similar to: cbq parameters

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "cbq parameters"

2003 Sep 04
CBQ Rate
Hi everyone, This is on a linux box, ingress (eth1) at 100Mb/s and egress (eth0) at 10Mb/s. The purpose is to test CBQ Here is my script ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Root qdisc tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1:0 cbq bandwidth 9Mbit \ avpkt 1000 cell 8 # Classes tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq bandwidth 9Mbit \ rate 5Mbit weight
2002 Oct 15
Réf . : Re: trying to use wondershaper on a dedicated line (not adsl)
here''s the output : # tc -s -d class show dev eth0 class cbq 1: root rate 10Mbit cell 8b (bounded,isolated) prio no-transmit/8 weight 10Mbit allot 1514b level 2 ewma 5 avpkt 1000b maxidle 23us Sent 294 bytes 7 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0) borrowed 0 overactions 0 avgidle 605 undertime 0 class cbq 1:10 parent 1:1 leaf 10: rate 100Kbit cell 8b prio 1/1 weight 100Kbit allot 1600b
2004 Oct 29
CBQ: sibling isolated-classes lend out bandwidth
How can it be, that class 1:3 in my case borrows, when all sibling classes are isolated ? nessus:~# tc -s -d class show dev eth1 class cbq 1: root rate 100Mbit cell 8b (bounded,isolated) prio no-transmit/8 weight 100Mbit allot 1514b level 2 ewma 5 avpkt 1000b maxidle 1us Sent 484 bytes 7 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0) borrowed 0 overactions 0 avgidle 77 undertime 0 class cbq 1:1 parent 1:
2003 Jul 16
Problen in cbq , fw
Hi, In my LAN Iam trying to make following setup: - All the traffic generated by should go to, If the destination of this traffic is internet than it should be placed on its interface eth1. Outgoing traffic on eth1 should be shaped.For this I am using fw filters and cbq. _______ -------> )----| A
2001 Jun 19
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
Hi all, I have installed 2.4.5 kernel, Debian Potato. my tc script: #!/bin/bash tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 20: cbq bandwidth 10Mbit avpkt 1000 echo root tc class add dev eth1 parent 20:0 classid 20:1 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \ 10Mbit allot 1514 weight 1Mbit prio 8 maxburst 20 avpkt 1000 echo class tc class add dev eth1 parent 20:1 classid 20:100 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \ 5Mbit allot
2005 Jun 02
CBQ throughput and efficiency question
Hello all, I am testing CBQ and HTB these days and I got a lots problem which needs your help. It is a little long text :) Thank you! (All my test is based on Redhat Linux9.0) 1.Is isolated of CBQ working? I have read Mr. stef word that he never made cbq isolated work. 2. I have setup an environment to test cbq: one tcp flow which I should protect and a noisy udp flow who will eat much of the
2004 May 25
how to borrow bandwith
Hi,All I am using iproute2 to manage bandwith for ADSL router.High,medium,low priority are needed for different protocol port on the ADSL's upstream side,as following: LAN --- |ADSL Router|------WAN When there aren't traffic on the specific priority, its bandwidth should be borrowed by other priorities.But it doesn't work.Here is my script: /usr/sbin/tc qdisc del dev nas0 root
2004 May 04
Wrapping prio in tbf
The manual says (about prio): > Because it doesn''t actually shape, the same warning as for SFQ holds: > either use it only if your physical link is really full or wrap it > inside a classful qdisc that does shape. The latter holds for almost all > cable modems and DSL devices. I want to wrap prio inside of tbf. Here''s why: I have a server on a DSL line, which has
2002 May 03
(no subject)
hi all, Iam using the following CBQs to limit the FTP bandwidth pease tell what changes are rquired to make it work.... tc qdisc del dev eth0 root tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1:0 cbq allot 1514 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 100Mbit tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq allot 1514 bandwidth 100Mbit rate .4Mbit weight .4 prio 2 maxburst 20 cell 8 avpkt 1000 tc class add dev eth0
2003 May 15
cbq vs htb?
