similar to: Juggernaut question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Juggernaut question"

1997 Sep 23
C''t Article on Juggernaut
There is a recent article in the German magazine C''t that may be of interest to those on this list. It describes a cracker program, Juggernaut, which can hijack telnet sessions. The program is written specifically to run under Linux. An english translation of the article is available at: It also mentions that they are working on a version of the
2006 Jul 20
Juggernaut Released - (a.k.a Armageddon)
I''ve just released Juggernaut - a plugin for ruby on rails. Check out the site: I?ve also finished a demo that illustrates some of Juggernuat?s capabilities. You can sign up for an account here: . It might be a tad slow as it?s running from my home machine. Juggernaut for Ruby on Rails initiates a flash
2010 Aug 03
Juggernaut Rails 3
Are there any plans to update the Juggernaut gem to be compatible with Rails 3? It doesn''t seem to work as of now with Rails 3, unless I set up the whole thing wrong. Also are there any good working alternatives for a push server? -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
2008 Oct 31
Error while installing juggernaut gem
Hi, I have tried to install juggernaut gem using the command gem install juggernaut and got the following error D:\Sreejith\Ruby1\ruby>gem install juggernaut Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing juggernaut: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. D:/Sreejith/Ruby1/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb install juggernaut checking for
2006 Jul 05
How do I access the session in a rails plugin?
I''m trying to access the session in a rails plugin, so as to set it as below. 1. module Juggernaut 2. 3. def self.set_channels(chan) 4. session[:juggernaut_channels] = chan 5. end 6. end 7. 8. module ActionController 9. class Base 10. include Juggernaut 11. end 12. end At the moment I get: undefined local variable or method `session'' for
2007 Feb 12
Rails Push Server?
So, I investigated this a while ago... does anybody have good experience/good instructions as to how to move your rails app to using a push server? Which ones are best? Most Stable? Easiest to implement and use? Our site is currently doing some regular polling, and it''s getting hairy fast. I looked into using Juggernaut a while ago, but I''m not certain it''s going to
2010 Jan 02
Using Push IMAP to trigger POP3 download
Hello all, I have an HTPC connected 24/7 to the Internet running Mythbuntu. I also have a web/email host that runs Dovecot for email and provides IMAP and POP3 access. I understand that Dovecot supports Push IMAP and I could, for example, use Thunderbird to connect to my email host to receive instant email as it arrives. I would like to add a Dovecot IMAP server on my HTPC (for increased
2008 Feb 10
DRb + Chat interface?
Hello, I''m an amateur rails developer, and am currently developing a project that needs a somewhat specialized chat client. I''ve recently become enamored with DRb, and was wondering if anyone had tried implementing it when attempting to make a chat client. The reason I want to use DRb instead of some other way of doing it is because if I understand it right the client should be
2006 Oct 19
Hi, I''m trying to write a file upload monitor for mongrel that uses juggernaut to alert the browser of a change. I''m writing a plugin that uses Mongrel::HttpHandlerPlugin but it looks like the only method that gets called is process and that is only when the upload has finished. I''m setting the following: @request_notify = true But I am still only getting process to
2009 Mar 23
PDFs prawn gem freeze into the app...
I was having great success with creating PDFs with prawn, I followed Ryan Bates latest screencast. All good. Trouble is when i come to deploy the app on my webhost I ran into trouble. Rails 2.3 app. I did, "sudo rake gem unpack prawn" to freeze it in. I put the app on my webhost but it won''t start, some error saying it can''t find prawn. Any ideas? (summary: works
2006 Aug 14
ClockingIT Beta - It''s about time...
My wife and I have been working on our own task-listing, time-tracking web application, and we''re really interested in some feedback as we ourselves feel we''ve come a long way. If you have some minutes to kill (or just want to see how the Comet functionality provided by the Juggernaut plugin can work) have a look at and
2011 Feb 08
Rails and WebSockets
I''m thinking of starting on a Ruby website that uses WebSockets, and perhaps working some on a server for it beforehand. Is good support for asynchronous connections something I could work on adding to the Rails core? Is it feasible? Desired? As I understand it, Rails plugins like Juggernaut [1] aren''t going to optimally support async, since they can''t re-architecture
2010 Jan 29
perl question
I am trying to run a perl script that said it needs Net::SMPP I ran this: your_host]# *perl -MCPAN -e shell* cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.76) ReadLine support enabled cpan> *install Net::SNMP seemed to work. no errors reported. however when I run perl I still get the same error saying needs ./ Can't locate Net/ in @INC (@INC contains:
2009 Aug 21
What to do before launching v1.0?
I’m launching a rails website, the app is written and works, undoubtedly it’ll be an unmitigated disaster when I launch but none the less I thought I’d least attempt to give myself the best chance of success by asking all the gurus here for some advice – pre launch advice if you like. In an ideal world I’d spend days and hours on all of these things and get it absolutely spot on, but as we all
2009 Jan 26
I''m new to rails, started first project today. I''m also using flex and want to go RESTful over HTTP as much as possible, most posts seem to think this is not possible! Everything runs RESTfuly fine in the flex local sandbox, but fails in the remote sandbox due to security. I''m using as3httpclientlib as HTTPService doesn''t do the job. Flash sends a request
2006 Jul 25
DRY question (newbie)
Say i want to include the same chunck of text (a menu on a webpage for example) on each page. Is there a method by which I can save the HTML in a text file and call it up later? Is there a better way? I know ruby has "puts" but i can''t use that b/c it does not work with my webhost ( Any suggestions? -- Posted via
2009 Jan 28
Repeated measures design for GAM? - corrected question...
Dear all, I have a question on the use of GAM with repeated measures. My dataset is as follows: - a number of study areas where bird abundance has been determined. Counts have been performed in 3 consecutive years and there were 2 counts per year (i.e. in total 6 counts). - a number of environmental predictors that do not change over year Xi). When using a GLM, a repeated measures design would
2017 Aug 20
ot: self certified enduser browser/mail client install?
I have self certified Dovecot as so: ssl = required ssl_cert = </etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem ssl_key = </etc/pki/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem userdb { args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf driver = sql } in order for end user to avoid webmail warnings or email client warnings, do I make this file /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem available to users say under
2006 Aug 16
Server Push, with Active MQ?
I''ve read the postings about Juggernaut with interest, it is an interesting approach but in wondering about a solution that wouldn''t require flash I did some searching and came across activemq ( Their approach for messaging to an AJAX client ( to be a combination of polling and keeping
2006 Jan 15
Rogue Processes
I seem to notice these two processes running with top. Netstat hasn't been issued by me and cant be killed with the START state. Can someone enlighten me on these processes. FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE #4: Sun Dec 4 00:22:01 EST 2005 i386 The box doesnt run ssh or telnet just postfix