Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "functional testing joins table problem"
2008 Apr 04
Urgent help needed! "uninitialized constant" error.
I need a hint on what could be causing the following error message:
NameError in Project areasController#destroy
uninitialized constant ProjectArea::KeyAspect
(eval):1:in `configure_dependency_for_has_many''
2006 May 05
Testing model: test becomes dependent on previous test
Im having trouble with Testing models. im following the tutorials in the
book Agile Web Development with Rails. if i execute the code
product_test.rb, i get this error:
1) Failure:
test_update2(ProductTest) [test/unit/product_test.rb:30]:
<29.95> expected but was
3 tests, 11 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
2006 Feb 01
Test data life cycle confusion
It states on page 140 of Agile Web Development with Rails:
Here?s the bottom line: even if a test method updates the test database,
the database is put back to its default state before the next test method is
run. This is important because we don?t want tests to become dependent
on the results of previous tests.
Well, I''ve been running into a brick wall with some functional tests
2010 Mar 24
How to stub a has_many relationship in Rails 2.3.5
We have a test that has been working find until we upgraded to rails 2.3.5.
I''m not too familiar with mocks/stubs so maybe there is an easy solution.
Here is a simple example of our scenario.
Class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :aliases, :dependent => :nullify
before_destroy :mark_aliases_as_deleted
def mark_aliases_as_deleted
self.aliases.each do
2006 Feb 06
tests fine, but fail under rake
Hi there,
So I have an odd error at the moment that only occurs when I run tests
via rake. It''s happening with two tests now. Under a simple ruby run,
the tests are fine, e.g.:
Loaded suite test/functional/story_comments_controller_test
Finished in 2.37 seconds.
9 tests, 65
2006 Feb 21
DB not being repopulated prior to Unit test execution
I''m working my way through the AWD book and have just started the testing chapter. The first two unit tests run as expected. When I add the test for the ''destroy'' function to product_test.rb, however, I''m getting a failure I don''t understand.
The error I''m getting says that in the setup method for test_update, it "couldn''t
2005 Dec 22
How to write unit tests with respect to model callbacks?
I am exploring the "Testing" part of Rails, but It seems some things
work differently than I thought it would.
Consider the following model:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :project
def after_create
Project.new(:name => self.name, :is_client => true, :client_id
=> self.id).save
def after_update
2006 Jul 31
Issues with has_many, belongs_to and dependency settings
I have 2 models SmsAddress & OutboundSmsAtom
SmsAddress {
has_many :other_objects, :dependency => :nullify
OutboundSmsAtom {
#note this object also "belongs_to" other objects if that matters
belongs_to :this_object
Whenever I try to destroy an object of type ThisObject, which at the time
has 0 "children" OtherObjects I get the following type of
2009 May 18
[PATCH server] fixed functional tests after recent controller refactoring and managed node controller fixes.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at redhat.com>
src/test/functional/host_controller_test.rb | 41 --------------------
.../functional/managed_node_configuration_test.rb | 14 ++++---
src/test/functional/nic_controller_test.rb | 8 ----
src/test/functional/permission_controller_test.rb | 15 ++++---
src/test/functional/quota_controller_test.rb | 2 +-
2006 May 03
Test not Reseting
My test are not resetting for each method in the test class.
It was promised to me on page 146 of Agile Web Development on Rails that
it would.
Am I doing something wrong? The "@delete_victim = User.find(4)" bust
the setup class each time it comes around, even though that is in my
class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
fixtures :users
def setup
2006 Mar 08
Unit tests dynamic finders
Hi all,
I am having a problem with unit tests. Whenever I have a dependency
between two models (B depends on A) deleting A should also delete B.
This is simple with the dependent parameter in the model file of A. But
when I write a test the dependency seems to work, I can''t find the
answer with id 1 anymore(Answer.find(1)). But I appearently _do_ find it
2006 Mar 17
unit_tests and deleting from the database
I get errors when running rake test_units:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #23000Cannot delete or
update a pa
rent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`overblijf_tst/groups`,
_groups_locations` FOREIGN KEY (`location_id`) REFERENCES `locations`
(`id`)): D
ELETE FROM locations
Any pointers??
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Mar 20
Testing Models And Fixtures
I have finally decided to look into testing and I am going through
the examples in the AWDWR book and I tried the following and it does
not work... even though I don''t see why it shouldn''t.
id: 1
title: Title
body: Body
created_at: 2006-02-01 00:00:00
updated_at: 2006_02-02 00:00:00
2005 Dec 20
Problem destroying in unit tests with HABTM
Hi converted two of my models to HABTM today but I am having a real
hard time getting my unit tests to pass now. Specifically, when I
destroy a record I get this error:
...many many lines of this above...
(eval):4:in `destroy_without_habtm_shim_for_categories''
(eval):4:in `destroy_without_habtm_shim_for_categories''
2006 Jul 06
problema con i test automatizzati
ciao a tutti.
come al solito, sto andando avanti a piccoli passi nel creare
l''applicazione depot del libro "Sviluppare Applicazioni Web con Rails".
Ora mi trovo nella fase di creazione dei test automatizzati.
Ma c''è una cosa che proprio non capisco:
Ho la seguente classe in ~/depot/test/unit/product_test.rb
require File.dirname(__FILE__) +
2006 Apr 21
destory Test Case Messes up all tests
I am trying to create unit tests for my users model but when I add a
test that destroys a user, that user is not available in any of the
other test. If I remove the test that destroys the user all my other
tests work again.
All the fixtures are suppose be reloaded between tests right?
Here is my testcase :
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper''
class UserTest
2003 Jan 02
random number generation
Can a single random number be generated in R? I have an exercise that wants
to simulate coin tosses, and I cannot seem to find a good example of the use
of random number generation in R. Any help?
Joshua Gramlich
Chicago, IL
2007 Oct 15
Need some help
I'm taking a course that requires some programming background, but I'm a
complete novice in the field.
when asked to generate a list of 20 uniform random numbers, is it alright if
I put in >randu, and just copy-paste the first 20 numbers?? Or is there, as
I suspect, a better way of calling out exactly 20 uniform random numbers??
I'm also unable to solve the following problem:
2010 Oct 05
Im trying to simulate the rolling of a pair of dice
this is my function:
#function to simulate tosses of a pair of dice
#from the simulation, the program returns the empirical probability of
#observing a double
count <- 0
for(j in 1:sim){#begin loop
die1 <- sample(1:6,1)
die2 <- sample(1:6,1)
count <- ifelse(die1 == die2, count + 1, count)
}#end loop
2010 Oct 13
Coin Toss Simulation
I am trying a simple toin coss simulation, of say 200 coin tosses. The idea
is to have a data frame like so:
Experiment# Number_Of_Heads
1 104
2 96
3 101
So I do:
d <-data.frame(exp_num=c(1,2,3)); /* Just 3 experiments to begin with */
d$head_ct <-sum(sample(0:1,200,repl=TRUE));
exp_num head_ct