 > > x == y [1] FALSE > rank(c(x, y)) [1] 2 1 > x [1] "?" > x == y [1] FALSE > x > y [1] TRUE
2012 Sep 23
any plans for UTF8 in vesamenu.c32?
Hi, UTF8 is a standard today. Nevertheless it seems to be impossible to display UTF8 characters in vesamenu.c32. Am I wrong? There is nothing about that in the docs. Are there plans to make vesamenu.c32 UTF8 capable or make syslinux capable e.g. for LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF8? Best regards, Uwe Galle
2012 Aug 21
How dovecot treats UTF8 mailbox names in sieve scripts and `namespace' section
Hello. I read on upgrading page that one can use UTF8 mailbox names for plugins. As i understand i do not need to convert UTF8 names to mUTF-7 and can use raw UTF8 in plugins section, e.g.: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf ... plugin { ... # Autocreate \Spam folder autocreate = ???? autosubscribe = ???? ... But what about sieve scripts and other configuration sections: 1. Do i need to convert UTF8
2016 Feb 02
[PATCH] use more windows API in src/share/utf8/utf8.c
src/share/utf8/utf8.c mentions that "On NT-based windows systems, we could use WideCharToMultiByte()/MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8), but MS doesn't actually have a consistent API across win32". flac/metaflac don't support Win98 since ver. 1.3.0, so it's possible to use system routines to convert to/from UTF-8. I removed all fprintf(stderr...) code from the win32 code
2004 Sep 27
net ads user and utf8
hello I am using the samba 3.0.2a windows 2003 server. Samba is connected to W2K with security = ADS. Same user names contain non english characters. When I try: getent passwd - user names don't display correctly. net ads user - user names don't display correctly. What is wrong?? ----------- smb.conf ----------- unix charset = UTF8 display charset = UTF8 ---------- /etc/profile
2016 Jul 11
server not using utf8-mode with Synology client
On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 11:41:24PM +0200, Xen wrote: > I wrote here how my filenames are getting mangled when getting sent > or received to the server. > > Server: current Ubuntu lookalike. > > Client: Older Synology diskstation with probably a modified mount.cifs. > > When I send utf-8 it gets received as dos. > > "é" for instance is #c3a9 in utf-8, and
2014 Oct 19
Writing UTF8 on Windows
Recent functionality in jsonlite allows for streaming json to a user supplied connection object, such as a file, pipe or socket. RFC7159 prescribes json must be encoded as unicode; ISO-8859 (including latin1) is invalid. Hence I would like R to write strings as utf8, irrespective of the type of connection, platform or locale. Implementing this turns out to be unsurprisingly difficult on windows.
2011 May 20
Rails DB defaults to utf8 for mysql -- but unicode for postgresql
Hi, Creating a new Rails application with -d postgresql sets the encoding in the database.yml to unicode Creating a new Rails with -d mysql sets the encoding to utf8 Any ideas why this difference? I''ve been having problems with encoding due to localization, accents, json and what no. I thought I was using utf8 and not unicode. Would this have any impact? If this would be an issue?
2007 Jan 12
samba storing filenames as utf8
samba 3.0.22 debian woody. linux charset: iso8859-15 windows charset iso8859-15 tested parameters: unix charset = ISO_8859-15 display charset = ISO_8859-15 unix charset = ISO-8859-15 unix charset = iso8859-15 unix charset = utf8 unix charset = UTF8 unix charset = LOCALE problem: files are seen in windows correct iso8859 named. if i look at the linux server, there are
2009 Mar 27
UTF8 postgres args saving issue
Hi, All I have an encountered an issue where the args field is not saved correctly to the database. I encounter an error like this: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (RuntimeError: ERROR C22021 M invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xcb3a H This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by
2005 Apr 14
Mounting a Windows Share with UTF8 files
Hi all, Can anyone please advise if it is possible to mount a Windows share and view files with chinese filenames ? I am able to view the files on the local disk, however the files on the Windows share display as ??????.htm I have tried mounting with the following commands smbmount //xxxxxxxx/filesync /mnt/filesync -o username=xxxxx,codepage=cp950,isocharset=utf8 or mount -t smbfs -o
2016 Jan 28
[PATCH] utf8 lib fixes (not win_utf8_io!)
Files share/utf8/charset.c and share/utf8/iconvert.c aren't needed under Windows. The patch removes them from MSVC build system. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: utf8.patch Type: application/octet-stream Size: 3720 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2014 Dec 05
metaflac --no-utf8-convert complains about UTF
This is 1.3.1 on OpenBSD/amd64. The --no-utf8-convert option of metaflac(1) does not work for me: $ metaflac --no-utf8-convert --set-tag="Artist=?ou?l??ek" aladin.flac aladin.flac: ERROR: tag value for 'Artist' is not valid UTF-8 (You probably can't see the Czech letters properly in my mail, but that's beside the point.) Indeed, it is not valid UTF8 (it's LATIN2),
2006 May 19
database.yml and encoding: utf8 -> mysql error
I have Rails 1.1, MySql 5.0 and would like to stor text as utf8 in the db. I have changed the character set and collation in the db to utf8 and utf8_danish_ci - also checked the mysql to if its ok: show collations like "%danish%"; utf8_danish_ci utf8 203 Yes 8 I then add the following environment.rb: $KCODE = ''u'' require ''jcode'' och database.yml
2006 May 24
Error when *just* adding utf8 encoding to database.yaml
Hi, I have Ruby 1.8.4 and have my MyISAM db and tables created via the migration files to utf8. A check with MySQL Front shows that all the tables and the db have been correctly created as I wanted them. I want the site to be in UTF8 format, and added the bit to application_controller.rb to get the correct header. All still worked fine at this stage. But I run into trouble when adding:
2006 May 02
Converting from UTF8 to ISO-8859-1 encoding
Please help, I have followed the rails wiki to convert my rails application to use UTF-8: I am able to succesfully cut and paste Unicode characters from other page, successfully store and display unicode characters. However, my client actually wants ISO-8859-1 encoding, which I''m coming to realize is somehow
2006 Mar 05
encoding: utf8 in database.yml causes error
Hi Using ruby 1.8, rails 1.0, mysql 4.1.11 in database.yml: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 database: myproject_development username: user password: password socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock but when I start the error I get: Can''t initialize character set utf8 (path: /usr/share/libmysqlclient/charsets/) Can anyone tell me what file it''s looking for, and how I