similar to: Storeconfigs purge Perl

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Storeconfigs purge Perl"

2013 Oct 08
'puppet storeconfigs export' killed
Hi, I currently have a MySQL database containing all Puppet storeconfigs. My intention is to migrate to PuppetDB on a PostgreSQL server, so the first step is to use the ''storeconfigs'' face to export all the DB to a file PuppetDB can later consume. But the ''puppet storeconfigs export'' command always ends up being killed, I suspect due to some sort of OOM
2008 Jul 09
Deleting an exported resource
I had a host that was exporting a resource to another host to trigger backups. The first host has now gone away, but the second host is still seeing the exported resource (because it still exists in the puppetmaster''s database). I fixed the problem by going in to the database and deleting all the rows I could find that related to the absent host, but I''m wondering if
2008 Jan 23
Replacing puppet:// with svn:// ?
I''ve been pondering how to handle our file distribution issues - we''re starting to roll puppet out, and I''d like to get it somewhat right from the start. I''ve been watching the list for a while, and observed ''complaints'' about the speed of the fileserver method when dealing with recursive directories. If I can avoid this, I''d
2008 Jan 18
puppet 0.23.2 can''t collect exported resources
hi,guys I''m test the resources export and collect , OS is Debian etch and sarge, puppet server and client version all of the 0.23.2 ; the db is MySQL-4.1 My test code is like this. node ''b'' { @@file {"/tmp/a": ensure => present ,content => "test"; } } node ''a'' { File <<||>> } I run puppetd on
2008 Jan 24
Can use a Variables when Realizing Resources
hi ,all When realizing a resources ,can use this syntax like this ? File <<| tag == $idc | >> I had try it ,but can''t work. and not get error from the puppetmaster. -- Huang Mingyou
2008 Jan 16
anyone have 0.23.2-1 puppet and puppet-server rpms for rhel4 & 5?
I just upgraded from 0.23.2-1 on RHEL 4&5 to 0.24.1-1. I used Dlutter''s repository. What a mess I''m in now. Anyway to make a long story short I moved all of the old configs out of the way (/etc/puppet, /var/lib/puppet) and started over with a fresh install. I can''t get puppetd on the server to request a cert. If I do a "puppetd -v --waitforcert 90" the
2009 Dec 08
Cleaning Out Stored Configs
Hi, We''re using thin stored configs heavily to manage things like Munin and Nagios and we''re currently wondering what to do when nodes go away, or change considerably. If we get rid of a server then all it''s stored config is still present in the database, as well as it''s nagios and munin configurations. We created a script that iterates through the database
2008 Jan 10
memory leak in puppetd?
I have a cluster of 20 or so machines. On many of the nodes, the puppetd process take up a ton of resident memory (> 400MB RES in top, > 500GB VIRT in top) after running for a while (> 1 week). The only thread I found on this was titled "memory leak?" and last updated on 06-Dec-2007. The question on that tread was whether or not the memory was buffered memory. I
2012 Feb 16
Puppet on Windows
Hi, I want to run Puppet on a Windows 2003 Server. I already have a working Puppetmaster (Scientific Linux). I installed Puppet on Windows like shown here: This worked very well. But when I want to run puppet. puppet agent --test --debug I get the following output: (I already tried different ruby and puppet versions without
2008 Jan 16
Memory Leak
So, I''ve stumbled across bleak_house ( - this looks like it may help me track down what is causing the Memory leak I''m seeing (be it me, Ubuntu, Debian, or Puppet). First step: I''m going to clone the repo, branch Second step: Learn Ruby - shouldn''t be too hard. Third step: Do exactly what
2008 Jan 09
No subject
parse a resource, or whenever we send a resource to a puppet - may be = wrong though - comments? Arjuna Christensen=A0|=A0Systems Engineer=A0 Maximum Internet Ltd 7a Parkhead Pl, Albany, North Shore, 0632 | PO Box 8006, Auckland, 1150, = NZ DDI: + 64 9=A0913 9683 | Ph: +64 9 915 1825 | Fax:: +64 9 300 7227 arjuna.christensen at| ________________________________=20
2008 Mar 29
create new clientconfigs database
Hi, I''m upgrading from 23.2 to the latest and have "dbmigrate = true" in my config. When I try to run puppetd, I''m getting: Could not migrate database: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: schema_info: SELECT version FROM schema_info I''m perfectly blowing away my old db (by deleting /var/lib/puppet/ state/clientconfigs.sqlite3 ?), but I haven''t
2012 Jun 04
mysql or postgresql
Hi! Which database would you recommend to use mysql or postgresql for puppet? Estimated number of nodes 30000, they send reports every 30 minutes. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2008 Apr 22
Puppetd exits when "puppet" can't be resolved
Heya, I''m using puppet on Ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy) and there''s a problem with the default setup of Ubuntu. Ubuntu uses network-manager to start the network in the background, which in turn causes puppet to start before the network is up. Puppet will then exit because it can''t resolve the server name. Currently I "solve" this problem by uninstalling
2008 Jan 07
Hello, Anyone have any luck getting storeconfigs + MySQL working? I was getting some freaky uninformative errors: err: Could not call: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) It''d be great if we could get a wiki page up, there appears to be a pretty large consensus of people who are unable to get it running. Regards, AJ
2007 Jul 18
fact_values of puppetmaster database
Hi all, we had notified that table ''fact_values'' of puppetmaster database is not updating when a fact value changes (for example we have updated some puppet clients version to 0.23 and fact_value of database is still the old version 0.22.4) it is a bug? misconfiguration? we are using ''storeconfigs = true'' with MySQL backend we''ve tried to restart
2007 Dec 18
resource collection error
I''m seeing these in my logs on my puppetmaster: puppetmasterd[4111]: Could not store configs: SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: DELETE FROM fact_values WHERE "id" = 8 currently this is 0.24.0 relect from some previously collected resource that wasn''t cleaned up? upgrade issue? nothing to worry about? that''s the only
2006 Dec 29
sqlite errors
Hello, When I kick off SVN1992 with storeconfigs=yes, I get the following error: err: Could not store configs: SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: INSERT INTO resources ("exported", "line", "title", "host_id", "restype", "source_file_id") VALUES(NULL, 23, ''svnpkgadd-emacs-nox-etc'', NULL, NULL,
2008 Jan 04
Facts not being updated when using storeconfigs
Hi, I think I''m having a similar problem to the user who raised this bug: I''m running 0.23.2 with storeconfigs. I''ve got it working to the point where my clients'' facts are being populated in the database[*] but updates don''t seem to happen unless I restart puppetmasterd. For example: 1) I run my test
2005 Sep 13
populating asterisk realtime tables from configfiles
Here is my file to parse and load extensions. No wise cracks about my code.... DB.php is the Pear DB module. ( <?php include('DB.php'); $db_host = ''; $db_name = ''; $db_login = ''; $db_pass = ''; $db_table = 'extensions_table'; define(DBINFO,"mysql://$db_login:$db_pass@$db_host/$db_name"); $db =