Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How to edit many-to-many -- rhtml setup?"
2006 Jul 18
SQL query question
I know it''s off-topic. But I''m sure you are using SQL and can help me ;)
I''ve a table CARS and a table KEYS and a LOCKS table.
A car can have many keys. Keys are for different locks.
How can I
2017 Jul 18
lme4 question
I am trying to run the following model:
domi ~ type*ratio+((1|id)+(0+type|id)+(1|face_id)+(1|car_id))
My question is whether the data coding for "face_id" and "car_id" variables
is correct.
As you see on the following sample data structure, "type" is repeated
measure where 1=car, 0=face. Thus, I coded "face_id" as "0" when the type
is 1
2008 Jul 08
Conditional "link_to" helper function - AYUDAME POR FAVOR
I need to write a function that will return a link only if the current
user is the owner. Here is my code...
1. application_helper.rb
3. def link_to_if_owned(owner_id, anchor_text, where_to_go)
4. if current_user.id == owner_id # current user is owner
5. "#{link_to anchor_text, where_to_go}"
6. else
7. anchor
8. end
9. end
2011 May 21
'apply' with additional class variable
Dear R gurus,
I'm trying to solve what I assume is a fairly simple problem, but I'm having trouble finding the proper approach. I have a matrix where each column is some object (e.g. a car) and each row is a numeric measurement of a feature of said object (e.g. horse power, top speed, etc.). Let's also suppose that I know what make the car is (e.g. toyota, ford, etc.), stored in a
2006 Jul 04
inverse of eval() ?
I''m trying to figure out how to turn a string into an object. Can anyone point me? Here''s some background.
Here''s the part of what I''m trying to do that works.
@ford = [''mustang'', ''pinto'']
make = ''@ford''
puts eval(make)
--> produces
2006 Mar 22
Parent-Child Tables Help
can someone help me with this
i have a table
id int
model_id int
make_id int
color_id int
description text
constraint fk_cars_carmake foreign key(make_id) references
constraint fk_cars_carmodel foreign key(model_id) references
constraint fk_cars_color foreign key(color_id) references colors(id)
id int
carmake varchar
2011 May 27
Unable to Plot using headers.
Hello List!
Thank you for your input so far. I have successfully imported my data
into R but have hit a snag in plotting. Simple plot commands are unable
to find my headers when I try and plot my data on an x/y scatter.
My data is a 2 column 8000 row table (saved as .txt file) imported into
>demand=read.delim("C:\\Documents and Settings\\E066582\\My
2001 Mar 22
lazy evaluation and DUP=F
I am having some difficulty understanding the implication of lazy evaluation mixed
with DUP=F in a .Fortran call. In qr.qty from base DUP is not used as an argument so
defaults to T. I am calling qr.qty with a very large array and would like to set
DUP=F in the .Fortran call so that qr.qty would be defined as copied below. Is there
some risk that a variable used as the argument in the original
2004 Jan 30
Two apparent bugs in aov(y~ *** -1 + Error(***)), with suggested (PR#6510)
I think there are two bugs in aov() that shows up when the right hand
side of `formula' contains both `-1' and an Error() term, e.g.,
aov(y ~ a + b - 1 + Error(c), ...). Without `-1' or `Error()' there
is no problem. I've included and example, and the source of aov()
with suggested fixes below.
The first bug (labeled BUG 1 below) creates an extra, empty stratum
2014 Mar 14
Replying to Posts
On Thu, March 13, 2014 15:32, Kevin Larsen wrote:
>> On 13/3/14 6:27 pm, Eric Wieling wrote:
>> > This is an example of why I top post. Who wrote what?
+1-1 = 0
I do not care about where people put their replies so long as I can figure out
who is answering what. What I do not like to read is this interminable
religious dogma about the 'natural' order of
2004 Feb 02
Two apparent bugs in aov(y~ *** -1 + Error(***)), with (PR#6520)
I believe you are right, but can you please explain why anyone would want
to fit this model? It differs only in the coding from
aov(y ~ a + b + Error(c), data=test.df)
and merely lumps together the top two strata.
