similar to: Error: no such file to load -- geokit (plugin is install)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Error: no such file to load -- geokit (plugin is install)"

2009 Feb 23
geokit - using :through to connect models
hello.. i am currently trying to use :through to attach two of my models together using geokit. for some reason, i am running into a problem: ArgumentError: Unknown key(s): as i have two models, one that is geocoded, and one that belongs to that model. the models look like: ,----[ employer.rb ] | class Employer < ActiveRecord::Base | acts_as_mappable | before_validation_on_create
2007 Jan 18
Clusterer generating javascript syntax error
Hi all, I''m using Ym4r with the Clusterer. The GMaps code in my controller looks something like this: # geo is an array of lon/lat points session[:gmap] =''map_div'') session[:gmap].control_init(:large_map => true,:map_type => true) session[:gmap].center_zoom_init([38.134557,-95.537109],4) markers =
2008 Sep 19
Rounding Errors using GeoKit
Hi all, I''m trying to use the excellent GeoKit plugin to geocode addresses entered by users. I use GeoKit to get latitude and longitude values, then plot these using Google Maps. The problem I have is that the maps produced tend to be slightly off where they should be. Nearby addresses seem to be grouped to one point, which suggests that the problem is in rounding the lat and lng values
2008 Jul 06
GeoKit / Form Validation
I am new to rails and have been scouring the web for the past two days trying to figure out 2 things. 1) I am currently using a form with 2 models. The first is person, the second is address. I attempted to duplicate the two models on one form as seen in Advanced Rails Recipes and Railscasts, and they work fine - except when there are validation issues on the address piece it just returns saying
2006 Nov 02
Update map
Hi! I''ve just started playing around with the ym4r-plugin and try to update a map as explained in the README-example... but nothing happens. I can update normal html. Heres my baby-code: class AdminController < ApplicationController def index @map ="map_div") @map.control_init(:large_map => true) @map.center_zoom_init([59.91106, 10.72223],16)
2011 Mar 18
using Geokit with rails3
HI all i am a newbie ,and starting a rails 3 application and my application needs geokit plugin .so anybody knows how to install geokit plugin in rails 3 and using it with the application? I am using ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.0.3 with mysql2. pls help.. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send
2010 Jul 19
geokit app
Newbie here :) So, a friend mentioned that geokit is the way to go if I want to make a simple location based app. I basically want to make a list of locations so the app should allow me to Create a location, give it a name and an address along with the geo location information associated with it. (Geokit will take care of this last thing right?) I tried looking for sample apps but had no
2011 May 31
Geokit query with multiple models involved
Hello, My database structure consists of Store, Book, BookStore and Address as below. class Store < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :book_stores has_many :books, :through => :book_stores has_many :addresses acts_as_mappable :through => :addresses end class Address < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :store acts_as_mappable end class Book < ActiveRecord::Base has_many
2009 Sep 02
Geokit - find within fuzzy locations
I''m using Geokit gem to query mappable records within some distance to a mappable user. When geocoding an address such as "Madrid", lat&lng represent a point, in this case the center of the city. Suppose I have some records with location "Madrid", which are mapped with lat & lng to the center of the city. When querying for the closest record, the inaccuracy
2009 Sep 20
coordinates for geokit
i''m trying geokit and loving it, but i''m seeing really odd stuff on distances, I''m wondering about the coordinates i''ve got in my DB. I don''t think they''re standard format, they look like this. east 6''41.6 north 45''24.8 Can anyone advise please ? -- Posted via
2008 Feb 07
geokit on merb
I converted the rails geokit plugin to a merb plugin today. Anyone interested in testing it out? It seems to be working great for me. If so, where should I put it? I don''t have a blog up or anything right now. Been meaning to do that, but haven''t had the time. -Dusty Doris
2011 Mar 18
webapplications with rails+geokit
Hi all Anybody knows any webapplictions presently using geokit plugin with rails 2.x or 3.x ? If yes pls send me the url pls. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2007 Mar 04
Event listeners
Hello.. I am playing around on a pilot project with this wonderful Rails plugin.... thanks for sharing it w us ! I read in a post , in reply to this subject yjat : Events are possible. Either through the @map.record_init "azeazeae" (for arbitrary events like domlistener) or through the @map.event_init(@map,:click,"function(){alert(''HOYOYO'');}"). The
2007 Nov 05
marker event listeners
I''d like to add an event listener for dragging markers, but it looks like YM4R GM (and Mapstraction) doesn''t support this. I need an init like: marker = new GMarker(... GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() { }) but the current setup makes "anonymous" markers - never creates variable that can be used to access them. Has anyone thought about
2007 Oct 16
can''t define custom GIcon
Hi, I am having trouble getting custom GIcons to display. Here is the code in my controller: @map ="map_div") @map.control_init(:large_map => true,:map_type => true) @map.icon_global_init( => "images/APBox-20.png "),"ap_none") infoString = "Friendly Name: "+result.friendly_name+
2008 Mar 04
question about updating the map
Hey there all. I have a mapping app that uses ym4r_gm to build with google maps. The markers i generate use the status of a machine to determine their color. This way our customers can pull up the map and see a color coded drawing where their machine is. So, how would i go about making this to where it could update each marker every 10 minutes or so. I would like to allow our customers to leave
2012 Dec 04
Empty test suite is run after every rake task
When I run rake db:migrate or rake -T I get these lines at the end: Finished in 0.000276 seconds. 0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors My Gemfile is: source '''' gem ''rack'' gem ''rails'', ''3.0.9'' gem "acl9", ''0.12.0'' gem "fastercsv"#, :version =>
2006 Nov 06
Event listeners
Hi! Your plugin is really great! Thanks. One more little question. Is it possible to add event listeners to the maps via your plugin? greetings /till -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Aug 16
Easiest way to create a google map mashup?
I wanted to add a mash up to my website and was wondering if there were any recommendations? I saw that there is a cartographer plugin ( and also something else called YM4R ( I have no idea if they are up to date or not or whether this is currently the easiest/best way to go about it short of rolling your own.
2006 Jun 29
Hi, I would like to know if there is a library that provides an API to support map scrolling, like the one available in google maps. This is, I would like to create a user interface where the user is able to see a small part of a large map. It can then move the view, thus observing another part of the map. Additionally, I would also like to provide a zoom mechanism. Thanks in advance. --