Hello, Does anyone know when one should use cbq versus (simpler more accurate) htb? Specifically does cbq have added functionality that may be of interest to certain applications? from htb home> Both CBQ and HTB help you to control the use of the outbound bandwidth on a given link. Both allow you to use one physical link to simulate several slower links and to send different kinds of
2001 Dec 07
more on cbq parameters
While I''m thinking about that review of howto changes, here are a few other responses about things I don''t believe. I''ll be interested in more info if anyone has any. ==== [from new doc] Besides being classful, CBQ is also a shaper and it is in that aspect that it really doesn''t work very well. It should work like this. I''ve not noticed that it
2002 Dec 07
Why my script doesn''t work ???
Hi All, I''m using iptables-1.2.7a on RedHat8 kernel 2.4.20. I wanted to limit the file-sharing traffic to the internet. I marked the packets with iptables: iptables -A FORWARD -t mangle -p tcp -s -d ! --dport 1024:1862 -j MARK --set-mark 1 iptables -A FORWARD -t mangle -p tcp -s -d ! --dport 1864:65535 -j MARK --set-mark 1
2002 Apr 25
SFQ for all classes
Can I use the same SFQ queue dicipline for all the classe in a CBQ or HBT system?
2005 Jan 06
tc and ntop inconsistent data flow
Dear List, Sorry for the dublicated email but I couldn''t get any answer. I am trying to limit some IP blocs with tc with following three step. # interface tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: cbq avpkt 1000 bandwidth 256kbit # class tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 cbq rate 64kbit \ allot 1500 prio 5 bounded isolated # rules # download tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:
2003 May 23
Hi, The CBQ config file shud be some thing like this. DEVICE=eth0,10Mbit,1Mbit RATE=50Kbit WEIGHT=5Kbit Shall i hardcode the DEVICE BW as 10/100 Mbit or Shall i use any other tool like ethtool for getting this. ethtool gives Speed: 10Mbps If so, how about, if i use some other Interfaces other than eth0, like ppp0 or some other? C''d anybody can give a suggestion over this? thanks
2003 Feb 13
prio qdisc problem
Hello there, I''m trying to do some prio qdisc, but it doesn''t seem to work. Can anybody tell me why ??? here is my simple prio qdisc script: OPTIONS="bandwidth 100mbit allot 1514 maxburst 20 prio 3 avpkt 1000" IPTABLES="/usr/local/bin/iptables.static" INTERNAL=eth0 EXTERNAL=eth1 tc qdisc del dev eth0 root 2>/dev/null tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle
2007 Jun 08
CBQ + Layer7 x Emule
Hi All , My first message and I have a little problem with my FC6 box trying to block emule traffic using layer7 . Here my network : Internet --------- ADSL Router ------------------- FC6 Box -------------------- Emule Box external ADSL : Dynamic Internal ADSL : external FC6 : internal FC6 : Emule Box : I guess that everything
2003 Nov 23
u32 filter won''t match
Hi! I really need help with a u32 filter that won''t match what I think I''m telling it to. The situation is that I have set up an internal computer to change the TOS value of packets sent by certain processes to 0x1E (If anyone known of a better way to mark packets, please tell me. I would love to find some module that adds an IP option with UIDs and GIDs to the packets - does
2002 Sep 06
questiona about CBQ algorithm in Linux
Hi Stef and Alexey I have read some documents about CBQ algorithm from but still have some question about CBQ in Linux . 1. First estimator can estimate how much bandwidth already USED per class. one estimating algorithm is EWMA (exponential weighted moving average), how about Linux implemenatation about estimator? also do you have link for this algorithm? I
2001 Dec 24
Two u32 problems: module count and fw
Hi All, I found 2 unusual behavior with u32 classifier in Kernel 2.4.12. I’ve u32 compiled as module. 1> u32 filter seems not working if there is already some fw filter used for some other class. In order to get u32 working I’ve to delete root class, which in terms delete all fw filters too, and then same command for u32 works. fw is also compiled as module. 2> If I add u32 filter to my