similar to: How to call a model object method for validation?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "How to call a model object method for validation?"

2007 Jan 18
Conditional validates_inclusion_of execution problem
All, I have a field that I''m validating with validates_numericality_of on as well as validates_inclusion_of, like so: validates_numericality_of :number_of_owners, :only_integer => true, :message => ''must be a whole number'' validates_inclusion_of :number_of_owners, :in => 1..3,
2006 Dec 15
Why won't Rails update my object attributes?
Here''s the issue: When I submit a form for updating, @person.update_attributes doesn''t work. But the next nested clause for updating images DOES work. How is that possible? However no matter what I do the Person object will not change its attributes. def edit @person = Person.find(params[:id]) if @person.update_attributes(params[:person])
2007 Mar 13
validates_inclusion_of disabling
Hello all. I have a problem using validates_inclusion_of. I need to switch off some validations during a migration period, is there a way? I tried to use if, with a static method of one of my models, but the behaviour is something strange It seems that the static method should be in a string to be evaluated. And the order of the elements in the if is counting... :if => (:some_field
2006 May 26
Using ''validates_inclusion_of'' to validate foreign key
I seem to be missing something trying to use ''validates_inclusion_of'' to validate a foreign key and was hoping some one could piont out my mistake? The problem seems to be that Order.find_all.collect is not returning an array that contains the order_id, if I replace it with a hardcoded array everything works as expected. The model: class OrderItem < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Apr 08
Calling validates_inclusion_of out of default namespace
Hi, I''m trying to run the "validates_inclusion_of" method in a before_save hook, because the range is dependant on the related data. But I can''t figure out how to call it. When calling it normally, it says it can''t find it. I''ve tried several combinations like "ActiveRecord::Validations.validates_inclusion_of", but I can''t seem to
2007 May 01
Problem validating boolean
Hi I''ve got a problem validating a boolean and I can''t see what the problem is. Here''s my model: class FinanceAgreement < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :asset validates_presence_of :finance_company validates_inclusion_of :balance, :in => 0.01..10_000_000 validates_inclusion_of :term, :in => 1..600 validates_numericality_of
2011 Feb 16
validates_inclusion_of with range on ruby 1.9
I found out today that Range#include? behaves differently on 1.9 than on 1.8 ( ) In order to deal with various edge cases, instead of just checking whether range.first <= value <= range.last, in ruby 1.9 include? steps through all the values in the range, checking for equality. This is of course a lot slower - in my case, checking a date
2007 Jan 17
rake test and validates_inclusion_of
Hello, I am just starting off with Rails, so I apologize in advance if there is a terribly obvious answer to my problem. I''ve done some searching and found similar problems to my own, but nothing which yielded a solution. I have a handful of models that I am unit testing. The tests for each unit run successfully, but when I do a rake test, many of the tests fail. The assertions that
2007 Jul 06
validations of "type" when using Single Table Inheritance
Sorry if I''m just dumbing out, but is there a reason that when using Single Table Inheritance Rails doesn''t really validate the "type" field or provide some mechanism to do so? seems like a good way to corrupt a database. Because the "type" is also a special attribute, I had to resort to an ugly hack like: class ActiveRecord::Base def type_attr
2006 Feb 14
confusion with validates_inclusion_of
It appears that if your trying to use validates_inclusion_of for a string value allow_nil wont work. For example, if I have an attribute :year which is stored as a varchar then: validates_inclusion_of :year, :in => "1980", allow_nil=>true will successfully validate the range but will not allow an empty input field to be submitted. However, if :year is
2007 Oct 13
Chapter 9
Hello, I''m currently stunk on this issue for few days and I do not know how to get it fixed. The system always raises this error message : order is closed and here is my order.rb: class Order < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveMerchant::Billing before_validation :set_status attr_protected :id, :customer_ip, :status, :error_message, :updated_at, :created_at attr_accessor
2009 Jan 12
validates_presence_of fails with false boolean
This almost feels like a bug to me, since false is not nil. (i don''t think!) Using v_p_o on a boolean field fails validation if the field is passed with ''false''. It passes validation in the case of true. How can I validate _presence_of a boolean if it is submitted false? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2009 Jun 24
At my wits end ! Controlling passed in negative values from a form
Hi, I am trying to validate a numeric value passed in from a form, which is saved in a MySQL db as decimal(9,2) Now problem is I need to ensure people don''t enter a form value like -. 003. In my validations, I have a validates_numericality_of check being done. Furthermore, in validate method, I have a check using an if statement such as : ((an_object[n].nil? or an_object[n] < 0) and
2005 Feb 09
[DEFECT] ''validates_inclusion_of'' not working as expected (couldn''t post to Trac as it gave me an error)
Hello, I tried to post this as a bug on the trac site, but whenever I hit submit, I got the error message: --- Precondition Failed The precondition on the request for the URL /newticket evaluated to false. --- Anyway... Let''s say I have the following model classes: --- class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :tasks end class Task < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to
2006 Nov 20
Getting started with ActiveMerchant & new Ecommerce book
Hi there I''ve got a copy of the ''Beginning Ruby on Rails Ecommerce'' book and am trying to integrate ActiveMerchant into my app. My order.rb file has the line: ''include ActiveMerchant::Billing'' per the book. My Order model also has, amongst other things, the following validation: '' validates_inclusion_of :billing_country, :in =>
2007 Feb 26
boolean db fields set to false fail validation with validates_presence_of?
I have a model that contains a :boolean field. In my view, I have a simple select of Yes or No, which equates to true or false, respectively. If I choose yes and save, everything works great. If I choose no, my model fails validation as I have this set as a required field using validates_presence_of. I have checked the log and it''s definitely set to false, why would this fail validation?
2006 Aug 14
Plugins: Validation Reflection and Client-Side Validation
I''ve just put two plugins on RubyForge. Included below are the READMEs. You can get the plugins at svn:// svn:// Michael Validation Reflection ===================== Version 0.2, 2006-08-06 This plugin adds reflective access to validations -
2012 Nov 02
custom validation method on nested model
I can''t get the field_with_errors div''s to wrap around nested fields in a fields_for block when using a custom validation method in the parent model. e.g. there needs to be at least one order detail record associated with an order. I add the error to the parent model errors hash however I can''t get the key to match the form field so that the wrapping div''s
2008 Jul 17
problems with validation on STI
I have the following STI table: def self.up create_table :distributions do |t| t.string :type t.integer :simulation_id t.string :dist_name t.string :desc, :default=> ''fixed'' t.float :param1, :default => 5.0 t.float :param2, :param3 t.timestamps #fields for RscDist t.integer :resource_id #fields for LoadDist
2006 Mar 09
why do i not get error warning from validation?
Hello there, I just switched my religion to Rails :) I''m confused of error_messages_for .. isn''t it impossible to by pass validation from its model ? How come I don''t get error warning while i gave validates_inclusion_of :category_id, :in => 1..5 in my model ? is there any possibilities unwittingly that our form by pass our validation that we''ve declared in