similar to: Syntax Problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Syntax Problem"

2008 Jun 20
before_save model callback rspec testing
hi all, i''m learning rspec and i can''t figure out how to test if a callback is executed in a model. my model code is: class User < ActiveRecord::Base before_save :encrypt_password ... def encrypt(password) self.class.encrypt(password, salt) end thanks a lot, cs. -- Posted via
2006 Feb 15
Agile book - getting confusing error
Working through the beginning phase from the Agile book on ''Administration'' undefined method `hashed_password='' for #<User:0xb7911324> ... /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1498:in `method_missing'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/user.rb:12:in `before_create''
2006 Apr 03
Getters and setters problem?
Hi list, first evening of playing with rails, so please forgive me if I ask something stupid. ;-) I created a User model and tried to use ActiveRecord callbacks to convert the password to sha1 just before saving it. For some reason postgresql gives me a error because the given password is null. To test even further I tried to change :login too, same error happens, :login is empty too. I am sure
2006 Mar 04
Two quick newbie questions
2 quick questions regarding authentication ... 1) the flash[:notice] on successful login looks completely wrong to me. How should it be done? def index if @user =[:user]) authentic_user = @user.attempt_login if authentic_user session[:user_id] = flash[:notice] = ''Login successful! Welcome
2006 Jun 05
When adding a record in console, a parameter comes in as null even when I set it
In console, I am trying to create a User but the :account_id does not come in. Console just gives me back :account_id => nil. Obviously I''m trying to set it though. Silly console... But, I can set the account_id column in my controller like so: @user =[:user]) @user.account_id = Here''s what I give to the controller: User.create :name
2006 Jul 27
Creating multiple objects from form data
I''m in the process of creating a sign up form for an online application. The form collects account info, company info, and then info for an administrative user. The method looks like this: def create @account = Account.create!(params[:account]) @company = @account.companies.create!(params[:company]) @user = @company.users.create!(params[:user]) end However, this inevitably fails
2010 Jan 18
The role of self and :: within a method of a model
Hey all, I understand that a def, for example, is a class method, which allows you to call its contents by just referencing (rather than However, what is its role when located in a method inside a model like in the code below. Also in the code below, you see :: located in the method. Isn''t that used for modules and namespaces? If so, why is it located
2006 Apr 10
Regarding using Web service to handle file uploads
I am trying to code a Web Service in rails that can handle file uploads. Now as i read, SOAP 1.1 doesn''t support this i will have to use SOAP4R, right? This is fine from server side...but will this API will be compatible to .NET clients, which will be using standard SOAP API perhaps. Any idea, whats the way to go here?
2005 Dec 17
lost in an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
I have an error I don''t know how to debug. I am adding the login suport in Depot (the example in the RoR book) and LoginController#add_user throws ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in an innocent /login/add_user GET request. The trace goes down to a call to SQLiteAdapter#table_structure, and the source code suggests what''s happening is that "PRAGMA
2006 Aug 09
question about enforcing constraints in the model
I have a user model and a status model. Each user has a specific status (accepted, rejected, declined, etc). I have a form that allows the adminstrator to change certain options for a user, including their status. I''m using a drop down menu populated with the different status values, and a default option that says "Choose a new status" with a value of "". I want to
2006 Jul 17
updating model
hello, i am writing a simple user login system. when registering a user account, i have two field: password password_confirmation which are validated using validates_presence_of validates_confirmation_of and these are then used to generate a password hash which is stored in my database when i want to update the record (without changing the password and entering new values for password and
2007 Dec 17
undefined method `param_posted?'
I upgraded an app to 2.01 and can''t figure out why I am getting a undefined method `param_posted?'' for #<ControlPanelController: 0xb748ba18> The controller should be inheriting this. class ControlPanelController < ApplicationController --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2009 Nov 14
authlogic fails on existing accounts when crypted_password is blank
I recently ran a migration to add the following to an existing user model: t.string "crypted_password" t.string "password_salt" t.string "persistence_token" There is an existing (cleartext) password field, but authlogic doesn''t seem to be reading that on existing accounts. As a result, all logins for existing accounts fail. How can I get
2006 Jul 11
Problems using the authorization plugin from Bill Katz
Hello everyone, I was trying to set up access control in a new application Im working on, I''m trying to use the excellent authorization plugin from Bill Katz, Its pretty straight forward to setup and should be to use. But when i try to give the same permission on two differents users on the same object i get an error. (Well , Im kinda new to all this rails stuff) r = Red.find(1) u1 =
2006 Jul 19
ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved - bizarre behaviour.
Hi. I get a RecordNotSaved exception when trying to create a user record. The error: User Columns (0.005930) SHOW FIELDS FROM users SQL (0.000465) BEGIN SQL (0.000466) COMMIT ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved (ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved): ... As you can see, there''s no INSERT SQL generated, which is the root cause of the problem. In my user model, I have the following
2010 Aug 18
Once I added this HABTM, one of my 'through' relationships, on a non-habtm model, seems to have broke?
I''m a rails newb and have been Googling about this, but I''m still stumped. Not showing everything here, but basically it should be a pretty common setup so I''m sure others know what I''m doing wrong. - A meter can belong to many meter_groups - A meter_group can have many meters. - A user can ''subscribe'' to viewing a meter_group (Subscription)
2006 May 08
how to make field in model immutable after create
Hello everyone! I want to have login field in User model which is set only once (on create), and then it should fail validation if the value is changed. How can I do this? I dig around for validation and tried def after_validation_on_update unless User.find_by_login(:login) errors.add(:login, "is immutable. You can''t change it") end end in model, but somewhat it
2005 Dec 23
has_many and belongs_to relationship error
Hi i am getting following error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Blog#index Showing app/views/blog/index.rhtml where line #10 raised: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''posts.user_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (posts.user_id = 4) Extracted source (around line #10): 7: <div class="separator">&nbsp;</div> 8:
2006 Aug 07
NoMethod Error: Modifying Location of support modules
I''m trying to follow along with the Agile Development with Ruby on Rails book and have encountered a problem with code having the following syntax (partial class provided): require "digest/sha1" class User < ActiveRecord::Base private def self.hash_password(password) Digest:SHA1.hexdigest(password) end end I''m getting an error as: undefined method
2012 Jun 08
rubycas-server login fail
Hi all, I''ve installed Puppet Enterprise 2.5 on Ubuntu 10.04.4 ("minimal" version on our new hosting provider, previous on amazon ec2 all works fine). So couldn''t login to puppet dashboard - internal server error. I found problem in rubycas-server. It fails when try to hash password: (/opt/puppet/share/rubycas-server/lib/casserver/authenticators/sql_encrypted.rb)