Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "HTTP Auth 401 Even on Valid Login"
2011 Jul 14
subclasses with inherited_resources?
I''m trying out inherited_resources and so far so good. However, one
problem I''ve run into is that it''s very difficult to customize
inherited_resource behaviour in subclasses. Looking through the
source I see it uses things like undef_method and class_attribute.
For example, if I have the following controllers:
class ItemsController
actions :new,
2007 Dec 09
Questions about rails 2.0
Hi, i''ve found some questions on the rails blog which haven''t any
answer. Because i''m interested too i paste them here:
# gonzo on 07 Dec 22:10:
Does CSRF protection work with forms that are fully cached?
# rugal on 08 Dec 20:14:
Great job guys!
Just an information about migrations.
will t.timestamps create both created_at and updated_at? And for _on ?
2007 Sep 18
rSpec / Nested Routes / Mocks
I''m having a terrible time trying to test a nested route with rSpec.
I can''t seem to tell rSpec to expect the call @item.user. The
following error message plagues me not matter how I try to fuss with
the mock:
Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''ItemsController handling POST /
items should redirect to the new course on successful save''
2006 Aug 24
Design questions on creating digg.com-like URLs (are they considered RESTful?)
Hi everyone, I''m working on creating a site that functions similar to
digg.com (please no "no more digg clones" remarks please! :) ). One
thing I really like about digg is there URLs are very nice to read and I
would like to emulate that without having a lot of actions spread out
all over my application.
So in my app I have three main resources:
Users, Tags, and Items
2007 Mar 21
Getting the module name with ObjectSpace...
Hey :)
I''m trying to create a method for making a sitemap dynamically. It
works great for flat sites where you simply have your controllers in
the app/controllers directory. In this case, I can extract the
controller names like,
ObjectSpace.subclasses_of(ActionController::Base).each do |obj|
@controllers["#{obj.controller_name}"] = obj
2009 Apr 19
Cucmber: Mysql::Error: query: not connected: ROLLBACK
I ran in trouble with unexpected rollbacks using cucumber 0.3.0.
My feature-file looks like
Scenario: Create Valid Item
Given I start
and the step is
Given /^I start$/ do
get "/items"
In my log/test.log I get
SQL (0.2ms) SET NAMES ''utf8''
SQL (0.1ms) BEGIN
Processing ItemsController#index
2007 Oct 26
Specing with Subdomains as Account Keys
How do you go about implementing and rspecing subdomains as account
keys? I''m sure that this must be an issues for others as well.
So I have an app using subdomains as account keys. The Application
Controller sets up @current_company in a before filter. Everything is
done within the context of the @current_company.
After reading about Demeter''s Revenge
2008 Oct 03
fragment caching with search box
I''m trying to setup some fragment caching which works fine for the index
but i''m not sure how to ignore the caching if they are searching the
index results.
my code in short:
def index
@items = Item.search(params[:search], params[:min_rank],
params[:max_rank], params[:classification_id], ...)
<% cache (''items'',
2010 Jul 08
testing authentication with basic_auth
hi, I''ve got an api which is using
What are you guys using to test this? I''m using rspec, and before I
was using rspec-rails, I was using authorize from Rack::Test to do the
authentication. However, authorize clearly doesn''t work when using
rspec-rails, so I''m wondering what everyone else is doing?
You received this
2008 Nov 01
How to expire HTTP basic authenticated session?
Greetings all,
I am using authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic, but how can I
expire/forget the successfully authenticated session for a specific
client? Thanks in advance.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk"
2011 Aug 21
basic http authentication
I used code from
but added it to Application controller to apply to the whole
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :authenticate
def authenticate
puts ''authenticating.. ''
authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |username,
2008 Jan 15
HTTP Digest Authentication
I just started using authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic.
Is anyone working on the digest version of that?
(I realize it may get a little complicated with the handshaking)
If not, I wouldn''t mind contributing it. (I''ve implemented it in the
past for other servers)
You received this message because you are
2009 Jan 13
optional authentication and HTTP Basic
Hi all,
I have an app that originally only supported form-based
authentication, and showed pared-down content to unauthenticated
users. I then layered on HTTP Basic authentication using
authenticate_with_http_basic, which worked fine for scripts like LWP/
However, some web browsers refuse to submit credentials in the URL
2011 May 09
rails guides - getting started - section 10 security
The example doesn''t work as described for me; not sure if I haven''t
followed it right, or there''s a problem with the code. Can someone
help me to determine what the problem is.
Specifically, after adding the authentication code to the
PostsController, with this line:
before_filter :authenticate, :except => [:index, :show]
The guide says that "we want the user
2006 Apr 05
select in *.rhtml
I''m trying to get a select box of categories to appear in my items views
after I created everything using generate scaffold, but I can''t get the
categories to appear in my forms.
class ItemsController < ApplicationController
def new
@item = Item.new
@category = Category.find_all
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
2008 May 08
Controller/action not working in url
Hey guys,
i am facing some problems in calling an action. see details:
in sale_items controller, i have a function
def saleedit
render ( :action => ''saleedit'')
and i have a file in view/sale_items/saleedit.html.erb.
okay. now i have one more view view/sale_items/new.html.erb. in this
file i have a form like this:
<% form_tag url_for(:action =>
2009 Aug 07
paperclip model fails while when updating with no attachment
Hi all,
I have paperclip running in my rails environment. I setup a new model
just for paperclip called Assets so that I could upload multiple files
per item (even though I''m only using 1 attachment per item at the
moment). Everything works except for the following:
Updating an item record with no attachment in the form but having
PREVIOUSLY attached an asset while creating or updating.
2006 Apr 04
Im new to Ruby and new to Ruby on Rails and have problems realizing a =20=
simple many_to_many relationship:
My tables:
items <-> items_users <-> users
id user_id =
name item_id name
... =
My Code:
2013 Mar 20
Rspec + Devise + BaseController
Hello there,
I''m creating a base controller for the admin section of a project. All
controllers whitin the admin section will inherit from it.
class Admins::BaseController < ApplicationController
layout "admin_cms"
before_filter :authenticate_admin!
2009 Feb 02
ActiveRecord Unexplainable SystemStackError - Only in WEBrick
This SystemStackError is driving me crazy. It only takes place when
testing with WEBrick - I can''t reproduce it with any tests. It is
caused by calling the "missing" id method (base.rb:2435) on my
ActiveRecord class.
WEBrick and my tests are running as the same user, with a `ulimit -s`
of 10240. Plus the query works sometimes so I don''t think this