similar to: Monitoring traffic

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Monitoring traffic"

2011 Sep 04
mrtg 2.16.2 ipv6 on centos 6
Hi, i'm running CentOS 6.0 on my server and installed mrtg from the rpm-package mrtg-2.16.2 . I also installed the depending packages perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-Socket6 .... mrtg works fine with IPV4-Addresses. When i specify a Target by IPV6-Address (or hostname resolving to a V6-address) mrtg fails. Here i have a small sample-config for V4 which is working: LogDir: /tmp ThreshDir: /tmp
2004 Feb 22
Neighbour table overflow
What is the cause for such a message while running kernel 2.6.1 on RH9 ? Neighbour table overflow. NET: 282 messages suppressed. Neighbour table overflow. Alex Iruc _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / HOWTO:
2007 Nov 23
monitoring with MRTG
Has anyone written any MRTG scripts for monitoring domain CPU usage? It''s probably pretty simple to do, but there''s not much point re-inventing the wheel. Thanks James _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2014 Jan 16
[PATCH 1/2] hivex: ruby: find files to install in correct directories when building out-of-tree
--- ruby/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ruby/ b/ruby/ index b6654d3..e78ab59 100644 --- a/ruby/ +++ b/ruby/ @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ RUBY_SITEARCH := $(shell $(RUBY) -rrbconfig -e "puts RbConfig::CONFIG['sitearchd install: $(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$(RUBY_SITELIB) $(MKDIR_P)
2009 Jan 23
cpu load monitoring
Hi, I have a server running Centos 5.2 and am implementing a GIS mapserver app. I have some sample logs from another implementation that give me an idea of bandwidth requirements but I would like to check the cpu load. I can not be at the server during the test and am interested in knowing if there is logging of cpu load available. Anyone have experience with this? Recommendations? Dave --
2005 Jul 05
PRI or Trunk monitoring
Did someone monitor the PRI's or trunks some way? I tried with MRTG and Andrea Fino module but it never worked for me. Any other experience? I want to track the use of my PRI's and trunks using graphical as MRTG does each 5 minute, day, week & Year. But the option of the 5 Minutes I don't think is usefull, We need something more realtime. Thanks, Carlos Alperin
2002 May 13
bw console monitoring
Hi, I want to see bandwidth every ip address in the local network that passing my linux gateway in the console, may be it''s similar like mrtg (web based version) It''s possible ? Best regards, >--<Kristiadi Himawan>--<
2009 Oct 03
Monitoring OpenVPN TUNs with MRTG
I want to check some client OpenVPN TUN interfaces with MRTG running at my VPN server, so I have to specify their OID interface numbers in mrtg.cfg. The problem is, these numbers are dynamic, as they may change whenever OpenVPN restarts for any reason... so, how can I write stanzas such as Target[somehostvpninterface] : ifInOctets.X&ifOutOctets.X:public@ <SOMEHOST.IP> without wiring up
2005 Mar 07
Bandwidth Meter/monitoring
Hi to all. I would to ask if there''s way in shorewall that I can be able to check my bandwidth, if im really getting what I paid for. Second, Is there a fast and effective way to implement traffic shaping with shorewall. Many thanks Jan --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now
2003 Oct 04
htb errors, wrong patch?
I downloaded iproute2-2.4.7-now-ss010824.tar.gz and I did patched tc with the htb3.6_tc.diff from htb3.6-020525.tgz and when I try to use a htb script I get just errors. I did not patch the kernel, since I use kernel 2.4.21 and I saw on - HTB Homepage that I need to patch it only if I run version 2.4.20 or earlier. Do also need the kernel patch ? Or maybe is something else wrong? RTNETLINK
2007 Jan 04
BandWidth Monitoring
Hi, I m using linux as a router and proxy on same machine , i want to monitor bandwidth usage per ipaddress , so plz suggest me the tool that i can use to monitor bandwidth used by which every ipaddress. thanks in advance Abhishek Kr. Singh System Administrator DSC. LTD. Mob.No. +91-9871563248 Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Yahoo! Messenger. Download
2008 Feb 28
MRTG question on CentOS
I'm trying to get MRTG up and running on CentOS, but the displayed http page says that I don't have permission to access /mrtg/ on the server. Here are my commands yum install mrtg vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/mrtg.conf /etc/init.d/httpd restart cfgmaker --global 'WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg' --global 'Options[_]: bits,growright' --output /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg public at
2008 Jan 27
Asterisk and MRTG, a little help please...
Hi All, After reading the sparse info and attempting to get this running, I'm unsuccessful and could use some guidance. I already have a MRTG server up and running serving hundreds of router interface graphs. I would like to add SIP/IAX channel graphs for all our asterisk servers. I'm running asterisk 1.2 and MRTG 2.4.17. I tried the script from but get
2007 Mar 15
Monitoring pkg to monitor router
Hi, I have a router which is maintained by our ISP. They have given us to monitor it by using MRTG. It is okay. But it only shows incoming and outgoing traffice. It does not say wherther is TCP or UDP or ICMP. It just shows in and out.That's it. But, I want to monitor this router ? Can you tell me a good pkg for it ? router has a snmp commiunity password . Ido not know it. My ISP does not
2003 Jan 07
MRTG drop/reject hits
I have created shell script for MRTG statistics of droped/rejected packets: rsync:// example: It is not based on /var/log/messages (syslog), but iptables counter. A lot of packets are droped/rejected
2017 Jan 13
Upstreaming Gentoo patches
Dear FLAC devs, I would like to get some of our patches merged into master. Most of them deal with adhering to GNU conventions, respectively not overriding flags/variables that are up to the user to set. For instance, honoring $(htmldir) is important, as we have installation paths for the documentation that differ from what is currently coded in the various's. Regards David
2008 Sep 12
Hi all. I am having an issue and quite frankly would rather not spend the entire next two days learning the entire snmp program. I am hoping someone out there has used MRTG and SNMP to make it work. I have both installed. Single server, polling itself. Question 1- does snmpd have to run as a daemon, or only run once so I can get OID and MIBs from it? Question 2- does anyone know the command
2004 Jul 17
Re: QoS for Voip.
Hi! I answer to two messages from this thread (I use digest). wrote: > > Message: 3 > Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:51:37 -0700 (PDT) > From: ibro tj <> > Subject: Re: [LARTC] QoS for Voip. > To:, > > Hi, > > the hint from Martin A Brown which I am
2005 Oct 25
apache 403 forbidden problem.
Hi guys, I'm using Centos 3.5 with Apache-2.0.46. i linke my mrtg from /var/www/mrtg to /var/www/html/mrtg so i did the command ln -s /var/www/mrtg. it worked fine last week but when i checked the mrtg today it say 403 forbidden. Forbidden You don't have permission to access /mrtg/ on this server. ------------------------------ Apache/2.0.46 (CentOS) Server but when i tried to link
2007 Jul 27
MRTG with 14all.cgi on centos 5
Hi, I have setup MRTG with 14all.cgi cgi script. I downloaded it from below URL. and did only below 3 changes to that file. those can be seen in BOLDletters. # if (from mrtg) is not in the module search path (@INC) # uncomment the following line and change the path appropriatly: #use lib qw(/usr/local/mrtg-2/lib/mrtg2); use lib