There is a much simpler fix: in the line
if(intercept) nmstrata <- c("(Intercept)", nmstrata)
remove the condition (and drop the empty stratum later if you
2002 May 30
se.contrast: matrix contrast.obj doesn't work as documented (PR#1613)
The man page for se.contrast, when describing the contrast.obj
parameter, states that "Multiple contrasts should be specified
by a matrix as returned by contrasts."
When doing an unbalanced single factor ANOVA, using a contrast.obj
as returned by contrasts results in the following error from
qr.qty when se.contrast is called:
Error in qr.qty(object$qr, contrast) : qr and y must have
2012 Dec 03
qr.qy and qr.qty give an error message when y is integer and LAPACK=TRUE
With this example
A <- matrix(runif(40), nrow = 8)
y <- 1:nrow(A)
A.laqr <- qr(A, LAPACK=TRUE)
both qr.qy(A.laqr,y) and qr.qty(A.laqr,y) give the respective error messages
Error in qr.qy(A.laqr, y) : 'b' must be a numeric matrix
Error in qr.qty(A.laqr, y) : 'b' must be a numeric matrix
However when Lapack is not used as in
A.liqr <- qr(A,
2008 Feb 28
change drop down list to radio buttons
In my RoR app I would like to change a drop down list, which dispays a
list of colors selected from the database. Instead I would like to
create a radio button for each color. The user is allowed to check one
color and this will be saved back into the database as the color for
this user.
I don''t know how to do this. Currently it looks like this:
<%= select(:user, :color_id,
2006 Jan 10
Can somebody explain when to reload an ActiveRecord
Hi all,
I''ve the following test method in my controller_test which increment the
''qty'' attribute in a has_many association, ''sa_report_products''. The
''item_count'' method returns the sum of all qty''s in ''sa_report_products'':
def test_add_product_to_report
sa_rpt = SaReport.find(1)
assert_equal 3,
2010 Mar 12
simple plot in ggplot2, wrong error bars
I was wondering if anyone could help me with this, simple problem.
I am essentially following the example on Hadley's webpage
(http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/geom_errorbar.html), but it still doesn't make any
sense to me.
df <- data.frame(trt = factor(c("intact", "intact", "removed", "removed")),
coon = c(0.093, 0.06, 0.057, 0.09), group =
2011 May 27
FW: FW: Unable to Plot using headers (converting to Numeric)
I tried command
as.numeric(Qty) #converting column"Qty" in object "demand" to
numeric. However it remains a non-numeric value.
What is the best way to convert a column of data to a numeric value in
What is the best way to convert dates into a numeric format (or some
format able to be used in an x,y scatter) while still maintaining its
inherent "date" property?
2009 May 27
Sale, pop and product
I couldn''t find a better word for pop, but let''s go:
There are 3 models: sale, pop and product
A sale can have many different products, each one has a quantity and
discount associated.
So each sale has_many :products through => pops
And each product has_many :sales
2006 Jul 13
can''t convert true into integer
I have a method:
? def reduceProuctInventoryBy(product_id, reduction)
? ? t=Product.find(:first, :conditions =>["id = ?", product_id])
? ? t.qty=(t.qty-reduction)
? ? t.save
? end
and the model:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
? validates_presence_of :qty, :specialDescription
? validates_numericality_of :qty
but when i run my method, I get this:
2011 May 27
FW: Unable to Plot using headers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Struckmeier, Nathanael
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 1:39 PM
To: 'stephen's mailinglist account'
Subject: RE: [R] Unable to Plot using headers.
Thanks for the input. Despite both graphing directly and with "attach" I
am still getting a screwed up graphical output as well as an error.
My table is object "demand" w/ columns Date and